What Duty is there of life? Per God or others

Well the instincts give a purpose to even the ameoba.

They give function to the amoeba. Purpose can only be given by a sapient life form. Function is pure mechanics.

I like the method you used here, as what it does is share a physical application to the intent of life.

Like the instinct we see of mammals; in most every action they make. When life exists upon mass, the current idea is heat goes to cold (a reductionary frame) the reality is, it is quite opposite.

I don't quite understand what you are saying. Perhaps a paraphrase will help.

That's the next chapter to mankind. "What is life"

to me, i call it; "mass (you and me; mankind) comprehending its existence"

That has a degree if circumstantial accuracy for humans... but doesn't fit the bill for all life forms.

sun good.... the current laws are a weee bit antiquated!

I don't think the concept of antiquated can be applied to the laws of physics. Sometimes people's knowledge / understading of physics can be antiquated of course.

point being existence (mother nature) only operates ONE way. Mankind has been trying to define what this 'it' is with words/math/symbols/art. Mankind created words etc.... and that knowledge is evolving.

I'm not sure if evolving is the right word, but we are certaininly gaining alot in terms of breadth and accuracy of knowledge.

Function is for 'created' things; even if a mathematical constituent

I don't think I've ever seen the word function be linked to a sapient cause.

and why i asked 'religion' to even be what each person thinks

OR other......

it seems if people know the 'purpose' of life, then each can realize life in duty, responsible to action, caused, and the intent of each choice; in awareness (by knowledge bound to reality)

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying but one thing is for certain. The concept of purpose doesn't apply to life.

tough to stop breathing, by choice;

Suicide is a fact of life.

no matter the state of mind

life's instinct is a pretty tough cookie

that instinct can be drilled down to the quantum level, irregardless to the what the law says

Even so, many people choose not to have children; thus, ending their line of persistence.

here is an idea;

a dead person is all the same mass, but the lights are out!

idea: the 'life' is the energy of the specimen not the conscious state.

Heck, sleeping is a state of no "i" in awareness.

The idea has a flaw. A dead person doesn't have the same configuration of mass that a living person has. Misconfiguration won't result in work being performed correctly and eventually every functional component ceases to function.
well if you believe in evolution, then you have common sense evidence to show you life has 'abused' entropy for a long long long time (it DID NOT equilibriate)
It doesn't need to equilibrate: the Earth is not a closed system.

point being; the law is broken all day long but you do not associate scientific compehension to everyday usage.
No it isn't.

And still you avoid showing where your links support your contention.

...what is the 'duty' or intent of living things; whether of our choices or what is observed in nature?

To become self-realised.

Does the duty come from God?

No, it comes from understanding what must, and should be done, to achieve the goal.

Does the duty come from mother nature?


What duty is there of life?

To become self-realised.
All the rules and regulations, the worship of God, helps the individual to
regulate sense activety, to keep the mind clear and focused. This is
the point of real religion.

They give function to the amoeba. Purpose can only be given by a sapient life form. Function is pure mechanics.

it is easy to see your point and difficult to believe that people do not comprehend life has purpose; to continue!

I don't quite understand what you are saying. Perhaps a paraphrase will help.
That life has purpose by how energy and mass associate.

The old ideology is energy will equilibriate; the truth is quite opposite.

That has a degree if circumstantial accuracy for humans... but doesn't fit the bill for all life forms.
if we 'evolved' from the weee little single cell, be certain the law is uniform accross all life.

Consciousness is only unique in that we are the only thing in existense that can do random by choice. But fact is, the instinct to continue (survive) is built in; the choice to be selfish idiots is learned!

I don't think the concept of antiquated can be applied to the laws of physics. Sometimes people's knowledge / understading of physics can be antiquated of course.
There is only ONE law of physics, that is used across the board and stupid as it was incorporated into the based qubit of energy; the second law of thermodynamics.

The first law in itself, makes the second moot!

The second is for the period of steam engines but was incorporated into planck's constant.
I'm not sure if evolving is the right word, but we are certaininly gaining alot in terms of breadth and accuracy of knowledge.

I see the evolution of knowledge, as a reality. Look at it: environment governs, the 'good' survives, the old antiquated becomes extinct.

Just like the living species as the newly created words either survive over time, or they do not but often a root can assist in building another.

To observe knowledge evolving is huge to a growing mind!
I don't think I've ever seen the word function be linked to a sapient cause.
perhaps google (define: function)

or ask a math person; "conjuction junction, what's thaaaaaaaat funnnnnction'

the next line should be: "hooking up phrases and clauses"
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying but one thing is for certain. The concept of purpose doesn't apply to life.
then i view your interpretation as limiting itself.

