What do Christians think about Islam


Valued Senior Member
I was wondering:

What do Christians think about Mohammad and of His book the Qur'an? Considering that the Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God, why then would God send another Prophet? Especially one who says Jesus is not the Messiah?

What is the typical Christian take on Islam?


PS: Do we even HAVE any Christians on this board?
It seems that Muslims do believe that jesus was the messiah


I asked this of Diamond once and he acknowledged that jesus was a prophet of god.

Are there christians on board? Hmmm...I think there are a few

Which Muslims believe Jesus was the Messiah?
My cousin Kyleen's ex husband who is from the UAE who is a Sunni Muslim has repeatedly told me that Muslims believe that Jesus did exist, but that he was only yet another prophet (like John the Baptist). They do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

Sam, DH, Inzomnia please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

I know quite a few Christians who think Muslims were 'marked' (i. e. condemned) by God. But IIRC, some Muslims may think the same thing about Xians.
Well its the acknowledgement of jesus being a prophet of god, a messenger of god. What's the difference in recognizing him as a prophet/messenger of god and a messiah? Please explain. I am not religious so if there is a difference between the two please let me know
It depends on who you ask. For Jews, the messiah is the future king of Israel who will rule over the united tribes of Israel, for Christians it is a spiritual saviour prophesised in the Bible who will destroy everyone that does not go through Christ, for Muslims its a term they use for Jesus [Esau masiha]

One thing I've not understood is that the Bible says the messiah will be called Immanuel, but Christians believe it is Christ.

14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you [a] a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. [c]

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So does this mean that for Muslims that jesus is just another prophet without any of the special significance like being a 'spiritual saviour' or someone who will unite tribes?
The Quran refers to Prophet Jesus (peace be to him) as Masiha ibnu Maryam (Messiah the son of Mary).

Islam reserved a special place for Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) as the Messiah and last prophet of the Banu Isra'eel (Children of Israel [Jacob, Yaqoob (peace be to him)]). He was overwhelmingly rejected by the people to whom he was sent, to the extent that they, along with the Romans tried to kill him. After he was gone, his message was altered into worship of him as a diety, which is against both the religion of Abraham and the covenant of God with the believers. This is why another prophet was chosen, this time from the line of Prophet Abraham's other son Ismail [Ishmael], named Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was raised up to God (not crucified) and his return on Earth will bring forth As- Sa'ah (The Hour). He is a sign of the end of the world, and will come to defeat the Anti-Christ (Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal, The False Messiah, whose symbol is the one eye and he is one-eyed) who shall come from the Jews and rule from Israel [which was prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad to return to Jewish hands even though God forbid it for them until the return of the their Messiah, source: Torah]. Those who rejected Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) will end up fighting on behalf of the Anti-Christ against him in the last day before Resurrection. Afterward, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) will be successful and rule this earth as a righteous king.
So does this mean that for Muslims that jesus is just another prophet without any of the special significance like being a 'spiritual saviour' or someone who will unite tribes?

For Islam, all prophets hold the same significance.

From surah al Imran [chapter 3, Imran is said to be the father of Mariam, mother of Jesus]

[3:84] Say, "We believe in God, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters."

From Surah al Baqarah [chapter 2, the cow]

[2:285] The messenger has believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. They believe in God, His angels, His scripture, and His messengers: "We make no distinction among any of His messengers." They say, "We hear, and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord. To You is the ultimate destiny."
I was wondering:

What do Christians think about Mohammad and of His book the Qur'an? Considering that the

Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God, why then would God send another Prophet? Especially one who says Jesus is not the Messiah?

What is the typical Christian take on Islam?

It would depend on the individual. No two Christians have the exact same form of Christianity.

Not every Christian believes the Bible is perfect and literal. The words of Jesus if taken to heart discourage belligerence in general and that would include belligerence towards Islam.

If Jesus was the Messiah, what was the need for Paul? If Paul was needed then maybe Mohammad was also needed. I think Paul and Mohammad should be thought of in context of the situation they found themselves in and the job that needed to get done. Mohammad apparently brought law and order and devotion to god to an area that was lacking in law and order and devotion to God. How different is that from what moses did?

I can't really call myself a Christian; I just love Jesus and think he was divinely inspired and the most beautiful person in history.

I was not very impressed with the parts of the Qu'ran I read but it was no worse than the old testament. Any Christian who thinks the entire old testament is perfect (other than in the ultra abstract way in which everything on god's earth including the evil of Hitler is perfect) is a superstitious Christian who might as well be worshiping a golden calf because they have completely missed the meanings of the higher messages in the bible.

I prefer to think of Islam as the Adhan ( call to prayer ) that sent sweet shivers down my back at Nagin lake Kashmir rather than as the actions of stupid men trying to enforce tribal customs on a modern world.

I prefer to think of Christianity as the profound teaching of Jesus rather than as the teachings of loudmouths who want me to fear and hate gays and Islam.
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PS: Do we even HAVE any Christians on this board?

not anymore, but there may be one or two. i liked IAC, and the other guy with the oil blog and sandy just because they were interesting to read when not discussing religion but they seem to get banned or treated badly. particularly aic and oil made some interesting non-religious discussion that was outside the box but had scientific merit to them and were actually quite interesting. going against the grain AND being intelligent tweaked some noses so they were banned. but i thought that is what we were here for and not to march in lock step or put on our orange jumpsuits and play 1984 big brother.
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I guess there really are no Christians left :bawl:

Many Christians I know think Muslims would rejected Jesus as the Word of God (aka: God) will burn in Hell-Fire, but, those who never knew Jesus as God will be judged according to their actions on Earth. Of course this means most Muslims on this board would of course burn in hell, as they know a thing or two about Jesus. But, the more moderate Christians, such as have evolved since the 60s think Muslims just never knew Jesus and so they won't burn in hell for eternity, but, neither will they enjoy as much milk and honey as those of the true faith.

