what do all you smarties do for a crust?

58851316 for anyone wanting my number. I have yet to really start chating to many sciforumers via icq.

I AM the circle around here:p

people keep leaving me off everything but everyone seems to want to talk to me
I have been listening to your conversations for a couple of months now. Though I have never signed up or posted I will start.There are some pretty clever minds here.
hey all

heyya kmguru

unfortunately i have not had the support that i now know i needed at a young age in rellation of my studies and so come from a rather basic lamen knoledge base with a feeling of lagging.
maybe a hang-up? :D
he he... anywho
i ask this question in the hope that we ALL may grow from your wisdom and maybe help resolve one of my stumbling blocks.
i find that there seems to be a certain ... ? almost fuzzy cloud of
impatent apathy in the world of university sciences.
its almost like they prescribe to ritalin and valium breakfast cereal.

i must admit i hardly get out much these days and tend to be more a hermit than a monk :D
or is that a monk on holiday? :D


where have the true teachers gone?
inspite of the lack of willing students.

it is obviouse to me that from your correspondence on scifrms that you would be one possible example.
the great cash cruisade...
>>>i will keep this short<<<...resulting in the need to pursue comercial vocation rather than tutoring.

soo... round-a-bout to the point
why do they(the lecturers) all seem soo uninterested and disinterested.
or is it just the country im in? :D
u get my Q?

please expand as u c fit

keep grooving all
Most people teach, not because they like to teach but because they did not make it to the public world (Industry or Government). At the same time the Universities demand certain degrees to teach, such as a PhD. The problem with that in US is that it takes a lot of money to complete your PhD. By this time, most people are married (as I was) and are under monetary pressure. In the mean time, atleast in US, the University has no choice but to hire foreigners to fill the positions. I have nothing against foreigners - but because of language and cultural barriers - the students have a hardtime learning. My daughter just finished het Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems. She and her classmates had a hard time with one particular teacher in her finance class. The teacher is from an eastern european country. No body could understand what she was saying. I had to tutor her. My daughter had most fun in Strategic Management Classes because the professor was superb.

The solution to the severe shortage of quality teachers is simple. Encourage those in industry and government that enjoy teaching to teach full time or parttime in both schools and universities. In US we have non-credit courses offered by most colleges for the general public. Many years ago I was asked to teach yoga/meditation in one college. I had the most fun and students enjoyed the program. Later on in another university, I was asked to teach engineering and technical subjects, but the pay scale was very low for a technical subject compared to what I was making at my employer.

Anyway, our teaching institutions should be more progressive...may be someday...
heyya all

too true kmguru

it kinda seems to me that with a few exceptions like yourself
most human parents care very little, or otherwise are incapable of understanding thier world around them in order to provide the best for there prodigal child[basic best , that is..].
dig dig!(on the prodigal)
sad sad on the spelling...
"who said that"?

do you think...? (i do :D )
that people are (in genral populus terms) getting less and less intellegent?

regardless of technical aptitude to join 2 fibre optic cables together people just seem to be soo stupid and in, increasing leaps and bounds in this country at least{so it seems sometimes}.

here's a funny(strange) thought if an intelegent being can see that it will be in a perpetual state of confinement and repression and ill health would it be most likely to .... do what ?
just a little theory of mine.(no research to back it up).
but lets face it the term ignorance is bliss is indemic of our western culture and even seen in some circles as goal worthy.

the ranting mad man conceeds to the submitreply button
as thus i end my un-ending. :D

back to the thread
i am a hairdresser.

and one more digression
"round-ies" are drones
"square-s" are the intelectuals/of independent thought.
its all very nasty anti social childrens books created to maintain a low paid working class... kinda...sorta...
who cares anyway, (?) at least we have chocolate and sex .. rite?
keep groovin all
peace, love, and missery to all greed merchants

My daughter cuts my hair. She does her nails too (painting that is). People mistake it for a professional job. Most people depend on others for a lot of different service. I encourage my kids to do a lot themselves just to get some experience. Most people in my income bracket get their service from professionals such as:

House decoration
Lawn/yard landscaping
Buy herbs/flowers from stores
Setting up home theater

We try to do creative stuff as a family. The idea is to be somewhat jack of all trades - not because you have to, but it is fullfilling in life. In US most southerners are meat and potato people, ie they eat nothing but a steak and a baked potato or fries as their main course with very little variation. No wonder Americans are one tracked people. Any change of new idea is tough to eat. Our government reflects that in world affairs.

And guess what? the teenage kid of my next door neighbor (in Utah) commited suicide. We have been to their meat & Potato house many times. They seemed like nice people but basically one-dimensional. Whether that type of life style has anything to do with the kids suicide especially his exposure to the more liberal outside world, I would never know...

I had the opportunity of working with several smart but confused kids that were my kids friends. I concluded that the social lifestyle of their parents did not keep pace with the change in society around them.
I went to a technical school to learn masonry. Half the day I was at high school, the other half I was at teh shop. The school also had drafting, electronics, building trades, Hv/AC, and auto mechanic courses. For you people in high school, you might take a look to see if your school has a similar program.
Beat up a computer till it does what I want ! At the moment I am doing programming for EFTPOS equipment, and after hours another device to scan for EMI. (Radio waves).

I am qual'ed for programming in many languages and digital electronics design. In the past I have done

Computer Security Evaluations
Program optimisation.
Network Design And installation
Tutored Maths, Physics and Inorganic Chem.
Computer programmes for Researchers ( And they called me a Lab Technician !)
Electronic Design - Marine instruments
Industrial and Laboratory Control Systems.

Industrial Automation and Aritificial Intelligence.
Model Trains
History Of Technology.

Enough of a bio ?
hey all
im back... :D

i have just been reminded of one thing that seems to irritate me
to the n'th degree.
how many times have you seen an advert for a job that the employer asks for someone who can "think outside the square"
or use the term lateral thinker.
now cast your minds over all the employers you have had...
in my case it numbers into the high 20s.
NOW... how many of them do you think would now what
"thinking out side the square" is?


I have been lucky enough to work for 1 employer who knew what that was, and i intern learnt allot of bussines technique from him.
i have currently an employer who is strong in people management
which is also a great learning curve for me in a vocational setting.
out of 20-30 employers these 2 are the only ones i would feel confident in saying they would truely come close to understanding such concepts.
ps i am not currently pursueing a career in hairdressing it is too superficial and soul destroying for such a spiritual person ...
such as I :D

i personaly 'work to live' so err for[ :D ], attach little importance to the tasks and associated skills except when they directly relate to a personal interest/pursuit.
my current vocation is administrative/supervisory with a high flow of daily tourist contact and liason.
i enjoy meeting travelers and find them to generaly be a different breed to the "normal" croud.

'sleep comes like a drug, in gods country...' (lyrics of U2 song)

groove on all
In US, we call it "thinking outside the box". Every aspiring job-seeker knows what that is and every employer does NOT, but ask for it.

Interesting....that means when you get a job, you are inside the box. Get it?
lol :D


little boxes made of ticky tacky

takes all that nasty effort out of having to think.


keep groovin