What does God control or not control?


Registered Senior Member
I'm just curious. According to God believers, what does God control or not control in the physical universe? Does he control weather, ever? Does he influence the minds of people?

Rom 8:28
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Does this verse suggest a level of control God uses in the world? Or does God simply let everything happen as it may and then judge later.
for me God controls himself because God is everything including me and I am part of God and I am God essentially of part of.
for me God controls himself because God is everything including me and I am part of God and I am God essentially of part of.

dragon, I learned something interesting about one sect of Buddhism that when you die various energies come at you and your mind may make them look like demons if you are scared of them or something like that, even though they aren't really demons. The point is, when you are on the death bed, you lose your physical senses and see forms of energy coming at you.

If you don't fear the energies and let them take you over, you pass the "test" and no longer are reincarnated. If you fear the energy and shield yourself, you are not "ready" or are still attached to the physical and you are reincarnated to give it another go when you die again.

Dragon, what do you think of this theory? Does this sound accurate to you? Its interesting to me, and seems possible, I guess. But of course there's never any way to find out until you die.
dragon, I learned something interesting about one sect of Buddhism that when you die various energies come at you and your mind may make them look like demons if you are scared of them or something like that, even though they aren't really demons. The point is, when you are on the death bed, you lose your physical senses and see forms of energy coming at you.

If you don't fear the energies and let them take you over, you pass the "test" and no longer are reincarnated. If you fear the energy and shield yourself, you are not "ready" or are still attached to the physical and you are reincarnated to give it another go when you die again.

Dragon, what do you think of this theory? Does this sound accurate to you? Its interesting to me, and seems possible, I guess. But of course there's never any way to find out until you die.

I agree with this 100%.
I don't believe God has much of a presence here in this realm basically because I believe humans are low down on the evolutionary scale. IOW there are far higher realms that exist and I'd imagine he spends his time there instead. From what I've learnt humans tend to contaminate pure thought and as God would be connected to many timelines I suspect that there is little to no interation with humans where his seat is.

This universe is probably just an experiment with the seed ingredients for life in place at the start then given free will to evolve. I suspect he now detests us after we killed his son who probably developed a soft spot for us.
I agree with this 100%.

Nice. It seems interesting and seems to correlate with people mumbling random things on the death bed. I guess we'll all find out eventually.

I get confused though because some Buddhist/Hindu sects preach that once you reach moksha/nirvana, you actually come back again? That would suck.

dragon, are there some sects, maybe the one I just pointed out, which says that once you accept the energy, you stay in nirvana and never return?
I get confused though because some Buddhist/Hindu sects preach that once you reach moksha/nirvana, you actually come back again? That would suck.

Well to tell you the truth I dont want to stay in nirvana, I see this a dead end...I want to fight on in this life in the middle of everything.
Well to tell you the truth I dont want to stay in nirvana, I see this a dead end...I want to fight on in this life in the middle of everything.

Fair enough. I wonder if we can choose to come back or not or whether we are forced to one way or another or whether "we" lose our sense of "I" after reaching nirvana so that "we" actually never exist again like we did before as the individual we were before we reached nirvana.

I had an odd thought the other day that I can't imagine not existing, or in other words like I was the universe and that my actual self is simply one "eye" of the universe looking in. Seems to coincide with Buddhism, but I don't know.
Fair enough. I wonder if we can choose to come back or not or whether we are forced to one way or another or whether "we" lose our sense of "I" after reaching nirvana so that "we" actually never exist again like we did before?

yeah...thats why I fear it...I dont want to loose sense of I...
dragon, I learned something interesting about one sect of Buddhism that when you die various energies come at you and your mind may make them look like demons if you are scared of them or something like that, even though they aren't really demons. The point is, when you are on the death bed, you lose your physical senses and see forms of energy coming at you.

If you don't fear the energies and let them take you over, you pass the "test" and no longer are reincarnated. If you fear the energy and shield yourself, you are not "ready" or are still attached to the physical and you are reincarnated to give it another go when you die again.

Dragon, what do you think of this theory? Does this sound accurate to you? Its interesting to me, and seems possible, I guess. But of course there's never any way to find out until you die.

That is not accurate in terms of Buddhism. Being reincarned means you aren't your body, you incidently have a body, but you are rather the ideas and thought forms you inheret from culture. Transcending reincarnation means freeing your brain from the bonds of previous thought. This also happens to include freedom from desire, ambition, etc... Death is almost irrelevent to this.

I would also like to know what God is supposed to control.