What does it mean when someone says, "Jesus is my personal savior?"

Jesus is not the Savior of all mankind. But all mankind is invited to be saved by Jesus. Those who reject Jesus have rejected this salvation. So therefore they are not saved, therefore all mankind will not be saved.

Allah is not the Savior of Christians. But Christians are invited to be saved by Allah. Those who reject Allah have rejected this salvation. So therefore they are not saved, therefore Christians will not be saved.
M*W: I asked a question, because I wanted some dialog on the subject. I don't believe Jesus existed, so there's nothing to ridicule. If there is anybody else out there that can give me an educated guess, I'd appreciate it. You are a waste of time, Woody.

You'll ridicule faith in Christ, so why should a Christian discuss their salvation with you? They'd be wasting their time.

You said you have a son that's saved -- so why don't you ask him? :shrug:
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Jesus is not the Savior of all mankind. But all mankind is invited to be saved by Jesus. Those who reject Jesus have rejected this salvation. So therefore they are not saved, therefore all mankind will not be saved.

Ever stop and think of just how colossal and majestic this universe is? Or how abyssmally small and insignificant we are. Our time spent here is but a mere moment and yet the whole reason for existence is to act out some weird screenplay just so we can exist somewhere else.

I've saved myself by not believing in the absurdities of religion.
Ever stop and think of just how colossal and majestic this universe is?

Ever stop to think that all the matter in this universe supposedly came from a singularity? Ever stop and realise that this universe is virtually nothing spread out over a big area. The universe is a big nothing.

Or how abyssmally small and insignificant we are.

Ever stop and think that we are more than matter, That we are beings of emotion of spirit. Ever stop to think just how staggeringly more important we are than a virtual nothing, this universe.

Our time spent here is but a mere moment and yet the whole reason for existence is to act out some weird screenplay just so we can exist somewhere else.

Ever stop to think that time is different at different locations. Ever stop to think your view of all existence is nowhere near the perspective of the One who see's all things and all times within this powder puff universe.

I've saved myself by not believing in the absurdities of religion.

You locked yourself into a 3-dimensioned physical delusion. You have lowered yourself to the level of an unthinking rock.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ever stop to think that all the matter in this universe supposedly came from a singularity? Ever stop and realise that this universe is virtually nothing spread out over a big area. The universe is a big nothing.

Ever stop and think that we are more than matter, That we are beings of emotion of spirit. Ever stop to think just how staggeringly more important we are than a virtual nothing, this universe.

Ever stop to think that time is different at different locations. Ever stop to think your view of all existence is nowhere near the perspective of the One who see's all things and all times within this powder puff universe.

Adstar, have you ever stopped to think?

The answer is that the phrase was coined by Christians that encompasses many ideas which are taught in the Bible. It reminds Christians that God loves everyone and would not want a single soul to perish. It also reminds them that they do not need anyone to be saved, but only Jesus Christ. This idea hints that Jesus cares for the individual's well being, and will accept everyone as they are. It's kind of like saying that you have a personal trainer, if you can imagine how such a person would help you get into shape.

There are many other ideas that stem from the Bible's teachings, but these are the central ideas behind the phrase....plus it is catchy. :D
You locked yourself into a 3-dimensioned physical delusion. You have lowered yourself to the level of an unthinking rock.

So, the universe is a delusion that you manage to see through with your powerful intellect. I don't know how you do it, since you're already dead.