What does it mean when someone says, "Jesus is my personal savior?"


Medicine*Woman said:

If Jesus was supposed to be mankind's savior, why do some christians refer to Jesus as their "personal savior?" Wouldn't that make christianity kind of like a polytheistic religion? It doesn't make sense to me. What does it mean to you that Jesus is your "personal savior?"

It's a marketing thing. Born-agains love it.
It means the person making the claim has dubious thought processes and can't really be trusted.
M*W: I agree. When I hear someone say this, it occurs to me that they are lacking self-esteem, and they believe when they say this that they are filling the voids in their lives. It's a facade.
Your lack of understanding is the product of the delusional concept of christianity (christianity is horseshit) and the biproduct (democracy) is the road that leads to destruction.

When you die, you'll learn the hard way that I'm telling you the truth.
Your lack of understanding is the product of the delusional concept of christianity (christianity is horseshit) and the biproduct (democracy) is the road that leads to destruction.

When you die, you'll learn the hard way that I'm telling you the truth.

When you die you'll know nothing.
What does it mean when someone says, "Jesus is my personal savior?"

They are misinformed. They don't want to verify anything and only want to be told what to think.
Another question: If Jesus came back and died for our sins, why does my preacher continue to consider me a sinner?
It's a marketing thing. Born-agains love it.

There's more to it than that, which I cannot for the life of me believe you've missed, considering your education and general socio-historical understanding.

Religious beliefs come in all shapes and sizes. My family is fairly born again. Some are assholes. Some are not. This is the general rule for most people and has less to do with their beliefs than the annoying quirks of their personality. If they were communists, my brother would be that annoying comrade who's constantly pushing Marx & Lenin in your face; spouting nonsense about the proletariat and all that. My Grandmother would be the quietly passionate communist; giving all she could to the motherland, supporting her cause with dignity and familial strength that only a woman of aged grace could know.

Being born again merely means that a person seeks a personal understanding (I hate the word "relationship" because I refuse to believe they're hanging out in prayer or in any other fashion) of Christ. No intercession by a priest, Mary or any other entity. This is, actually, the one thing about protestantism that I enjoy. Learning about the life of Christ is the only thing about Christianity that I find attractive. All the remaining dogmatic stink (by way of orthodoxy & orthopraxy) is meaningless, which, is pretty much what Christ said anyway.

Religious beliefs come in all shapes and sizes. My family is fairly born again. Some are assholes. Some are not. This is the general rule for most people and has less to do with their beliefs than the annoying quirks of their personality.

Curious. Do you find that the 'assholes' are more inclined not to use reason and rationale in everything they do, while those who are not assholes simply limit their reason and rationale to everyday life?
Curious. Do you find that the 'assholes' are more inclined not to use reason and rationale in everything they do, while those who are not assholes simply limit their reason and rationale to everyday life?

The average person is a dumb ass, the average smart ass is an ass hole.:D
Curious. Do you find that the 'assholes' are more inclined not to use reason and rationale in everything they do, while those who are not assholes simply limit their reason and rationale to everyday life?

You're applying too much reason to the equation. Being an asshole has less to do with reason and intellect and more to do with personality and.... er.... a lack there of.

Another question: If Jesus came back and died for our sins, why does my preacher continue to consider me a sinner?

The sin ledger contains ongoing debt. 2000+ years ago we were foreclosed on again, the first since Noah, and it is the opinion of our beloved clergy that the debt has again reached epic proportions. Governments have bailed us out with countless wars over the years but we haven't made a dent in the principle.

Soon I suspect God is going to call in the loan once again. He will demand His pound of flesh, on a day theists refer to as Judgment Day. If He keeps His promises we will live to see another day. Even God knows you can't kill the debtor and hope to collect.
It means you'll ridicule the idea. :bugeye:
M*W: I asked a question, because I wanted some dialog on the subject. I don't believe Jesus existed, so there's nothing to ridicule. If there is anybody else out there that can give me an educated guess, I'd appreciate it. You are a waste of time, Woody.
Seriously, if you have accepted JC as your personal savior then you have crossed over the threshold of self-control and given it up to others. You have copped out on life, the one thing you'll never be able to really appreciate ever again. Part of your rational thinking processes shut down and you are more or less handicapped mentally. Once you make this commitment it will become a hundredfold more difficult to reverse it. You've made a choice that didn't need to be made, it a sign of surrender. It's like a drug, feel stronger but you're weaker for it. You are addicted to JC and you will also refuse any intervention, and all your friends will also be addicts. You will tolerate family members and people at work. Old friends that haven't accepted JC will become distant with your attached disdainment.

I'll stop for now...there's plenty more but that should suffice.
People refer to the big J.C. as their personal savior because they want to believe there is something personal about religion itself. Like J.C. specifically knows and cares about them and that they are singualarly important in his eyes and cared for and loved. It's almost greedy in a way, IMO.

One time, my friend dragged me to Church (unwillingly I went) and her crazy youth pastor started going off about how J.C. was her "personal" savior and how she hated anyone who sang religious christmas songs at X-Mas time because J.C. was her "personal" savior, goddamn it, and not the savior, apparently, of all those crazy christmas practicing non-believers. Needless to say, I walked out. WTF. I don't got time for any of that bullshit.

You think Jesus is your personal savior? Good for you. You can have him. Just keep all that craziness away from me. Sheesh. Does anyone, but me think it's weird that many people of the Judeo/Christian religions wear a torture device around their necks on a daily basis. Shit, I mean Jesus wasn't the only one sacrificed on a cross, you know. A lot of ppl died that way and it was an awful, slow way to go. If you didn't die from the initial crucifixion then you surely suffocated to death over a period of days or bled out eventually or whatever.

I'm just glad my parents always gave me the choice on religion. I don't carry around any of that Christian/Catholic guilt. I imagine that burden is heavy for many ppl.
M*W: If Jesus was supposed to be mankind's savior, why do some christians refer to Jesus as their "personal savior?" Wouldn't that make christianity kind of like a polytheistic religion? It doesn't make sense to me. What does it mean to you that Jesus is your "personal savior?"

Jesus is not the Savior of all mankind. But all mankind is invited to be saved by Jesus. Those who reject Jesus have rejected this salvation. So therefore they are not saved, therefore all mankind will not be saved.

Accepting Jesus takes a personal decision. So when someone says that Jesus is their personal Savior, they are saying that they have come to accept Him personally. Truth is that Jesus is the personal Savior of all those who are saved.

There is nothing impersonal about Salvation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days