All instinctive life has a purpose; to continue. Whether eating, breathing or just making whoooopie............... it all falls into its purpose to continue.

Once a life is born; it is purposed to continue.

Perhaps consider that; the law of nature!

Suicide is a fact of life.
perhaps in your family

but i would consider suicide as normal as gaydom

Even so, many people choose not to have children; thus, ending their line of persistence.
as instinctively, the body is born to procreate; hence male/female.......... but we already addressed the reality of our species having choice.

It is why, people can be stubborn and not think, by choice!

The idea has a flaw. A dead person doesn't have the same configuration of mass that a living person has.
what changed?


Can you asnwer that?

Misconfiguration won't result in work being performed correctly and eventually every functional component ceases to function.

When you can understand a simple metabolic process at the molecular level, then you would know already; that life abuses entropy.

But now you see why your logic is flawed; you don't know what life is upon mass.

it is the same problem across the globe!
It doesn't need to equilibrate: the Earth is not a closed system.
so literally, that means; there is no closed system possible on earth!

i know that is tough for you to understand!

No it isn't.
see what i mean; you don't use your own mind to just be honest.

to put on a jacket is breaking the law

as the law say; to equilibriate

but you choose not too
And still you avoid showing where your links support your contention.


use that one!

the world is at your fingertips with that one.

If you read, you can understand.

If you want someone to tell you how to think; then go to church or stay within the antiquated educational material of the 19th century.

You problem is, that unless someone you trust tells you how to think; you will hold onto your ignorance as law.

it's a common psychosis with the religious too!
so literally, that means; there is no closed system possible on earth!
And your point would be...?

If you want someone to tell you how to think; then go to church or stay within the antiquated educational material of the 19th century.
You problem is, that unless someone you trust tells you how to think; you will hold onto your ignorance as law.
it's a common psychosis with the religious too!
So you still can't illustrate your point?
Yep, I can see the psychosis.
Stubborn repetition of the same thing over and over again, without explanation.

To become self-realised.

to observe life from "beginning to ending" i could see that applying!

but a dog is not becoming self realised during its tenure; that is what the life of choice is doing within the evolution of knowledge (mankind; sentient; concious)
No, it comes from understanding what must, and should be done, to achieve the goal.

and i will bet the best rule across the board is 'be honest'

as no rule binds mankind to ignorance except the ones created by mankind.

OK............ we have your opinion!

To become self-realised.
All the rules and regulations, the worship of God, helps the individual to
regulate sense activety, to keep the mind clear and focused. This is
the point of real religion.


What religion is that.......?

Are you Christian

Mark 10: 17And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

seems to me, the guy said; i ain't perfect and you know the rules yourself; follow them.

and not a one is talking about homage; they say BE RESPONSIBLE for your actions

and if you loooooooook reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal close; THOU MAYEST NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS!

There is NO right to misleading or fibbing.....................

So either you know what you are talking about or you don't and just full of it!
And your point would be...?
the second is moot............ (impossible to perform in fact with the current physics)

eg.............. until gravity itself is defined; most everything in physics is off!

a fact, you need to deal with
So you still can't illustrate your point?

i do, but like above; you sling comments about laws and do not comprehend the implications.

eg... if the earth is not closed, then nothing on earth can be a closed system; therefore the law CANNOT BE PERFORMED; in fact!

it only takes honesty to just accept reality when it slaps you in the face

the rest of your inquiry could be on the internet to provide you will all the evidence you could ever want.

first step is being straight with yourself

the continuous issue between you and i oli is your lack of depth and integrity bound into your selfishness

you don't want to know all the while enjoying what you do; trolling!

to observe life from "beginning to ending" i could see that applying!

Such observation is not "self-realisation".

but a dog is not becoming self realised during its tenure; that is what the life of choice is doing within the evolution of knowledge (mankind; sentient; concious)

This is where reincarnation enters into the discussion.

and i will bet the best rule across the board is 'be honest'

Honesty is not a rule, it is the way things actually are.

..as no rule binds mankind to ignorance except the ones created by mankind.

If the people enforcing the rules are honest, and intelligent, those rules will not bind mankind, it will have the opposite effect.

What religion is that.......?

That is the religion from God, to mankind.
The essence of which can be found in scriptures

Are you Christian

Not really, no.

...seems to me, the guy said; i ain't perfect and you know the rules yourself; follow them.

Seems to me he is saying this is the standard one has to be, before he could
begin to truly understand the questions posed, and what actual goodness IS.

