What God Is.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
Divine presence is associated with light. All light originates from the sun. The sun is natural -- not supernatural. Light is natural -- not mystical. The sun provides heat. The heat melted the ice caps and made great oceans. Water conducts electricity providing energy for the Earth. Electricity is found in all living things. All living things need the warmth of the sun to live. The energy from the sun perpetuates life. We are all connected to this one source of energy, and this source of energy permeates through all creation. Therefore, we are one with all creation. Through light and energy, magnetism is formed. It is electromagnetism that connects everything in creation. Magnetism pushes and pulls by positive and negative forces.

But, are these natural forces really God? No. They are just natural forces. Early peoples believed the sun to be god, because they couldn't explain the rising and setting and resurrection of the sun. The sun became the god in the heavens, and its imagery also became hell.

The idea of the trinity came from the three natural forces of light, electricity and magnetism. Gravity is what holds us to the Earth. Creation is symmetric from opposite forces. Religionists call these opposing forces 'temptation' when in reality, they're not tempting anyone, these forces are only balancing the universe.

There is no god but electricity.
Medicine Woman said:
Divine presence is associated with light. All light originates from the sun. The sun is natural -- not supernatural. Light is natural -- not mystical. The sun provides heat. The heat melted the ice caps and made great oceans. Water conducts electricity providing energy for the Earth. Electricity is found in all living things. All living things need the warmth of the sun to live. The energy from the sun perpetuates life. We are all connected to this one source of energy, and this source of energy permeates through all creation.

No, it does not. Most of the universe is probably quite dark.

The idea of the trinity came from the three natural forces of light, electricity and magnetism.

This is absolute BS. The idea of the trinity has been around far longer than the knowledge that the electro-magnetic force is a one of the fundamental forces. Also, light is not a force.

There is no god but electricity.

Electricity in no way fits what God is meant to describe. Electricity is electricity. God is a thing that, at the minimum, should probably do one of the following:

-Create the universe
-Permeate the entire universe

Electricity has neither of these properties.
erk: without a spark of electricity you wouild be but a shell if that, every thought you have every movement you make needs electricity.
do you walk upside down, because you certainly talk out of you arse.

and a very good and well thought out post MW.
audible: erk: without a spark of electricity you wouild be but a shell if that, every thought you have every movement you make needs electricity. do you walk upside down, because you certainly talk out of you arse.

and a very good and well thought out post MW.
M*W: Thanks, audi!
audible said:
erk: without a spark of electricity you wouild be but a shell if that, every thought you have every movement you make needs electricity.
do you walk upside down, because you certainly talk out of you arse.

and a very good and well thought out post MW.

What are you talking about? I never claimed that I could function, or even exist, without electricity. Perhaps you failed to actually read my post. I essentially said that electricity is not God.

Instead of making ad-hom attacks, why don't you quote what I said and why it was wrong?
erk so you also think your the only person who can read, there was nothing in your post that had an ounce of intelligence, and the only spark of intelligence, came when you needed to defend yourself, I quote: I never claimed that I could function, or even exist, without electricity. (then god cant either can he )
which proves your first post to be utter BS.
Is isn't.

Interesting. But God is also no-thing. There are plenty of triads to which the Trinity has been compared.

In the meantime, you bring me to mind of a blast from the past. Nearly five years old, and one of my purest:

"When we say that God is something, are we also saying there is something It is not?"

Among Christians, it seems there is this vague idea that God is omnipotent, infinitely good, ad nauseum. Icons and poetry describe the nature and appearance of God. It is all, of course, for naught. But when we say something is something, what happens to those things it isn't? This rarely becomes relevant, except that God is supposed to be everything.

If God is a booming voice, what is silence? If God is everything, what is nothing? If God is a destination, what is the rest of the landscape?

Or, if you prefer: Stand at the geographic north pole, on the axis. Draw a circle of any diameter on the ground (in the ice, snow, whatever), with its locus on the axis point. Now, are you inside or outside the circle? (Any point on a perceived sphere works for this illustration.)

By calling God that locus, you eliminate all other points. By calling God that circle, you eliminate one grouping or the other.
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I wouldn't say electricty is God but rather it's our soul. God would be more along the lines of the original of all atoms that exist in everything, whatever we may find it out to be through quantum physics.

- N
audible said:
erk so you also think your the only person who can read, there was nothing in your post that had an ounce of intelligence, and the only spark of intelligence, came when you needed to defend yourself, I quote: I never claimed that I could function, or even exist, without electricity. (then god cant either can he )
which proves your first post to be utter BS.

This is complete nonsense.

My first post was critical of identifying God with electricity, and a comment on the trinity/forces, which isn't really central to M*W's original post anyway.

Once again, instead of saying "what you said is BS", please *actually quote me* and then explain why you disagree with what I said.

