What do you think about this video on Islam?

It's all old news, even at the time it came out.
Anyway, it is said that he's going to make Fitna 2 and that it comes out next year.
I also heard that he's getting help from professional filmmakers from Hollywood.
It's all old news, even at the time it came out.
Anyway, it is said that he's going to make Fitna 2 and that it comes out next year.
I also heard that he's getting help from professional filmmakers from Hollywood.

you may have 'heard' that but i cant see why a film company would be interested. not to mention most of the footage is from video sources.
you may have 'heard' that but i cant see why a film company would be interested. not to mention most of the footage is from video sources.

I heard it on the news, but they said that 'it was said' or 'Wilders said it' (I don't remember the actual wording), so..
Here you go:

He will produce the movie with American experts from New York and Hollywood, he said, although he did not name any of them. Somewhere in the course of next week, the man whose party is currently leading in the polls in the Netherlands, he will go to Florida for a fundraiser for his new project.

Wilders claims that several professional film makers from New York and Hollywood have offered to help. He declined to name names but said they had in the past made films which were shown in the cinema.

It is intended to involve U.S. filmmakers in the making of "Fitna 2". This is important because the U.S. promotes mass immigration for Western societies. Recently U.S. President Obama urged the EU to accept Turkey as a member, which would open European nations to unchecked immigration from Turkey.

Originally published by 'De Telegraaf': http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/3713692/__Wilders_maakt_Fitna_2__.html
i asked if it played in the cinema.

this doesnt make sense?

No, it didn't play in the cinema.
You asked it as if you just discovered that it did play in the cinema and were surprised. At least, that's how I interpreted it. Sorry.
I don't get it, even if the funders were the 5 jewish bankers that control the world from out space, I don't see how that changes the validity of the film: a message is either true or false based on what it is, not who delivered it.
Off-topic posts deleted. The OP is regarding the movie Fitna and discussion of its content. This assumes that discussants have viewed the movie -please do not engage in trolling/thread hijacking just because the movie is critical of a superstition. If you have a critique to offer of the film, please discuss it on its own merit.
To reiterate, the video doesn't do much to enhance relations between the non-muslim and muslim community nor is it likely to stem hatred. Instead it exerts every effort to instill fear and paranoia among non muslims with its 'they are out to get us all' message, highlighted by its use of 9/11 and other terrorist attack footage. The video demonizes the koran and other than doesn't offer much insight into current political or religious issues affecting secular society. It tells mulims to 'tear the hatred' out of the koran as if this were the main interpretation of the book for muslims and as if it were the main message in the religion. At one point it says 'stop the penetration' but doesn't explain whether he means stopping the penetration of extremism in islam or stopping the growth of islam in western society. His fear and bias is so obvious I am surprised he didn't simply advocate the banning of islam altogether.

There should be more discussion on videos that use this kind of propaganda. I wouldn't advocate banning the material but it definitely warrants discussion
To reiterate, the video doesn't do much to enhance relations between the non-muslim and muslim community nor is it likely to stem hatred. Instead it exerts every effort to instill fear and paranoia among non muslims with its 'they are out to get us all' message,

Does it say those things about killing unbelievers or not?
The post says "Does it so those things about killing unbelievers or not?" The sentence isn't well written so I'm not sure of its meaning. I am asking you to make the question clear by re-writing it.
The post says "Does it so those things about killing unbelievers or not?" The sentence isn't well written so I'm not sure of its meaning. I am asking you to make the question clear by re-writing it.

PERCEIVED: Does it so those things about killing unbelievers or not?
ACTUAL: Does it say those things about killing unbelievers or not?
PERCEIVED: Does it so those things about killing unbelievers or not?
ACTUAL: Does it say those things about killing unbelievers or not?

Ah! Ok. Well I could find passages in the bible where it states god told Israel to go into canaan kill the people and keep the land as well as other very warlike statements against so called 'heathens'. In the present climate of terrorist threat i don't think it helps to address Islam and all muslims as somehow representative of an extremist ideology. For example if he had instead addressed the fringe groups in the visual focus instead of images of the Koran being opened up, little girls being fed racist views against jews as if this were happening in every muslim home etc., I would have seen it as more than just simple propaganda. Anything can offend, what I was looking at was the overall message, whether there was any insight outside of 'we need to fear muslims', they are bad, the religion is extremist etc etc., and I didn't see that. How does more fear and paranoia serve us in these unstable times? :shrug:

How long has it been since the west has suffered from terrorism by muslim extremist? islam has been around for a very long time yet this form of terrorism is relatively new. Before muslim terrorists seemed to concern themselves with the political reality of Israel, it wasn't 'the west'. What the video fails to do is give reason why this turn of events has occurred, what had changed, it uses the information as a kind of 'de facto' islam is violent and bad, Islam is the problem full stop and points the fear finger at anyone who practises the religion.
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Ah! Ok. Well I could find passages in the bible...

Does not matter, most so called Christan countries are secular and do not have a recognized state religion, have separation of church and state and generally don't follow edicts out of a books of mythology and fancy as law. Unlike most Muslims countries, which have sharia law or base their laws off of the koran or worse the Hadiths. The Muslims need to secularize and literally stop following most of the koran just like how most christens stop following most of the bible.