What Duty is there of life? Per God or others

You have yet to demonstrate how the second law of thermodynamics is wrong.
Despite repeated requests to do so.
perhaps look up green function, gibbs free energy, Fret, evolution, life

the list is huge but you are not educated enough nor have any intent of doing the research

either you are interested in finding reality or you are not

your problem Oli is you believe everyone elses work before making sure it is correct; you are as bad as a religious quack!

One more time: intent is not instinct.

i did not say that; i said instinct has intent (to live)

and since entropy is completely opposite of EVER being able to define instinct, you are just not well enough educated to articulate a question or comment without just being of ad hominen or stupidity.

ie.... you even reversed the idea that "intent is not instinct" when it is the instinct of animals is the intent to live.

it's all pretty basics when you let your integrity be what governs your choices

perhaps you should teach me what integrity is but i bet it is against your instinct to actually think

Non-intelligent, mindless, undirected evolutionary processes, are incapable of generating intent. Hence they cannot generate purpose and hence there is no onus of duty for us to obey.
perhaps look up green function, gibbs free energy, Fret, evolution, life
Once again: you're making the claim, it's up to you to show how this supports your claim.

either you are interested in finding reality or you are not
Either you can back up your statements or you're talking nonsense.

your problem Oli is you believe everyone elses work before making sure it is correct; you are as bad as a religious quack!
Your problem is that you persist in making claims and then expect everyone else to prove your point.

and since entropy is completely opposite of EVER being able to define instinct, you are just not well enough educated to articulate a question or comment without just being of ad hominen or stupidity.
Ad hom?
I merely stated that you have not yet shown your contention to be true.

ie.... you even reversed the idea that "intent is not instinct" when it is the instinct of animals is the intent to live.
Intent is not instinct.
Instinct is not intent.

perhaps you should teach me what integrity is but i bet it is against your instinct to actually think
And to finish off you end with an ad hom.
Once again: you're making the claim, it's up to you to show how this supports your claim.
if you understood the math of gibbs or even the use of FRET, then it is easy to comprehend but like the illness of non-comprehension of even basics, i cannot teach you the english language either

Either you can back up your statements or you're talking nonsense.
i did back up the statement(s) with material that is nonsense to the uneducated....

it is like making a big deal over centrifuges and most of congress don't even know what they are
Your problem is that you persist in making claims and then expect everyone else to prove your point.

i am not asking for your proof, i open threads to observe others opinions; to learn, share and move forward

it is not my fault your comprehension is limited

as well, you know damn well if anyone asked a valid question i dig into them

but your questions and comments are less than good or valid,

for example below is all based on your being stubborn and not anything else
Intent is not instinct.
Instinct is not intent.

instinctive life INTENDS to continue living; fact

life IS: purposed to continue ................ another FACT and to say otherwise, then how about show something of proof, rather than your whining

your whole issue is about me and nothing of the threads

that is why they get so diluted; too many idiots are irresponsible and allowed to impose as they wish (no INTENT or DUTY of doing anything GOOD)
if you understood the math of gibbs or even the use of FRET
So you can't actually back up your contentions?

i cannot teach you the english language either
That's a given.

i did back up the statement(s) with material that is nonsense to the uneducated....
No, you gave links that you claim support your "point" and refuse to show how they do so.

instinctive life INTENDS to continue living; fact
Incorrect: suicide shows you're wrong.
Instinct is negated by intent in that case.

life IS: purposed to continue
Also incorrect and shown to be so in the thread you started on that subject.

your whole issue is about me and nothing of the threads
Incorrect: my issue is with the nonsense you post.
as you don't learn; you simply discount what you don't understand.

that is why i appear irrelevant to you

I knew you couldn't write, but you choose now to prove you also cannot read?

when you can perform in english to define your case, then i will listen; but you offer nothing but cheese and whine


Says the fool who can't even write correctly.

Seriously man, sometimes I think you just post to get a rise out of us actual intelligent folk.

Speaking of, ever notice how you're almost always in the minority on here?

..something to think about.

ie... don't patronize me!
Why not? You do it to everyone else here. Looks like you can dish it out but can’t take it yourself. You’ve called pretty much everyone a fool, ignorant, etc, you have asserted how clever you are and how much more you know than anyone else, and you have been generally disrespectful to everyone. That makes you patronizing, arrogant, and condescending. This doesn’t motivate many to show you any respect.

but the life itself has a purpose; to continue
This is a meaningless statement. Life in the form of the molecules that it comprises is incapable of following a purpose. It simply is and has no purpose.

awe.... so now life is purposed to you?
I’m beginning to realize that your ability to comprehend English is just as atrocious as your ability to write.

as life is "purposed to continue" (once born, the entity intends to continue)
Life alone without a guiding intellect has no ability to generate intent.
So you can't actually back up your contentions?

yes i can and you don't like it

That's a given.