Also, you agree my 'defense' was intelligent; however, all I said was how your post didn't make any sense. And you agree with that? How humorous.
having read all the posts.
theErk: unfortunate, I tend to agree with audible's first reply which answer yours quite clearly.
he did not need to quote you, it was quite obvious.
and in his second reply he points out your error, and quotes you with this
theErk said:
I never claimed that I could function, or even exist, without electricity.
and then you say he has'nt quoted you, and you never once said his post made no sense, so to me your are quite clearly, doing what audible said.
and a spark of intelligence, is like a flash in the pan, an instant , a once in a lifetime, moment.
when a monkey plays, with a type writer, it's bound to get one word right, which appears like intelligence, let's hope you not that monkey.
Our "bodies" use electricity but not our souls. I have had intellecual thought before i was even born. Which is why God exists. Because there is other planes upon this entity. We are just blind to them.
camphips:complete bs
are you delusional, your religious you must be, you believe in fantasy figures.
please feel free to elaborate this god theory and prove it.
try without using the bible.
have you got fairys, at the end of your garden.
the preacher said:
having read all the posts.
theErk: unfortunate, I tend to agree with audible's first reply which answer yours quite clearly.
he did not need to quote you, it was quite obvious.
and in his second reply he points out your error, and quotes you with this and then you say he has'nt quoted you, and you never once said his post made no sense, so to me your are quite clearly, doing what audible said.
and a spark of intelligence, is like a flash in the pan, an instant , a once in a lifetime, moment.
when a monkey plays, with a type writer, it's bound to get one word right, which appears like intelligence, let's hope you not that monkey.

He was only quoting what I claimed (rightfully so) I never actually said.

How can you agree with his first reply, when it was a complete non-sequiter? His first reply basically assumes I said something to the effect of "I don't need electricity to live", which, of course, I never said. All I said was that the identification of God with electricity is not valid, and gave my reasoning behind it.
Jesus. Let's get this cleared up. What exactly in this post here:
TheERK said:
No, it does not. Most of the universe is probably quite dark.
This is absolute BS. The idea of the trinity has been around far longer than the knowledge that the electro-magnetic force is a one of the fundamental forces. Also, light is not a force.
Electricity in no way fits what God is meant to describe. Electricity is electricity. God is a thing that, at the minimum, should probably do one of the following:
-Create the universe
-Permeate the entire universe
Electricity has neither of these properties.
Is this;
audible said:
erk: without a spark of electricity you wouild be but a shell if that, every thought you have every movement you make needs electricity.
do you walk upside down, because you certainly talk out of you arse.
...replying to? Seriously.
halcyon your to religious, you MUST see a god as more than electricity.
erk said:
No, it does not. Most of the universe is probably quite dark.
This is absolute BS. The idea of the trinity has been around far longer than the knowledge that the electro-magnetic force is a one of the fundamental forces. Also, light is not a force.
you would like a reply, other then the ones, you recieved already.
the trinity was written by man, a few thousend years ago.
where as the power of lighting and fire etc have been known for as long as there has been life on this planet( these are forces).
erk said:
Electricity in no way fits what God is meant to describe. Electricity is electricity. God is a thing that,
if existing made up of electrical impulses, and as he does'nt exist, then he is only an electical impulse in your brain.
erk said:
at the minimum, should probably do one of the following:
-Create the universe
-Permeate the entire universe
of course a big bang caused by electrical impulses.
so as I see it you replies( yes Seriously) have been correct, I am an atheist.
so dont see your god as you do, therefore we should agree to disagree.
Dreamwalker: Is that a legitimate reason to worship a computer?
M*W: Yes it is, but the Computer is only one part of the Trinity, Three Appliances in One, not just three different appliances, but Three in One. The Trinity is of course made up of the Computer, the Microwave Oven, and the Big Screen TV. The Big Screen TV is, of course, God, the Computer is the only begotten Son of God, and the Microwave Oven is the Holy Spirit, that makes it all possible. One is not greater than the other, and together, all three make life complete as they have been created for our salvation. Praise God! Amen.
Some well thought out ideas, but bothering to spend energy contemplating "God(s)" ultimately has about as much relevance to reality as debating what color thong Thor would like to see Santa Claus wearing! (Uhhh, now there is a nice image!)
Gravity: Some well thought out ideas, but bothering to spend energy contemplating "God(s)" ultimately has about as much relevance to reality as debating what color thong Thor would like to see Santa Claus wearing! (Uhhh, now there is a nice image!)
M*W: After I left Chri$tianity but before I joined sciforums, I continued to believe in a higher power. Now that I've been a member of sciforums for about three years, I have come to realize that there is no higher power that created the universe. At best, it was a random act of randomness. One day I simply woke up and realized (finally!) that there is no God, and I set out to prove it. I have proven it in my own mind, and now I hope to explain my findings to others.

Saying that God is electricity, I hope to get the attention of those who still believe in supernatural god(s) so they can replace that image with mine. I believe it takes time for one to finally realize there is no god, so until that time, they need to envision god as being a natural phenomen instead of a supernatural one.

Sometime during the "Big Bang" which I believe we are still spinning around in (i.e. r-evolution), the elements evolved (i.e. as opposed to being 'created'). On the earth, air, fire and water came to be, and electricity (i.e. El, Eloh, Al, Allah, Helios, Sol) was formed and lightning was born. The ice caps melted, the seas were warmed, and through the elements, weather recreated the earth's form. Lightning may have sparked life to develop in the oceans, and that life evolved onto land. The rest is history, but there was no god that created all of this. The only way 'god(s)' came to be were from the early people's imagination so they could understand the elements. If I were to explain 'god', I would say that 'god' is a misnomer. It's just a derivation of the early English word 'good.' Our universe is 'good', but it's not God!
fahrenheit 451 said:
halcyon your to religious, you MUST see a god as more than electricity.
Damn. I am in no way even the slightest bit religiously inclined. Please tell me what in my post you based your assumption on, if anything, and please be coherent this time.