What drives people to watch child porn?


Valued Senior Member
I've never gotten that.

Is it possible it's some kind of mental disorder ?, And that we as a society should devote more time to correcting such disorders ?

Or is it simply nuture, that people who are fucked over when brought up, go on to do the same ?.

I mean, come on, some of this shit involves babies apparently, (According to our media)..

So what drives a person to do such things ?
I've never gotten that.
So what drives a person to do such things ?

What "drives" different people to do any other things in life? Are those all "mental disorders", too? Should we, as a society, correct any and all of those other things, too? Perhaps we can do "brain fixes" and make everyone exactly alike ...cute little automatons who do exactly what you like/want?

Or is it simply nuture, that people who are fucked over when brought up, go on to do the same?

Yeah, maybe we, as a society, could take all the badies and raise them all to be exactly alike. Then there'd be no variations in anyone ...everyone would like the same things. Nice, huh?

Baron Max
What "drives" different people to do any other things in life? Are those all "mental disorders", too? Should we, as a society, correct any and all of those other things, too? Perhaps we can do "brain fixes" and make everyone exactly alike ...cute little automatons who do exactly what you like/want?

Yeah, maybe we, as a society, could take all the badies and raise them all to be exactly alike. Then there'd be no variations in anyone ...everyone would like the same things. Nice, huh?

Baron Max

So what.. Child abusers are just.. different ? And we should leave them be ?
I'm asking. Is it a mental disorder, and if so, should we correct it ?
So what.. Child abusers are just.. different ? And we should leave them be ?
I'm asking. Is it a mental disorder, and if so, should we correct it ?

Well, sure ....correct them! And while we're at it, let's correct anything and everything else about them that we don't like.
Murderers? Correct them!
Rapists? Correct them!
Thieves? Correct them!
People who like different kinds of cars? Correct them!
People who watch porno? Correct them!
People who drive too fast? Correct them!
People who like violent movies? Correct them!

Correct everyone so that everyone is exactly like everyone else ...then we'll never have any of those nasty social problems again. We'll all be the same.

Baron Max
Well, sure ....correct them! And while we're at it, let's correct anything and everything else about them that we don't like.
Murderers? Correct them!
Rapists? Correct them!
Thieves? Correct them!
People who like different kinds of cars? Correct them!
People who watch porno? Correct them!
People who drive too fast? Correct them!
People who like violent movies? Correct them!

Correct everyone so that everyone is exactly like everyone else ...then we'll never have any of those nasty social problems again. We'll all be the same.

Baron Max

Why do you percieve an attempt to a different solution, as an automatic attempt to conform everyone ?
Correction has worked in many cases. (not talking about pedo's here).

In this context, I'm simply trying to understand what drives people to do it?
Perhaps I should rephrase:
What drives people to abuse children?
Why do you percieve an attempt to a different solution, as an automatic attempt to conform everyone?

If we can correct one aspect of humans, why not correct all aspects of them while we're at it? Why correct child abusers with some mental fix, yet leave the murderers and rapist go on killing and raping.

In this context, I'm simply trying to understand what drives people to do it?
Perhaps I should rephrase:
What drives people to abuse children?

They want to do it and, for the most part, they're free to do it because of our laws of freedom. There doesn't have to be any other reason. Just like murderers and rapists.

Baron Max
a good pedophile is a dead pedophile.

And a good murderer is a dead murderer.

And a good rapist is a dead rapist.

And a good thief is a dead thief.

And ....well, the list goes on and on and on and on and........

If all humans were dead and gone, wouldn't the world be a much better place?

Baron Max
So what drives a person to do such things ?

There's many things that go wrong with people psychologicaly speaking to make them do any out of the normal things. Abuse, alcohol, deranged, unable to control oneself and many other reasons are to blame.
There's many things that go wrong with people psychologicaly speaking to make them do any out of the normal things. Abuse, alcohol, deranged, unable to control oneself and many other reasons are to blame.

I agree. But then ....why don't we, as a society, just get rid of people like that? Why do we want them in our society? Why do we protect their "rights" so avidly?

Just take 'em out behind the courthouse and shoot 'em. Cheap, quick, simple and society won't have to put up with that one ever again.

Baron Max
Because that isn't what a advanced society does to others who make mistakes. confinement for many years behind bars after being tried and found guilty is the best way to rid society of those who cannot do right within that society. There are those who will be found mentally incompetent as well and they should be put away in institutions as well so they might get help to overcome their problems. You never can just shoot people for everything that they do wrong according to you but must let justice prevail or else we will be in a vigilante type of society. With that many people will be killed even if they didn't do anything wrong.
Because that isn't what a advanced society does to others who make mistakes.

Okay, then quite complaining about how they act!!!!! You like your "advanced society" so much, why aren't you willing to let people be and do what they want? No, no, you'd rather have something to complain about.

You never can just shoot people for everything that they do wrong according to you but must let justice prevail or else we will be in a vigilante type of society. With that many people will be killed even if they didn't do anything wrong.

It's only the laws that prevent it. And what our laws and courts do is confine the wrong-doers for a few years, then let them right back out on the streets again. ....so you and others can complain about them again.

And worse, society allows by law the freedom for those miscreants to commit their horrid crimes BEFORE we catch 'em and lock 'em up. Note that? ...we ALLOW them to commit the crimes ...we practically beg them to see if they can get away with those crimes. then we act all horrified that they do it.

Baron Max
Assuming that mental disorder = mental abnormality then of course. The vast majority of us would find such images horribly disturbing, some find these same images arousing.
What drives people to abuse children?
They've got a fucked up sex drive, who knows why? Can you say why you're attracted to (I assume) women? What if you found children and only children sexually attractive? It doesn't absolve them of guilt, but I doubt anyone has much choice in what turns them on. But we do have a choice in what we do with it. Child molesters are sick, twisted people and there is no cure for their problem anymore than there is a cure for homosexuality.
Simple. It's a sexual fetish, except unlike most fetishes there is a victim. You can't "fix" them, that's just the way they are. They will always be sexually attracted to children. It only becomes a problem when they make their fantasies, realities. People who sexually abuse children all have their own twisted reasons, like maybe they like having such power over someone else... I don't know it was in my human sexuality textbook. If I had an illegal fetish like that I think the best thing to do is find some way to vent without actually hurting anyone. Pornography made by adult women who look like little girls perhaps or role playing with a partner who doesn't mind their peculiar fetish. :shrug:
I'd like to add that some men have problems with relationships with women their own ages and because of their inability to communicate properly with other women they tend to digress to someone that can fit their needs. This is wrong of course and those men that do that should be helped before they get that bad but they themselves don't know what's wrong or even who to turn to for guidance.
And a good murderer is a dead murderer.

And a good rapist is a dead rapist.

And a good thief is a dead thief.

And ....well, the list goes on and on and on and on and........

If all humans were dead and gone, wouldn't the world be a much better place?

Baron Max

Quieter anyway... :D
Would you allow a viper to live in your house, because being a poisonous snake and biting people is just his nature?
Baron you ass, there is a different between being a social nonconformist and being a fucking paedophile.
I'd like to add that some men have problems with relationships with women their own ages and because of their inability to communicate properly with other women they tend to digress to someone that can fit their needs. This is wrong of course and those men that do that should be helped before they get that bad but they themselves don't know what's wrong or even who to turn to for guidance.
While I can see that such men would prefer younger women, I doubt that would push someone to the point of finding prepubescent children sexually attractive