what do all you smarties do for a crust?

are you qualified in anything specifically?

I have given seminars in automated control systems, business intelligence, business issues and solutions, datawarehousing and converting data to intelligence and other related subjects in Decision Support System, Knowledge Management and Complexity Management.

I also teach (as a hobby) stress management, creativity, yoga and meditation to keep both sides of my brain active and in balance.

I am a guru (expert) in Knowledge Management. I design KM systems for Fortune 100 companies. Hence the Avatar - kmguru. get it?
Wow.. so almost a life mangament type person.. where did you aquire all these wonderful skilld from?
1. I promise myself to learn something new everyday
2. Try to reduce cognitive bias - it is harder as you get older but awareness helps.
3. I travel a lot. Meet many people. They have a tendency to pour out their inner feelings. That is where I get lessons in sociology, and psychology. Once I was in China with a language interpreter. She wanted to know the social life in USA. So in turn, I wanted to know the same in China. We exchanged information that was more valuable than reading a biased opinion from a book. Besides, no one will write certain undercurrent of information in a book or magazine. There are certain observed social aspects of life I can not post even with my Avatar (either too embarassing or not appropriate). So one learns from meeting many people.
4. I do a lot of "Business Process Reengineering" for business. I use the same methodology in personal life too.
5. Always have fun doing it....
that sounds so for filling.... how did you wind up doing that? sorry if im asking so many question, i just intregued
how did you wind up doing that?

Get an education. 2 to 3 degrees wont hurt...
Then work hard. Learn as you go. I was a hyperactive kid. Luckily I focused my energy into building stuff like radios, Heathkits, Computers...got into a lot of debates with my friends on philosophy, politics, religion...read the whole encyclopedia of science and technology...spent a lot of free time in the library...observed a lot about how pople behave the way they behave...

Then work smart. As I got into workforce, I learned as much as I could in my field...became an expert...then changed field to see if I could do it...became expert...changed field again...about 5 times. Being hyperactive, I get bored easily - so I take up different hobbies mostly cerebral...

One thing I did that you can too is to match your wits against a superior opponent...if you atleast draw, you know you are good. When others say, I am the expert...that is an indication that it is time to move to a new area. Why? well if I am the best in a certain area...then there is no challenge anymore ...it is time to coast or move. I did not realize that by switching to different subject matter is extremely helpful in the long run. I can see complex relationships between multiple subject crossings that others no matter how smart fail to notice. Because they are focused on one aspect...like seven blindmen describing an elephant.

It is very frustrating because as long as I am talking to the person on his/her topic, they are fine. As soon as I bring up the relationships with other subjects they go nuts saying I am BSing them. For example, if I am discussing about certain computer application and how it affects the operation people, the marketing and human resources and what should be changed - they say how do you know, because they have not been asked to make the change. Then I had to go to each department ask them to ask for the stuff they did not ask, because they did not know that the system is capable of doing that.

The interesting part is I think I am average in smartness. The only difference between me and a super smart person is, I have the information, lots of it from my experience - and he/she does not. So I have some advantage. So what I may miss in brain power, I makeup 10 times over from my knowledgebase. I think most people can do the same. That is why I said work hard first and then...work smart - you earned it.
hey all
heyya kmguru
long time no text
did you figure out the annomosity between you and another sciforums person?

i wont mention names
wow what a window into your world :)

i think its realy funny, that you use cross subject analogy and analysis because it seems (to me) that soo often we come to a point in most "common intelegence(/polluted people)"
the things we know, that we know.
the things we know we dont know.
the things we dont know we dont know

unfortunately the last of those 3 is the biggest and least addressed :D
in most societies.
this is all,... only my opinion :D

the age of specialisation has still got allot of residual brainwashing that the new age hippies are yet to flush out :D

im sure your aware of all these things but maybe someone might read it and start a new journey from it :D
i hope that is not ego speaking? :/

ps einstiens unified feild theory!!!!!.... where would i go to study it with-out having to sign secrecy contracts with big brother?
any thoughts on the subject would be most welcome :)

im currently mulling over the nature of the creation of matter
and the physical manifestation and possible side effects.
i find it most interesting (being the laymen that i am!)
and now wonder if this may be the nature of the creation of cancer!...?

are we all slaves to the sun?
as such?

soo many questions... :D

keep groovin all

sorry agent@5

what i do for a crust...............?

can u guess?
i doubt it
because i dont work in a scientific feild.
i for a hotel

what people are trained in and what people like to do and what people actualy do for money and what people believe to be thier carear path may not correlate in an easily identifiable way.

i could bescibe my job as being a cleaner or an administrator yet
my personal interest is in
astro physics
quantim mathmatics
and a few other things
as well as cooking :D

and smoking the best quality marijuana i can find :)

so it is easy to pollute the mind by pre occupation of the generation of cash as a life style choice when it may in reality be the only availible option or most profitable!

live to work or work to live
sometimes it becomes quite a challenge :D

keep groovin
im an apprentice chef

so OVIOUSLY i like cooking

i also like ethics, politics and all the other stuff here (im sure ive posted all this a BILLION times)
I run my own Coffee Shop.
What else is a Hippie gonna do in the 21st century?:D
Hey, ripleofdeath

Thank you for the moral support. Sometimes, conflict opens new doors of understanding. And this definitely did (Agent@5 take note). My new theory (yet to be tested in the field) is that people who convert to a particular conviction become fanatic about it. In US, we had a lot of Doctor's Clinics bombing by a group of "so called born-again Christians". I think, it does not matter what religion one converts to...there is a tendency of turning into a militant. Now not all people do that. But certainly, a percentage come from that pool. Examples are John Lindh and Jose Padilla (sp?). And in our case, you know who.

