What drives people to watch child porn?

I'd like to add that some men have problems with relationships with women their own ages and because of their inability to communicate properly with other women they tend to digress to someone that can fit their needs. This is wrong of course and those men that do that should be helped before they get that bad but they themselves don't know what's wrong or even who to turn to for guidance.

But don't those men turn to women who are easily manipulated, like high school girls? While still sick, it's not pedophilia.
Answer to the original question: one or more of the following:

1. A disturbed upbringing, leading to inappropriate sexual linking with the idea of innocence or vulnerability.
2. An inability to interact in an adult world, followed by a regression to a kind of childishness in an adult body.
3. Boredom and lack of empathy for the victims of crimes.
4. A desire for ever-increasing violence on television, in film etc., fed by fantasies that can develop due to a complete lack of life experience.

This is not an exhaustive list.
Would you allow a viper to live in your house, because being a poisonous snake and biting people is just his nature?

Sure, once you remove the fangs.

Answer to the original question: one or more of the following:

1. A disturbed upbringing, leading to inappropriate sexual linking with the idea of innocence or vulnerability.
2. An inability to interact in an adult world, followed by a regression to a kind of childishness in an adult body.
3. Boredom and lack of empathy for the victims of crimes.
4. A desire for ever-increasing violence on television, in film etc., fed by fantasies that can develop due to a complete lack of life experience.

This is not an exhaustive list.

All of the reasons above are usually mental. In time, perhaps they can be treated. It's either that or lower the age of consent.
Answer to the original question: one or more of the following:

1. A disturbed upbringing, leading to inappropriate sexual linking with the idea of innocence or vulnerability.
2. An inability to interact in an adult world, followed by a regression to a kind of childishness in an adult body.
3. Boredom and lack of empathy for the victims of crimes.
4. A desire for ever-increasing violence on television, in film etc., fed by fantasies that can develop due to a complete lack of life experience.

This is not an exhaustive list.

Or it's possibly just another drive being a human. I don't see it as being anything different than being straight or gay. Though there are some disturbing aspects to it such as exploiting people at an age where they are not fully aware of sexuality and such.
So what.. Child abusers are just.. different ? And we should leave them be ?
I'm asking. Is it a mental disorder, and if so, should we correct it ?

People as a mass are less intelligent and less compassionate than individuals are. There is no such thing as "correcting" people.
People as a mass are less intelligent and less compassionate than individuals are. There is no such thing as "correcting" people.

I guess thats what Baron was trying to say in a roundabout way.

Again, I ask the question: What does this mean ?, that maybe we should look at it differently ?
Humans are an odd, strange animal, ain't they?

We tout freedoms and individual freedoms ...making great claims of the "rights" of people to freedoms of all kinds. We make laws by the gazillions protecting all those freedoms.

And yet, here we are discussing what to do when some people use those very freedoms to do evil things. So the first thing we try to do is ...yep, you got it, ....we seek to take away those freedoms!!

Geez, we're such a fucked up animal that it ain't even so funny anymore.

Baron Max
We tout freedoms and individual freedoms ...making great claims of the "rights" of people to freedoms of all kinds. We make laws by the gazillions protecting all those freedoms.

And yet, here we are discussing what to do when some people use those very freedoms to do evil things. So the first thing we try to do is ...yep, you got it, ....we seek to take away those freedoms!!

Did I miss something - paedophilia is now legal?
Did I miss something - paedophilia is now legal?

No, but it's just one of the many things that society has laws against ....thus effectively taking away some of those same freedoms that we tout and claim for ourselves.

You like some laws and are so willing to defend them, yet you also don't like some laws and want to see them revoked for the "freedom" of all ...right?

Hey, if you love laws so much, and are so willing for all to obey them, then ...wow, we could have a field day making things illegal, huh? How much freedom do you want to take away from others? Lots? A little bit?

Baron Max
We tout freedoms and individual freedoms ...making great claims of the "rights" of people to freedoms of all kinds.

Where you go wrong is when you say that morality supports freedoms of all kinds. It does not. It supports freedoms that are in accordance with morality.

Unlimited freedom of the individual to do as he pleases is not compatible with morality.
I guess thats what Baron was trying to say in a roundabout way.

Again, I ask the question: What does this mean ?, that maybe we should look at it differently ?

The best way to improve human behavior is to be a good example. Ever hear of theory of mind? When you apply the theory that someone else has a mind, it's easier to understand why they reject moralistic ideas. It is simply because moralizers usually come on as unhappy sots. They treat people horribly and then "expect" people to do things their way because of that. It's the wrong way. Those who comply out of fear don't believe and can't believe.
Or it's possibly just another drive being a human. I don't see it as being anything different than being straight or gay. Though there are some disturbing aspects to it such as exploiting people at an age where they are not fully aware of sexuality and such.

Doesn't that depend? I mean if they also find flat chested dwarves who look 8 attractive then it makes sense that it's just genetics of attraction that they can't help. Surely though if it's just the fact they are pre-pubescent children they like then that's most likely psychological?

