what does theism teach?

there is (?) a god that created everything.

Everything ! So when my kid puts a stick figure together with popsicle leftovers God was the creative genius there ?

this god had a son which died for all the sins of mankind.
a person that honestly believes this gets into heaven.

Yes it's going to be great in heaven with all those mass murderers and child molesters who TRULY believe this as well.

it also has parables and psalm associated with morality and ethics.
the book concludes with a doomsday scenario.

So to continue with your OP, what in christianity since it can't be the one world religion. Would you say can be included in a one world religion.
Theism teaches people who to blame, how to be guilt ridden and that you are better than everyone else because God loves you and wishes everyone who didn't believe would die.

Oh, and that failure to comply would result in unfair treatment, attacks by the zombie theist army and immediate suffering.
Good points. Except that science doesn't really debunk anything. It doesn't have that power, since it deals only in theories, not in absolutes.

OK then, more precisely, the OWR (One World Religion) would have to contain nothing that science could show was probably not true beyond a reasonable doubt. That seems to leave nothing but a form of deist God that doesn't interact with the world, or a Godless religion like Buddhism. Even then, the Big Bang Theory seems to point to the early universe being in a state of extreme (maximum?) chaos, so where would God leave Her impression? She might as well not exist.
A theorem can be an absolute. For example: x -> x (read: if x is true then x is true). This is a theory (because it is a true proposition) and it is absolute (in the sense that there cannot be a system of derivation in which it is not true). This is a math example, but it's the simplest way to show that theorems can most certainly be absolute.

For another example, one could argue that the entire sensible universe is a mirage and that really only Scientist McDougall exists, but he doesn't know it. Scientist McDougall could still create the theorem: "If the universe I perceive is not a mirage and really exists, then if I drop a bowling ball and nothing is in it's way, it will fall down." This is both a theorem and an absolute. We can see this because statements of the type "If X -> Y" are true under if X = True & Y = True, X = False & Y = True, X = False & Y = False. The only case in which it is not true is if X = True & Y = False. But since this last scenario is not the case, then Scientist McDougall's statement is indeed a truth.

All science is founded on this and a few other basic assumptions (i.e. I'm not constantly hallucinating an imaginary world). We just don't both to open every single scientific proposition with "if it is true that the entire world is not an imagination created by the demon in my head, then..." because, well, it'd be a waste of paper and time.

and my favorite part is the base language is fairly UNIVERSAL

teach people the truth grounded to the core math and there are NO errors

that is why the 'last word' is as a mathematical frame

it defines the process that is pure to both nature, experience and the combined evolution of knowledge; into a weee little script (the name of God)

the pinnacle of mankinds evolution is when 'we the people' can comprehend our existence (equally)

so words, theologies and the sciences grounded by math is that last chapter

eg... gravity is entangled energy between mass

life: purposed to continue (abuses entropy)

when you figure i have known these for decades and it is just now unfolding within the scientific community,

reminds me of what i have been saying the whole time;

If existence operates only ONE way; then the math is the 'name' to know.

get the picture?
OK then, more precisely, the OWR (One World Religion) would have to contain nothing that science could show was probably not true beyond a reasonable doubt.

the old school of planck and the bohring regime is to be overwith

they created a chaotic scheme by imposing a bias of entropy

That seems to leave nothing but a form of deist God that doesn't interact with the world, or a Godless religion like Buddhism.

every religions has their godless parts

the abrahamic sects believe god is in some heaven (away somewhere else in lala land; that means, man is separate from god

Even then, the Big Bang Theory seems to point to the early universe being in a state of extreme (maximum?) chaos,
BB is a joke

so where would God leave Her impression? She might as well not exist.
we live within existence; she is GOD (if that is the word you like)
Well, we're still not sure what 'universal' means, in this sense. If you mean it holds within our known universe, then yeah, maybe. If you mean it holds in all universes (or all possible universes)... I think that's much more up in the air. We're only now taking the first baby steps into understanding what a secondary universe could look like.

I'm also not quite sure what you're trying to say. I happen to like Einstein's response to the question of theism. Spirituality or mysticism is the natural and enriching process of standing rapt in awe at the magnificence and beauty of the universe and the complexity which, though hidden from us in many ways, binds all things together. I also happen to agree with Einstein that it's when we start personifying this beauty that we both kill it's most marvelous aspects and begin down the path to religious wars, intolerance, prejudice and superiority complex. The most unattractive aspect of Christianity, to me, is that it seems to cheapen the beauty of all that around. Judaism in it's more mystical forms and Islam in it's more spiritual - less tangential - form, both seem closer to avoiding the destruction of the mystical. Perhaps were I in Nazareth in the first century I would have been on the side of the gnostics.
Theism teaches hate, fear, selfishness, pride in ignorance & condemning, condescending & looking down on those who don't believe the same.
Theism teaches people who to blame, how to be guilt ridden and that you are better than everyone else because God loves you and wishes everyone who didn't believe would die.

Oh, and that failure to comply would result in unfair treatment, attacks by the zombie theist army and immediate suffering.

Theism teaches hate, fear, selfishness, pride in ignorance & condemning, condescending & looking down on those who don't believe the same.

You mean you don't like it when others don't do as you please?
OK then, more precisely, the OWR (One World Religion) would have to contain nothing that science could show was probably not true beyond a reasonable doubt.

Why? What is it about science (I presume you mean here 'traditional Western sicence') that makes it so important that all else would either have to bow to it, or avoid it if it is to have any validity?

That seems to leave nothing but a form of deist God that doesn't interact with the world, or a Godless religion like Buddhism.