...and not a one is talking about homage; they say BE RESPONSIBLE for your actions

It would be silly to talk of doing wheelies before one learns to ride a bicycle:
The individual learning to ride a bicycle is ultimately resonpsible for his/her actions regarding learning.

and if you loooooooook reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal close; THOU MAYEST NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS!

I'm sure you have a point, I just not sure what it is.

then prove it

i said you can't build a perfect vacuum and you said 'wrong'

then prove it..

kind of like, i post a postulate that is a universal fact in the sciences and you said


now do you see why i consider you just a troll.......... you truly have no clue and just like tapping keys

both me and the majority of the educated know it is impossible to build a perfect vacuum

but you said 'wrong' without a single iota of material to except your own ignorant opinion.

it is a perfect example of how you work during your trolling expeditions

Also wrong.
again............. another dumb comment

meaning; since gravity is defined incorrectly in today's physics, many have performed mathematical predictions to define the galaxies.

they create models and computer simulations with the predictions and parameters but CONCLUSIVELY the evidence shares that what they see from astronomy does not fit the models created by the math and the mathematicians then "created", black holes, dark energy, dark matter and a whole host of stupid predictions like; "all elements came from stars", when in fact, they make new ones in the labs all over the world (eg.. einsteinium)

when you can show me something to prove my statements wrong, then post them; otherwise you are just quacking away, as oooooooooooooooosual!

I rest my case.

your brain is at rest loli....................
Such observation is not "self-realisation".
self realisation is when 'mass (mankind) can comprehend its existence' (the true meaning of 'born again')

This is where reincarnation enters into the discussion.
no such thing as purported in the religious ideas.

meaning; no person takes their memories to some magical place to be reborn. You memories are affixed to the body; alzheimers PROVES this FACT!

Honesty is not a rule, it is the way things actually are.
Honesty is the only real choice you MUST maintain.

Any person who believes they have a right to lie, is a piece of do do, to me!

If the people enforcing the rules are honest, and intelligent, those rules will not bind mankind, it will have the opposite effect.

each person should enforce themselves first (be honest)

as then there is no need for enforcers (as then equality can run the show)

That is the religion from God, to mankind.
then answer the question; "what religion is that?"

The essence of which can be found in scriptures

what about surah, sankrit, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc..... the globe of per se 'scriptures'....................? Are all other contributions 'just wrong'?

Not really, no.

Seems to me he is saying this is the standard one
like be honest?

has to be, before he could
begin to truly understand the questions posed, and what actual goodness IS.

see instinct for 'purpose' of life; as the rest are created ideals (away from the garden)

It would be silly to talk of doing wheelies before one learns to ride a bicycle:
The individual learning to ride a bicycle is ultimately resonpsible for his/her actions regarding learning.

exactly....... start with being honest, then learn

it is the fibs and misdirectioning of a persons mind caused by the liars that has this world upside-down!

I'm sure you have a point, I just not sure what it is.


be honest before ever misrepresenting what is not known; be responsible for your actions

it's your choice, not mine and that choice will rule over beliefs, every time!
Learn to read.
That's not what I said.
not verbatim but it is exactly what it meant

such as below, you do not know the truth, you only know what is believed

as i say... 'gravity' in today's physics is NOT defined or understood and a reason today's physics (paradigm) is off............. Over the course of me being on this site, this is a consistent reality from me

but when i say gravity is defined wrong in current physics then share 'created' BS (black holes, dark junk) your comment is

your comment is

More nonsense from you?

and these types of comments show just how little you really know

it does not matter where in the physics frame you look, the comprehension of 'gravity' is and has always been a 'missing link'................

Now to answer any other way except to agree, to that last line of FACT; then you simply an uneducated person quacking at the lips


oli, you are out of your league!

perhaps stick to the threads you are in rather than paddling around in circles
not verbatim but it is exactly what it meant
You see?
That's your problem, you don't read what is written you read what you want to see.
It is not what I meant.

as i say... 'gravity' in today's physics is NOT defined or understood and a reason today's physics (paradigm) is off.............
Make your mind up, you stated -
since gravity is defined incorrectly in today's physics
So is it not defined or is it defined incorrectly?
And I suppose YOU have a correct definition?

Now to answer any other way except to agree, to that last line of FACT; then you simply an uneducated person quacking at the lips
I suppose you can show that to be a fact?
But of course you won't...

oli, you are out of your league!
Yeah, right.:rolleyes:
You see?
That's your problem, you don't read what is written you read what you want to see.
It is not what I meant.
then why not write what you meant?

Make your mind up, you stated -
So is it not defined or is it defined incorrectly?
And I suppose YOU have a correct definition?

the 'gravity' of physics is wrong. (standard model, particle, QM..etc...)

yep....... FACT!