No, you gave links that you claim support your "point" and refuse to show how they do so.
No refusal here and quite opposite; you fail to comprehend based on lack of knowledge. Not my fault, i pointed to mathematical theorem used to show EXACTLY what i said without having to change your whole scientific understanding.

Sorry Oli, but it seems your dancing is lame.
Incorrect: suicide shows you're wrong.
Like i said, people of choice can do the same thing your doing; and don't care about anything but what is rattling thru their brains. (screw up a mind by misinformation; see today's world or even you as the example)

Did you forget 'how' consciousness will allow you to "whack yourself"?

What is "choice"?

Also incorrect and shown to be so in the thread you started on that subject.

i said: life is purposed to continue.

Show me! Otherwise your statement is frivolous

Incorrect: my issue is with the nonsense you post.

and if you cannot show the "non sense", then it is like talking quantum theory to a 5 year of; the majority of the material is not understood because of lack of education.

Remember, i offered material sharing how energy conveys that break the laws as enables you a method to learn what you do not comprehend.

It is you that choices to be complacent. :shrug:
I knew you couldn't write, but you choose now to prove you also cannot read?
that is your comment when i wrote

Originally Posted by Bishadi
as you don't learn; you simply discount what you don't understand.

that is why i appear irrelevant to you

can you show the applicability?

it seems, you are lost in la la land!


Says the fool who can't even write correctly.

Seriously man, sometimes I think you just post to get a rise out of us actual intelligent folk.
not a lick of integrity within this arena

it is why the battles are so consistent; the people you consider intelligent are allowed to abuse any person who comes onto the threads

Speaking of, ever notice how you're almost always in the minority on here?

and how many honorable men/women are in politics?
yes i can and you don't like it
Then do so.

No refusal here and quite opposite; you fail to comprehend based on lack of knowledge. Not my fault, i pointed to mathematical theorem used to show EXACTLY what i said without having to change your whole scientific understanding.
Incorrect, you link to several articles and refuse (still) to show where or how these demonstrate that the second law of thermodynamics is invalid.

Sorry Oli, but it seems your dancing is lame.
So far you're the one with the club foot: put up or shut up.

i said: life is purposed to continue.
Life is not purposed to do anything.
Your own thread showed that you have severe misundesrtandings.

Remember, i offered material sharing how energy conveys that break the laws as enables you a method to learn what you do not comprehend.
And, since those articles, nor anything else, make that claim (it's just you) it is up to YOU to show how the second law is broken.

This is a meaningless statement. Life in the form of the molecules that it comprises is incapable of following a purpose. It simply is and has no purpose.

when you tap a pond, does the action roll thru the surface?
I’m beginning to realize that your ability to comprehend English is just as atrocious as your ability to write.
seems i gets lots of replies, in english too

problem is not the words, but the comprehension is a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too much for the complacent

Life alone without a guiding intellect has no ability to generate intent.


Does a worm, do another worm, just by accident to make baby worms?

nothing too intelligent to comprehend
Then do so.
I did
Incorrect, you link to several articles and refuse (still) to show where or how these demonstrate that the second law of thermodynamics is invalid.

energy conveyed across time/distance with no loss; that is illegal!


the rest is within the very authors mentioned, in their works, their material, the experiments to show YOU

if you are uneducated with the material; then it is YOUR loss

i told you, i already did my homework and since i cannot walk your thru because of your lack of education, then i can't help you!

that is your stubborness!

i said, what the summary is and unless you can rebute with applicable material, then you just trolling away

And, since those articles, nor anything else, make that claim (it's just you)
i understand the math, i understand what the energy is doing, i understand how the mass is reacting, i know how life exists upon mass and in most sciences across the spectrum

i offered you to the depth of mathematical applicability; as for the evidence well that is 'stupid easy'


If life evolved from weeee little single celled things, then it (life) did not die (did not or has not equilibriated); for more years than "entropy" even existed

So the FACT is; life, abused entropy

it is up to YOU to show how the second law is broken.
that is what them frames above PROVE mathematically

the scientist and mathematicians are not talking on the law

they are showing how to confirm experimental evidence with math and since the standard math cannot offer the venue to define what they see; these gentlemen (gibbs/green) enabled a mathematical 'patch' to assist

what they created to define the evidence directly reveals the law is moot

your problem is you don;t have enough between your ears to look it up

this thread is not about 2LOT, it is about your duty to do something with your life
So the FACT is; life, abused entropy

they are showing how to confirm experimental evidence with math and since the standard math cannot offer the venue to define what they see; these gentlemen (gibbs/green) enabled a mathematical 'patch' to assist
So what you call a "patch" is an attempt to cover the second law being broken?

this thread is not about 2LOT, it is about your duty to do something with your life
There is no duty, except for that which each individual assigns themselves.
so you don't believe in evolution?

i see your problem

So what you call a "patch" is an attempt to cover the second law being broken?

laws are laws

if a law is broken, the it must be repealed.

eg............. the 2LoT is based on a closed system; and since no vacuum can be created anywhere in existence, then by default; the law is moot!

but it does work fine to tell someone they should put on a coat when it is cold out-side or how to build a steam engine!