I've never met a practicing Christian who thought the Qur'an was anything other than the work of Satan and Mohammad was, if not the devil himself, possessed by the devil.

Christians, come out come out wherever you are... .. maybe the more high-brow Christians on the board may be a bit more forgiving?
I was wondering:

What do Christians think about Mohammad and of His book the Qur'an? Considering that the Bible is the world's only perfect and inerrant word of God, why then would God send another Prophet? Especially one who says Jesus is not the Messiah?

What is the typical Christian take on Islam?


PS: Do we even HAVE any Christians on this board?

I see islam as a deception. An attempt to establish a false view of the will of the God of Abraham in the minds of people.

It's not the only one. The best way to attack the truth of God is not to preach the denial of God’s existence, atheists are a minority and will remain so.

The best way to attack the truth of God is to put forward an alternate view of the will of God that panders to the thoughts of men.

As a person who believes Jesus i see islam along with all the other false views of Gods will, as only being effective to draw away from the God of Abraham those who in their minds have rejected the love of the truth as revealed by the Messiah Jesus.

The fact that at these times it is the majority of the worlds population is saddening. But the bible did predict the rejection of the Gospel message by the world at large. So the current state of affairs is in accordance with scriptures.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I guess there really are no Christians left :bawl:

Many Christians I know think Muslims would rejected Jesus as the Word of God (aka: God) will burn in Hell-Fire, but, those who never knew Jesus as God will be judged according to their actions on Earth. Of course this means most Muslims on this board would of course burn in hell, as they know a thing or two about Jesus. But, the more moderate Christians, such as have evolved since the 60s think Muslims just never knew Jesus and so they won't burn in hell for eternity, but, neither will they enjoy as much milk and honey as those of the true faith.

I've never met a practicing Christian who thought the Qur'an was anything other than the work of Satan and Mohammad was, if not the devil himself, possessed by the devil.

Christians, come out come out wherever you are... .. maybe the more high-brow Christians on the board may be a bit more forgiving?

It is not the forgiveness of Christians that matter in the long run. In the long run it is the forgiveness of God that is the Key to eternity with God.

But like all instances of a person being forgiven. the offender must first ask for or seek that forgiveness. If the offender is proud of their offence and hold to their offence as being good then they have no hope. A muslim in here has recently proudly quoted a man of hate who called the teachings of Jesus evil.

So a person who has rejected the love of the truth and even declared that love to be evil in my mind has absolutely no chance of receiving any forgiveness from the God of Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It depends on who you ask. For Jews, the messiah is the future king of Israel who will rule over the united tribes of Israel, for Christians it is a spiritual saviour prophesised in the Bible who will destroy everyone that does not go through Christ, for Muslims its a term they use for Jesus [Esau masiha]

One thing I've not understood is that the Bible says the messiah will be called Immanuel, but Christians believe it is Christ.

Let me expalin.

Jesus is the latin word meaning "God with us"

Immanuel is Hebrew word meaning "God with us"

Messiah comes from the Hebrew Moshiach, which means The Annointed. Christ is the Greek version of Messiah, coming from the word Christos.

Messiah = Christ = Redeemer or Savior all words mean the same thing. When someone says "Jesus Christ" they are saying Immanuel Redeemer.

Jesus/ Immanuel/ God with us/ is who He is

Christ/Messiah/ Redeemer/ Savior/ is what he is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hi Adstar,

Well thank you - FINALLY a Christian response!

OK, two specific questions:

1) What are your thoughts about how the Qur'an came into being. I mean, how was it's author inspired?

2) Is it possible that Mohammad was possessed by a devil or daemon?

They dont they are too worried about Gay marriage, and who is buying whores in washington.
Let me expalin.

Jesus is the latin word meaning "God with us"

Immanuel is Hebrew word meaning "God with us"

Messiah comes from the Hebrew Moshiach, which means The Annointed. Christ is the Greek version of Messiah, coming from the word Christos.

Messiah = Christ = Redeemer or Savior all words mean the same thing. When someone says "Jesus Christ" they are saying Immanuel Redeemer.

Jesus/ Immanuel/ God with us/ is who He is

Christ/Messiah/ Redeemer/ Savior/ is what he is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thanks that makes it clear.
Hi Adstar,

Well thank you - FINALLY a Christian response!

OK, two specific questions:

1) What are your thoughts about how the Qur'an came into being. I mean, how was it's author inspired?

Well it is possible that an angel delivered the original quran to muhammed and that is the islamic claim. But the problem lies in the fact that it is a dangerous foundation to believe that an angel cannot rebel against God and deliver a lie.

Satan himself was an angel who rebelled against God and delivered a lie to Adam and Eve. The Bible states that 1/3 of the angels are with satan in his rebellion. It is also funny how muslims call muhammed the greatest prophet above Moses when it was God himself that came to and spoke with Moses and delivered His will to him. but muhammed like the founder of mormonism got their message it is claimed form "angels"

The Bible gave full warning about this:

2 Corinthians 11
14 And no wonder! For satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.


Galatians 1
6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

So to me muhammed, accursed be his name, delivered a message that was in rebellion against the Gospel message of Jesus. It does not matter if he got it from an angel or a demon or from his own thinking.

2) Is it possible that Mohammad was possessed by a devil or daemon?


I guess so. It is possible that he was and it is also possible that he wasn't.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days