what does theism teach?

Why should harm not be done?

Do you think that without religion, people would be good, normal and harmless?

Harm should not be done, because it causes needless human suffering. What kind of question is that really?

And I am without religion, but I am good, normal and harmless. I know a lot of agnostics and atheists that are also good, normal and harmless. A lot of them had no religious indoctrination growing up either.

Do no harm is not a religious concept, it is a human concept. A compassionate soul wishes no harm on others, and does not need religion to understand the need to not suffer because it is common to all human beings, religious or not.
Harm should not be done, because it causes needless human suffering. What kind of question is that really?

I wanted to see your justification for your stance.

And I am without religion, but I am good, normal and harmless. I know a lot of agnostics and atheists that are also good, normal and harmless. A lot of them had no religious indoctrination growing up either.

Do no harm is not a religious concept, it is a human concept. A compassionate soul wishes no harm on others, and does not need religion to understand the need to not suffer because it is common to all human beings, religious or not.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Do you think that science and theistic religion are mutually exclusive?

in many ways, absolutely!

in utah, you cannot even go to temple without being up on your dues

at cambridge; the education costs a fortune

GE/Edison owned the patents on flurescent light bulbs for almost 100 yrs and that technology was surpressed for the profit of business; (talk about grounds for a class action suit; it is in writting what edison intended and has sapped the american populous from trillions of dollars.)

i say shut down GE/Edison!
Harm should not be done, because it causes needless human suffering. What kind of question is that really?

And I am without religion, but I am good, normal and harmless. I know a lot of agnostics and atheists that are also good, normal and harmless. A lot of them had no religious indoctrination growing up either.

Do no harm is not a religious concept, it is a human concept. A compassionate soul wishes no harm on others, and does not need religion to understand the need to not suffer because it is common to all human beings, religious or not.

My kind of folk!

Honest over beliefs!

We are the people of compassion. Such that the good don't need to be told how to be good, just give them the basic common sense of Love and let them be human.

Religions believe they hold the keys to compassion, love and truth and fail to give any credit to mankind.

they teach that we are unworthy as a species; demoting, discrediting and discounting US (we the people) and them religious fools sell it like that!
jpappl, are you asking me about Islam or Saudi Arabia? You do realize that the two are completely different entities right. You judge religion by its teachings, not some monarchy which claims to represent religion, whilst selling its brothers to their sworn enemies.

True religion preaches the right to life, freedom, and happiness, and to accomplish this as a divine goal for which God created man. Religion needs to establish an equitable order, or at least hold doctrines for the eventual liberation from tyranny and establishment of a just order.

Islam is a religion which teaches that man has the inalienable right to defend himself against any and all attacks from invaders or occupiers. This, in my eyes, proves Islam's claim to truth. No other religion, in my eyes, inspires men to resist an occupying army of much greater forces and strength. Islam strengthens the primordial spirit of man to survive and live in freedom.
jpappl, are you asking me about Islam or Saudi Arabia? You do realize that the two are completely different entities right. You judge religion by its teachings, not some monarchy which claims to represent religion, whilst selling its brothers to their sworn enemies.

True religion preaches the right to life, freedom, and happiness,QUOTE]

Well yes that is why I said.

"It's also not the individuals of the particular religion because they can only hope we live as they want us to. I know many are good people and they understand they are not in charge of me or vice versa."

My point is that if religion is supposed to teach that which I believe for many it is understood. It is lost in the leadership. Regardless of whether they are religious or not, power tends to corrupt.
True religion preaches the right to life, freedom, and happiness, and to accomplish this as a divine goal for which God created man. Religion needs to establish an equitable order, or at least hold doctrines for the eventual liberation from tyranny and establishment of a just order.

And this goes for all living things ?
And this goes for all living things ?

Yes, as we discussed before, Islam encourages a minimalist way of life, with the least effect on the environment. Hurting or killing plants or animals is a sin in Islam if done without any purpose (food), i.e. it is wrong to hunt for sport alone.

jpappl, as I have stated before. Saudi Arabia is one state among 50+ Muslim states, thus has no legitimacy except in as much as it is accepted by other Muslims. It is seen as a usurper state, established by the British and French during the early 1900's. The Saudi claim to being an 'Islamic state' is as laughable as the US claim to being 'one nation under God.' Mere rhetoric.