What does God control or not control?

unless you are a molecule of the tea in a teacup

Oh I cannot keep up with all this Eastern wisdom ! Next we shall be told the god's cup of tea never runs dry.

The more you drink, the more god's cup overflows with his bounty, so you shall not thirst .

Bagwash Banergee in " Muddy Meditations of a Mystic", pub. Wisdom of the East series.

The following title by the same author is recommende for the advanced acolyte.

"We Fly Without Planes and Spiritual Baggage", lessons in levitation
have you ever thought of God who wanted to loose his powers to be just as normal as we all are? :bugeye: Isn't that what Jesus did?

Jesus was a ragged-arsed shitstirrer, a liar and a showman with empty promises and fake miracles with loaves and fishes, decomposing corpses ( Lazarus) water into wine and so on.
Jesus was a ragged-arsed shitstirrer, a liar and a showman with empty promises and fake miracles with loaves and fishes, decomposing corpses ( Lazarus) water into wine and so on.

what makes you say, so? What proof is there?
I don't believe God has much of a presence here in this realm basically because I believe humans are low down on the evolutionary scale. IOW there are far higher realms that exist and I'd imagine he spends his time there instead. From what I've learnt humans tend to contaminate pure thought and as God would be connected to many timelines I suspect that there is little to no interation with humans where his seat is.

This universe is probably just an experiment with the seed ingredients for life in place at the start then given free will to evolve. I suspect he now detests us after we killed his son who probably developed a soft spot for us.

What inspired these thoughts?
I'm just curious. According to God believers, what does God control or not control in the physical universe? Does he control weather, ever? Does he influence the minds of people?

Rom 8:28
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Does this verse suggest a level of control God uses in the world? Or does God simply let everything happen as it may and then judge later.
in short, god controls everything, but there are choices within those spheres of control. Kind of like the government controls the jails and also normal society, and according to our behavior we land in one particular environment or another
It's actually a very good question, and can only be answered using physics.

The best way to approach it, is to say God controls partially everything, if he isn't bound by the present time. If he is, then the uncertainty principle forbids God to know exactly everything. Thus, he would need to be ignorant of 50% of reality.
Oh dear people I wish you knew.

That cup of coffee is enjoyed by God daily, you may have met him.
No joke this is, this is the truth, your god is not my God, for my god is not here. My God is here. Capitalization is correct, but never taken into consideration.

So God controls nothing, for it is manifest destiny.

Of whom dream wish to dream is the man who dreamt the dream of life and your existence. Not yours but your fathers, maybe before then, but I as I and my Lucid Dreams too have seen you all.

The faces, the eyes. The sins of I, original sin hasn't occured but has already past.

You are all sin, sin is thy name.

GOD CONTROLS NONE, but I have and will.

Thanks be to god, for what, for what. God being yours, and god being mine.

Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are the key, but to sin is to sin, be weary. Do not fret for sin is not sin, good is not good, for life will live and death will come.
safe bet, since there is no indication of the source of natural laws .... (according to empiricism anyway)

Baloney. What we call natural laws can be observed in action. Gravity works whether one believes in it or not. There is no such evidence for god, The source of god and natural laws are on a par and do nothing to support your view.