I don't see how this follows at all.

Even then, the Big Bang Theory seems to point to the early universe being in a state of extreme (maximum?) chaos, so where would God leave Her impression? She might as well not exist.

Why should the Big Bang Theory be taken so seriously as to doubt the existence of God?
“ Originally Posted by Liebling
Theism teaches people who to blame, how to be guilt ridden and that you are better than everyone else because God loves you and wishes everyone who didn't believe would die.

Oh, and that failure to comply would result in unfair treatment, attacks by the zombie theist army and immediate suffering. ”

“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Theism teaches hate, fear, selfishness, pride in ignorance & condemning, condescending & looking down on those who don't believe the same. ”

You mean you don't like it when others don't do as you please?

I don't see how this follows at all.

Why should the Big Bang Theory be taken so seriously as to doubt the existence of God?

Why should gods be taken so seriously as to doubt the existence of the Big Bang?
I don't see how this follows at all.

When your perception of theism is that it

'teaches people who to blame, how to be guilt ridden and that you are better than everyone else because God loves you and wishes everyone who didn't believe would die, that failure to comply would result in unfair treatment, attacks by the zombie theist army and immediate suffering; theism teaches hate, fear, selfishness, pride in ignorance & condemning, condescending & looking down on those who don't believe the same'

- how do you feel at that? Do you feel displeased?

Why should gods be taken so seriously as to doubt the existence of the Big Bang?

Suit yourself. But later on, don't say nobody warned you. :eek:
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You mean you don't like it when others don't do as you please?

No. I like when people do as they please as long as it does no harm.

Religion, while it can do some good and give people some sense of community, it can also stir up the mob mentality and do a lot of great harm to a great number of people. Religion warps peoples sense of being, and promotes obedience and widespread hatred towards non-believers.

Name one social construct created by atheists which has caused so much hatred and bigotry. Name one that has caused thousands, tens of thousands and even millions of people to die.

I have no problem with people believing in a God or Gods, that I do understand. But organized religion is the most powerfully destructive man-made force ever created.
Religion, while it can do some good and give people some sense of community, it can also stir up the mob mentality and do a lot of great harm to a great number of people.
apparently society is in great need of "a god" and religion.
what else can explain the almost global acceptance of these concepts?
Well, we're still not sure what 'universal' means,
applies across the total of existence; equally

in this sense. If you mean it holds within our known universe, then yeah, maybe.

since everything ever suggested about 'other' universes is speculative; then it is best to keep your feet flat on the ground.

define what you can witness and nothing else (no false witnessing)

I'm also not quite sure what you're trying to say. I happen to like Einstein's response to the question of theism. Spirituality or mysticism is the natural and enriching process of standing rapt in awe at the magnificence and beauty of the universe and the complexity which, though hidden from us in many ways, binds all things together.

spiritual 'stuff' is or has never been defined logically in a frame of science until recently;

eg........... look up what entanglement is and find there is truly a property of light that associates mass

hence; all of existence is entangled to everything else!

that is your spiritual 'enriching process' felt, known, experienced and 'binds all things together'

we are all a part of the total and knowing how that works is what the process of the 'evolution of knowledge' is performing!

we (mankind) are defining ourselves/existence over time
You mean you don't like it when others don't do as you please?

No. I like when people do as they please as long as it does no harm.

Why should harm not be done?

Religion, while it can do some good and give people some sense of community, it can also stir up the mob mentality and do a lot of great harm to a great number of people. Religion warps peoples sense of being, and promotes obedience and widespread hatred towards non-believers.

Name one social construct created by atheists which has caused so much hatred and bigotry. Name one that has caused thousands, tens of thousands and even millions of people to die.

I have no problem with people believing in a God or Gods, that I do understand. But organized religion is the most powerfully destructive man-made force ever created.

Do you think that without religion, people would be good, normal and harmless?
True religion teaches people that they have the inherent right to freedom, security, and happiness, and they have the right to resist if this right has been usurped or taken away. It also teaches that people of all races and colors stand equal before God Almighty, judged only on their belief and deeds.

I love Islam because it isn't afraid to tell people that they have the right to defend themselves if they are occupied or if their people are enslaved. To me, Islam is the ultimate religion which liberates man from the oppression of other humans and makes all people answerable only to God Almighty.

"To teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the subject of continuous oppression and genocide, is criminal. No one likes that but the wolf who wants to make you his dinner" - Br. Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz
True religion teaches people that they have the inherent right to freedom, security, and happiness, and they have the right to resist if this right has been usurped or taken away. It also teaches that people of all races and colors stand equal before God Almighty, judged only on their belief and deeds.

I love Islam because it isn't afraid to tell people that they have the right to defend themselves if they are occupied or if their people are enslaved. To me, Islam is the ultimate religion which liberates man from the oppression of other humans and makes all people answerable only to God Almighty.

"To teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the subject of continuous oppression and genocide, is criminal. No one likes that but the wolf who wants to make you his dinner" - Br. Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz

With all due respects, it seems the only ones who are really trying to keep them from "the inherent right to freedom, security, and happiness" are the leaders or their religion.

Excluding states that have forbidden worshipping a religion or a particular religion which is wrong. It is not the non-believers who are telling the believers what they can and can not do.

It's also not the individuals of the particular religion because they can only hope we live as they want us to. I know many are good people and they understand they are not in charge of me or vice versa.

But the leadership of all religions are constantly seeking powers and would like to turn every state into a theocracy.

Are you telling me that the religious truth squads in Saudi Arabia aren't telling people how they should live and forcing them to adhere to it.

Why aren't the people at large fighting back against that kind of tyranny ?