There is no duty, except for that which each individual assigns themselves.

What Duty is there of life?

Per God or others...

so your answer is except for that which each individual assigns themselves


glad we got that straightened out!
Your comprehension is failing you.
if life evolved as often mentioned in science; suggests we all evolved from a little singled celled critter.

well if you believe in evolution, then you have common sense evidence to show you life has 'abused' entropy for a long long long time (it DID NOT equilibriate)

so either you are some magic worshipper or you really do not comprehend the sciences.

so which is it?

But it isn't broken.
if i put a ring in the snow, and put 2 people and one jacket in the ring; no outside influence; will either person put on the jacket?

(the choice alone is not random).......................

point being; the law is broken all day long but you do not associate scientific compehension to everyday usage.

i never said the rock put on the jack without assistance; i said ; life abuses entropy

and you just can't go beyond your education and remain honest about what is true.
The idea is what is the 'duty' or intent of living things; whether of our choices or what is observed in nature?

There is no duty of living things and the intent of living things is dynamic.

Does the duty come from God?

No such life form exists.

Does the duty come from mother nature?

No such life form exists.

What duty is there of life?

Life has no objective duty or purpose. Life has a function. Collect energy and persist.
There is no duty of living things and the intent of living things is dynamic.
what dynamics? are they based on relatations to the envirnment?
No such life form exists.

point taken

No such life form exists.

did life evolve from mother nature (existence itself)?

Life has no objective duty or purpose. Life has a function. Collect energy and persist.

great duty if we give 'it' a name
what dynamics? are they based on relatations to the envirnment?

Intentions often arise out of a desire for a specific result. I might intend to harm you, I might intend to help you, I might intend to distance myself from you, I might intend to heal you, I might intend to educate you, I might intend to belittle you, ... ad infinitum. In other words, intent itself is dynamic (i.e. there is no single intent for a life form).

did life evolve from mother nature (existence itself)?

'Mother nature' is an antropomoprhization of nature. Nature is not sapient nor is it female. Life doesn't evolve from something... evolution descibes how life adapts; however, if your question is how did life (i.e. energy collection machines that persist) begin, the answer is nobody knows for sure. There are probably multiple ways for it to happen; however, two things are clear... we need the sun's energy and we need the laws of physics.

great duty if we give 'it' a name

I'ts not a duty... it's a function. Duty is a personal obligation. You are not obligated to collect energy or persist.
Intentions often arise out of a desire for a specific result.
Well the instincts give a purpose to even the ameoba.

I might intend to harm you, I might intend to help you, I might intend to distance myself from you, I might intend to heal you, I might intend to educate you, I might intend to belittle you, ... ad infinitum. In other words, intent itself is dynamic (i.e. there is no single intent for a life form).

I like the method you used here, as what it does is share a physical application to the intent of life.

Like the instinct we see of mammals; in most every action they make. When life exists upon mass, the current idea is heat goes to cold (a reductionary frame) the reality is, it is quite opposite.

'Mother nature' is an antropomoprhization of nature. Nature is not sapient nor is it female. Life doesn't evolve from something... evolution descibes how life adapts; however, if your question is how did life (i.e. energy collection machines that persist) begin, the answer is nobody knows for sure.

That's the next chapter to mankind. "What is life"

to me, i call it; "mass (you and me; mankind) comprehending its existence"

There are probably multiple ways for it to happen; however, two things are clear... we need the sun's energy and we need the laws of physics.
sun good.... the current laws are a weee bit antiquated!

point being existence (mother nature) only operates ONE way. Mankind has been trying to define what this 'it' is with words/math/symbols/art. Mankind created words etc.... and that knowledge is evolving.

I'ts not a duty... it's a function.
Function is for 'created' things; even if a mathematical constituent

Duty is a personal obligation.
and why i asked 'religion' to even be what each person thinks

OR other......

it seems if people know the 'purpose' of life, then each can realize life in duty, responsible to action, caused, and the intent of each choice; in awareness (by knowledge bound to reality)

You are not obligated to collect energy or persist.
tough to stop breathing, by choice; no matter the state of mind

life's instinct is a pretty tough cookie

that instinct can be drilled down to the quantum level, irregardless to the what the law says

here is an idea;

a dead person is all the same mass, but the lights are out!

idea: the 'life' is the energy of the specimen not the conscious state.

Heck, sleeping is a state of no "i" in awareness.