Likewise if the 'child' is 13+, fully developed and can easily pass for being legal is their really a problem with them at all?
Where you go wrong is when you say that morality supports freedoms of all kinds. It does not. It supports freedoms that are in accordance with morality.

Unlimited freedom of the individual to do as he pleases is not compatible with morality.

You are barking mad, James.
Doesn't that depend? I mean if they also find flat chested dwarves who look 8 attractive then it makes sense that it's just genetics of attraction that they can't help. Surely though if it's just the fact they are pre-pubescent children they like then that's most likely psychological?

Likewise if the 'child' is 13+, fully developed and can easily pass for being legal is their really a problem with them at all?

The "law" just likes this gray area where reasonable people can't see the harm and then they can screw with people who never meant or did any harm.
metaKron please get help

Challanger acording to the psycology i have studied on this james is correct especially his points 1+2. This explains why pediphiles who are atracted to adult women abuse MALE children without any sort of atraction to adult males.

is it a mental disease?
yes, its listed on the DMS IV (302.2)



A pedophile is a person, most frequently a man, who focuses his sexual fantasies and behavior toward children. People who enjoy child pornography are pedophiles. Some pedophiles are sexually attracted only toward children and are not at all attracted toward adults. Pedophilia is usually a chronic condition. Main characteristics are:

Repeatedly for at least 6 months, the patient has intense sexual desires, fantasies or behaviors concerning sexual activity with a sexually immature child (usually age 13 or under).

This causes clinically important distress or impairs work, social or personal functioning.

The patient is 16 or older and at least 5 years older than the child.

State whether:

Sexually Attracted to Males.
Sexually Attracted to Females.
Sexually Attracted to Males and Females.

Specify if: Limited to incest

State whether:

Exclusive type (aroused only by children).
Nonexclusive type.

When a pedophile becomes sexually active with a child he/she may:

Undress the child.
Encourage the child to watch them masturbate.
Touch or fondle the child’s genitals.
Forcefully perform sexual acts on the child.

Associated Features:

Abuse (past or present)
Somatic or Sexual Dysfunction
Sexually Deviant Behavior
The idea of Sex as a Requisite for Affection.

Differential Diagnosis:

Some disorders have similar or even the same symptoms. The clinician, therefore, in his/her diagnostic attempt has to differentiate against the following disorders which need to be ruled out to establish a precise diagnosis.

Impulse Control Disorder


Most paraphilic fantasies begin in late childhood or adolescence and continue throughout adult life. Intensity and occurrence of the fantasies are variable, and they usually decrease as people get older.


Treatment option can be a mixture of psychotherapy and medication.

Counseling and Psychotherapy [ See Therapy Section ]:
Cognitive, behavior, and psychoanalytic therapies are used to treat individuals with paraphilia's.

Pharmacotherapy [ See Psychopharmacology Section ] :

Some prescription medicines have been used to help decrease the compulsive thinking associated with the paraphilia's. Hormones are prescribed occasionally for individuals who experience intrusive sexual thoughts, urges, or abnormally frequent sexual behaviors. Almost always the treatment must be long-term if it is to be effective.

why do we put people in jail for exposing themselves when the disorder which causes this is also listed on the DMS IV?

Why do we put sociopaths in jail when personality disorders are on the DMS?

So is adictions of all kinds yet we put drug adicts in jail
kleptomania is again on the DMS but thieves go to jail

I agree with you, the whole criminal justice system should be dismantled because it doesnt work, we should be treating people not jailing them
I'm not going that far, unfortunately.
Some people are a menace to society, who have been and are proud of being criminals.
Others, simply have no choice as to what they do, such as those who are addicted, those who are sociopaths. Jails are there often as a deterrent to the petty offences. But those that have disorders, should be kept seperate.

What I'm basically trying to say is that jails still have their place.
why do we put people in jail for exposing themselves when the disorder which causes this is also listed on the DMS IV?

Why do we put sociopaths in jail when personality disorders are on the DMS?

So is adictions of all kinds yet we put drug adicts in jail
kleptomania is again on the DMS but thieves go to jail

I agree with you, the whole criminal justice system should be dismantled because it doesnt work, we should be treating people not jailing them

Okay. You say the jail-system doesn't work. Then you say we should be "treating" them. So ...what's the "treatment"? And does it work?

If not, ...what then? Let them roam the streets?

Baron Max
Where you go wrong is when you say that morality supports freedoms of all kinds. It does not. It supports freedoms that are in accordance with morality.

Unlimited freedom of the individual to do as he pleases is not compatible with morality.

I guess I should copy that comment for the next "Gay-Lesbian" freedom thread, huh, James? Gays want freedoms to act out their immoral sexuality, so as you've so clearly noted, we shouldn't allow that to happen. Right?

And, of course, it fits with hundreds of other such threads on human behavior, too.

Baron Max