And that is not just me, but from Newton to Einstein and all the particle spinners on the globe (even the spinning ducks)............. all know that gravity is incorrectly defined in physics

the issue is not whether the statement is true, it is whether a guy like you has the integrity and depth to be able to understand the statement

that is what i have done to you over and over; put statements that are fact and you just don't have enough to understand them (neither of integrity or knowledge)

I suppose you can show that to be a fact?
But of course you won't...
why ask me?

you don't believe me and why i keep pointing you to material on the net so you can learn for yourself.

it is why i keep sharing your 'beliefs' are all messed up duuuude.

Just because a vast amount of people believe something, does not make it true!

Perhaps look into the science section, the thread on Entanglement by Michael Brooks.... there is some material to read up on.

Perhaps try something from Russia:

[PPT] Энтропия квантового перепутывания и гравитационная постоянная
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML

DF: entanglement entropy in a quantum gravity theory can be measured solely in ... there is a deep connection between quantum entanglement and gravity which ...
quarks.inr.ac.ru/presentations/fursaev_d.ppt -

i am not here to do your homework, as well when i make a statement, perhaps try being able to address exactly what is off

otherwise, get an education before trying to discuss matters with me that you apparently have no idea about.

The thread is on YOUR duty to life:

perhaps what is your opinion on wht your duty is when you open your eyes each day.

please do not say, a born again troll
Exegesis/ eisegesis.:rolleyes:
all this time and you use words to state your case but have nothing to ask

basically, you just said, "i don't understand but still asking for answers"

As stated: there is no duty to life.

but there is and you just don't know it!

ie... and why you don't understand!

i have been on this site a long time and in most every frame of thinking, the reason why many have a hard time is many are unaware of the inconsistancies between reality and what is accepted in the sciences, theologies and even philosophies.

the sciences cannot define what 'life' is upon mass

the religions have never been able to even address life at that level

and people like you, just can't get past this FACT!

I am not mentioning anything that is wrong or bad, or misdirecting, or a fib or even to just be an idiot.

These threads are to assist others in seeing reality at face value and allow each venues to actually see for themselves.

From your best theologist, philosphers or physicist/mathematician; all can learn a bit by being honest with reality and themselves before trying to discredit anything i have to say;

because if one shows up that thinks they can correct me, then please; let them post and make their claims as i actually enjoy to be tested.

but you Oli, are barely a test of patience and do little more than make your lack of education easy to observe.
all this time and you use words to state your case but have nothing to ask
basically, you just said, "i don't understand but still asking for answers"
Nope: I'm saying you're wrong.

but there is and you just don't know it!
Only from your perspective, which is incorrect.

the sciences cannot define what 'life' is upon mass
Neither can you.
All you have is ridiculous belief that you can't support.

because if one shows up that thinks they can correct me, then please
They can't because you consistently ignore everything that you don't agree with and keep posting the same nonsense time after time.

let them post and make their claims as i actually enjoy to be tested.
Again, wrong.
You can't support or back up any of your claims except to repeat your intial assertions.

but you Oli, are barely a test of patience and do little more than make your lack of education easy to observe.
Assumptions again.
Nope: I'm saying you're wrong.
basically trolling

as to state someone is 'wrong' without any reasoning is trolling (why you are branded)

Only from your perspective, which is incorrect.
again, no ability to articulate your claim

Neither can you.
All you have is ridiculous belief that you can't support.
i don't do beliefs to govern my thought; i do the actual work and have supported each item with material to assist you (but you don't read it, other wise you would comment on why the material is not a good supporting submission)

have you ever wondered how peer review works?

people share their evidence and each reviews the material with a bit of integrity

i posted a question on 'duty' of life and you cannot even address your debate

then when i go to the level of physical application, you can't or have no intent to read that material either

They can't because you consistently ignore everything that you don't agree with and keep posting the same nonsense time after time.

this thread is on duty and the thread and comments leads to the reality that life could not evolve unless it 'abuses entropy'

such that to know what evolution is and does, then to understand what the 2LoT means; you would agree as it is basic.

the no sense, is your level of education when debating items at a level that is beyond your awareness

your M/O is exactly like any religious persons; believe before actually knowing.

you jump on the mainstream but really have no clue what any of it means

that is why dealing with the religious folks is so fun to you as you have no problems with picking on unarmed people

well that is what you are to me; unarmed (almost stupid)

Again, wrong.
You can't support or back up any of your claims except to repeat your intial assertions.

i have more data to backup what i say, then every teacher you ever came into contact with during your whole life.

you and i are different because i actually do the work you never even consider it possible.