What do you think is the funniest thing about religion or athiesm?


Registered Senior Member
I think it's pretty funny that religious people believe when they pray to god they can hear god speak back to them.

"Hi God, you're amazing. Now I'm thinking of putting the rent up on all the properties I rent to people, what do you think I should do? .... oh what's that God, you think I should charge people more because that means I'll have more money and the 10% I give to the church will be greater therefore blessing god's people, okay god I'll charge more money then."

It's funny and sad at the same time, because that was an actual prayer I know a Christian woman prayed a while ago from my old church.
That adults can think that it's OK that they can still have an invisible friend...
I think it's pretty funny that religious people believe when they pray to god they can hear god speak back to them.

"Hi God, you're amazing. Now I'm thinking of putting the rent up on all the properties I rent to people, what do you think I should do? .... oh what's that God, you think I should charge people more because that means I'll have more money and the 10% I give to the church will be greater therefore blessing god's people, okay god I'll charge more money then."

It's funny and sad at the same time, because that was an actual prayer I know a Christian woman prayed a while ago from my old church.
How does that include atheism? Or are you just giving your take on theism?
That adults can think that it's OK that they can still have an invisible friend...

bah. we all have our invisible friends--logic? reason? freedom? democracy?

one of my invisible friends is a little tiger who lives in my bedroom closet; of course, he's not properly invisible, for i and my dogs can see him--it's just that no one else can.

we call him luther. :)
parmalee.. I'm surprised.

An inept analogy if there ever was one...

her..this is for you glaucon..
parmalee.. I'm surprised.

An inept analogy if there ever was one...

yeah, you're correct--it was far from the best analogy. but still, there is a sense in which some seem so beholden to a notion as to confuse it for a thing--and this tendency is more inclined to surface in the heat of the moment, or a heated, and hurried, "discussion."

but, it served as an opener to my little tale of the tiger. :)
The immature sarcasm coming from both sides. How we all think the others are foolish.

Sarcasm is rarely immature; it actually is based upon a presumption of intelligence on both sides.

As for foolish behaviour, clearly it's foolish for someone to disapprove smugly of a child's belief in an imaginary friend, whilst going to 'visit' theirs once a week.....
i think the funniest thing are the messages on reader board signs outside most protestant churches. i can't figure out if they're trying to encourage or discourage attendance.
Sarcasm is rarely immature; it actually is based upon a presumption of intelligence on both sides.

As for foolish behaviour, clearly it's foolish for someone to disapprove smugly of a child's belief in an imaginary friend, whilst going to 'visit' theirs once a week.....

Note I said immature sarcasm, not just sarcasm.
Could it be possible that some sarcasm is immature and some is mature?

Enmos: "How does that include atheism?"

It doesn't because I don't know of anything that is ridiculous/funny about athiesm.

Give glaucon a break, he just said what he thought was funny about theism. You are welcome to say what is funny about athiesm in this thread.

I also think speaking in tongues is incredibly funny.