What drives people to watch child porn?

Okay. You say the jail-system doesn't work. Then you say we should be "treating" them. So ...what's the "treatment"? And does it work?

If not, ...what then? Let them roam the streets?

Baron Max

read the DMS link i posted, it lists the treatments

That being said even if it only works 1 time out of 100 that is still better than the rates of reoffence coming out of the prision system with a ZERO rehab rate
C'mon guys. We're talking about peds. Yes all recalcitrants and recidivists need empathy, but these nasties can't be cured or corrected if diagnosed as chronic. They are universally loathed, except in their own inner sanctum. They are finding it increasingly more difficult to hide anywhere, even in the Church. Baron's has an idea, take them behind the Court house and be done with it; that's how far my empathy and sympathy spreads to those human maggots. Even the prison population hate them and want them dead.:mad:
That being said even if it only works 1 time out of 100 that is still better than the rates of reoffence coming out of the prision system with a ZERO rehab rate

No, it's not! If you "treat" 100 people, and only 1 responds appropriately, then you still have to put the other 99 into prison. And ...you've effectively wasted all that money for "treatment" that didn't work!

Not to mention that some of those 99 might fool the system, then be back on the streets to do their crimes again! You might be willing to take that chance, but ask the next victims is they're so willing.

Baron Max
who said anything about jails?
we are talking about psychiatric facillities untill the treatment works, pure and symple
C'mon guys. We're talking about peds. Yes all recalcitrants and recidivists need empathy, but these nasties can't be cured or corrected if diagnosed as chronic. They are universally loathed, except in their own inner sanctum. They are finding it increasingly more difficult to hide anywhere, even in the Church. Baron's has an idea, take them behind the Court house and be done with it; that's how far my empathy and sympathy spreads to those human maggots. Even the prison population hate them and want them dead.:mad:

Yet reports show that child abuse has been going on for decades. If It's this widespread, then shouldn't we look at alternatives?
who said anything about jails?
we are talking about psychiatric facillities untill the treatment works, pure and symple

...LOL! Then there ain't much difference between jail and "treatment" facilities, huh? Just call the prisons "treatment" centers?! :D

I've asked, Asguard, about these "treatments" that you keep espoucing, yet you say nothing about it other than "treatment". Then when I asked about the success rate, you gave me a silly idealistic statement which has no meaning in real life ....1 out of a 100 is treatment? :D

I wonder how quickly the criminals will learn to fake the successful "treatments" and be right back out on the streets doing crime?

Baron Max
i have no statistics on the success rate and i showed you where it was talked about, if you need help working out how to open a web link thats not my problem.
no im not, im suggesting that we actually follow the treatment set out in the DMS rather than just locking people away or killing them for revenge
no im not, im suggesting that we actually follow the treatment set out in the DMS rather than just locking people away or killing them for revenge

But you've just admitted that there are no success rates for those treatments. How can you advocate some treatment without knowing a fuckin' thing about it??

You're making no sense, Asguard! No one, at least no one with a single brain cell, would advocate some treatment that has no record of success. At least we know that prison does the job that it's intended to do ...keep the person out of society for as long as legally possible.

Tell me, Asguard, why do you want such people around anywhere? What fuckin' good are they? What good are they to anyone?

Baron Max
who said it had no record of sucess, i said I DONT HAVE THOSE FIGURES, nothing more and nothing less.
I guess I should copy that comment for the next "Gay-Lesbian" freedom thread, huh, James? Gays want freedoms to act out their immoral sexuality, so as you've so clearly noted, we shouldn't allow that to happen. Right?

Homosexuality isn't immoral.

If you wish to assert that it is, please at least try to provide an argument for your position.
who said it had no record of sucess, i said I DONT HAVE THOSE FIGURES, nothing more and nothing less.

And, as I've said, you're still advocating the use of something for which you know little or nothing! You should learn about the thing that you're advocating ...BEFORE... you tout it's wonders and miracles.

Baron Max
Homosexuality isn't immoral. If you wish to assert that it is, please at least try to provide an argument for your position.

Morality is set and determined by the society. Society, at least in the USA, thinks that homosexuality is immoral. therefore, homosexuality in the USA is .....immoral.

Baron Max
Morality is set and determined by the society. Society, at least in the USA, thinks that homosexuality is immoral. therefore, homosexuality in the USA is .....immoral.

Baron Max

So why is it legal?

After all, if something is immoral, how can it be legal?
It's legal because it doesn't hurt anyone else. Laws shouldn't have anything to do with morality. Laws only need to keep people from infringing on other people's rights, not setting up a code of morality that is obviously different for everyone.

In the case of homosexuality, regardless of whether it's "immoral", as long as the person doesn't rape, it's not society's place to tell him how to act.

In the case of pedophilia, even if everybody thinks it's immoral, society has no right to tell that person how to act (think, in this case), until he commits an act of violence against a child. Only then should it be against the law, and only then is it any different from normal fetishes or sexualities.
So why is it legal? After all, if something is immoral, how can it be legal?

Homosexuality is NOT "legal" ...nor is it "illegal". It's not much different to many other things that people do.
Pedophilia is the sexual desires for underage children ...it's NOT "illegal" ...UNTIL... that person actually acts on those desires. Horny older men can look at young girls and dream all they want ...and it's NOT illegal.

Baron Max
It's legal because it doesn't hurt anyone else. Laws shouldn't have anything to do with morality. Laws only need to keep people from infringing on other people's rights, not setting up a code of morality that is obviously different for everyone.
Being able or not to infringe on someone else's rights is in itself a question of morality. Eat or be eaten!

In the case of homosexuality, regardless of whether it's "immoral", as long as the person doesn't rape, it's not society's place to tell him how to act.
We're being told/suggested/influenced by most anything IN society... In your post you suggest that homosexuality isn't immoral. To some it's just wrong... not as in condemning them but as in having an idea that it must have been brought about by mass media confusion. Go figure...

In the case of pedophilia, even if everybody thinks it's immoral, society has no right to tell that person how to act (think, in this case), until he commits an act of violence against a child. Only then should it be against the law, and only then is it any different from normal fetishes or sexualities.
I think you're wrong about that one. It's alltogether different when it involves a child. A child is different from an adult. To a degree it's even different every time the pedophile has the 'same' thought. Where the difference matters, and where we draw the line, is another question. It's not effective for us to exist against nothing except our own conscience when everything is relational. There's no logic to it whatsoever. Then comes a society where we are gradually persuaded to allow more and more 'perverse' behaviour, letting it seep into our lives until we're all so wrapped up in our own desires that we can't see the overall detrementive effect it's having. We might think ourselves above it, but everything affects us... we become apathetic, and sooner or later we become indifferent.
If you don't care if someone has unwanted thoughts, sexual, violent or whatever, or if you don't care if someone is violated by it, then YOU have a problem. Then society has a problem.
I'm in favour of treating people, not leaving them to sit and stir and become so disjointed that there is nothing left to prevent them from acting it out because they've gotten so distorted in their understanding. People don't become sex offenders overnight... it creeps up on them.
But it's their choice if they want to be treated or not. Having that makes them all the more responsible for what they think and do.
If you don't care if someone has unwanted thoughts, sexual, violent or whatever, or if you don't care if someone is violated by it, then YOU have a problem. Then society has a problem.

Wow! You just want to stomp the livin' fuck outta' freedoms and human rights, don't ya'? Geez, I don't mean just push a little, you want to stomp them to death!!

When thinking becomes a crime or something that society must deal with, then that soceity has a major fuckin' problem .....and it ain't with the person doing the thinking!

I'm in favour of treating people, not leaving them to sit and stir and become so disjointed that there is nothing left to prevent them from acting it out...

Why, for god's sake, would anyone reveal to YOU what they're thinking? Geez, you'd stomp their rights and freedoms right into the ground ....and you'd shout your righteousness to the rooftops.

All I can really say about your post is ......when are you going to set up your new society ....I wanna' join it, and bring along my guns to take care of any of those nasty people for ya'. Good target practice while getting rid of the scum of society.

Baron Max

PS - just love your "name" ....yourequal? Does that mean that you're also "equal" to pedophiles and murderers and rapists? Or are you selective in your "equality"?
Morality is set and determined by the society.

That can't be right, because whole societies have at times been judged to be immoral, even by members of the society itself.

Society, at least in the USA, thinks that homosexuality is immoral.

Well, no. A certain proportion of US society thinks that. They do not speak for everybody.

Homosexuality is NOT "legal" ...nor is it "illegal". It's not much different to many other things that people do.
Pedophilia is the sexual desires for underage children ...it's NOT "illegal" ...UNTIL... that person actually acts on those desires. Horny older men can look at young girls and dream all they want ...and it's NOT illegal.

What is it that you think is immoral, exactly? Just being homosexual, or engaging in "homosexual acts"? From your comments, it seems you have a problem with certain sex acts, and not with homosexuality per se.

Tell me, Max, do you consider anal sex to be immoral, period? Or is it only immoral when homosexual people do it? Or what? And why?