If he would have politely pointed out my mistake, I would have taken back - but no...text violence begets text violence too. We all can learn from this episode. It has greater consequences once the theory is proven.

I finally received my book from Barnes Noble - A new kind of science by Stephen Wolfram. I read about 20 pages and then scaned to about 500 pages. It is a hard read so I have to go over a few times. Just like Integral Calculus has applications in real world, one has to apply the fundamentals shown in the book the same way. I highly recommend the book to understand many unsolved areas of our life. One of the item is the "constraint behaviour" and how it can be applied to the fall of USSR.

I use Complexity theory, Fractal Geometry, Dynamic Systems (and others) in my business solutions. Wolfram takes all and merges them to an unified science. When people use logic to explain complex behaviour, they use classical inductive and deductive logic which is basically one dimensional. But in reality complex behaviour requires time series iteration, where given an initial condition, the structure can have different properties at m-th and n-th iteration.

People who specialize in a specific area usually ignore the emergent property of adjacent areas and how a combined structure will behave after nth iteration.

im sure your aware of all these things but maybe someone might read it and start a new journey from it

Be my guest. Ego?...neh...I think ego is where people know little but think they know a lot. Since that is not so with you, why should it be?

Thank you sir...
Originally posted by kmguru
how did you wind up doing that?

Get an education. 2 to 3 degrees wont hurt...
Then work hard. Learn as you go. I was a hyperactive kid. Luckily I focused my energy into building stuff like radios, Heathkits, Computers...got into a lot of debates with my friends on philosophy, politics, religion...read the whole encyclopedia of science and technology...spent a lot of free time in the library...observed a lot about how pople behave the way they behave...


how do you know when your an expert at it? Its not like you can learn everything you need to know in one particular field? LIke at Uni, when I think I have Culture/society down pat, somehting else pops into my head and then I go off into another tangent...
I Look after children while im at Uni. And I want to be really good at that too, just for the sake of teh children. I talk to them and work out my own skills of interaction, but there is always something else I can do better. When do you know when to stop? I want to know as much as I can about evertthing, that is my premise for life. I push and push myself, and its liberating and exciting, but also exhausting. I want to travel and talk to people// and want to work out who and what we are, but I also realise I live in a world of capitalists. I need money to do that, so I need to work. I would love to travel the world and study, get 2 or 3 degrees, but it just dosnt seem practical... In fact that is all I want to do, keep learning... so that I can help, help people help myself, help poverty, help those who have been supressed by capilatism, and help those see something else. I dont want to be critical of the world, like I have been taught.. you know that the world and it people are in ruins... people have good intentions mostly, but sometimes they just need to survive, or boost theor ego. I want to write.... I think i should stop my train of thoughts now otherwise ill never shutup...:D
take small steps

It is like walking verses running. Life is not a sprint but a marathon. I can tell you what I understand from my experience. Keep learning something new everyday. And promise to learn new stuff for the rest of your life. Set aside some time everyday to read magazines and newspapers everyday in many different topics. In my younger days, I had subscription to atleast 10 magazines and went to library to read the rest. At first I skimmed (scanned?) the topics that I was not interested. But always cover many topics. Otherwise, you will gravitate to a single area which is not good.

Since you have kids, you should know more about the kids health before you see the doctor. You should work towards knowing more than your doctor. That is the goal. It may take several years - but that is the goal. My education had the basic fundamentals such as biochemistry, histology, medicine etc. I fill in the rest such as endocrinology, neuroscience from books and library research. So by the time I went to see the doctor regarding my family health, I knew more than he did. So, I was able to ask intelligent questions and got the proper treatment. Two years ago, a family friend had PCOS. I did a little research and suggested that she see an endocrinilogist rather than her Ob/Gyn doctor. Sure enough, she got the treatment she needed.

Bottom line is keep your mind open , learn. You will be surprised to find, doors will open for you where none existed before. Good Luck. Anytime PM me.
Originally posted by kmguru
take small steps

It is like walking verses running. Life is not a sprint but a marathon. I can tell you what I understand from my experience. \

I spose it is a matter of changing your habits, which os not always an esay task to do. The other thing with that is that you have to start from the basics... which may be benficial in the long run. Though, for me to become an expert at something, I need to be in contact with it everyday. SO that i can practice and practice. Readign is great for theory, but assigning it to practise can be a different thing all together. But I guess if you follow the principles it should work out. One fallacie I have found with principles is that they are not always universal, and you find yourself trying to apply a principle for something that just dosnt fit....

BTW I dont have Kids :)
and what is PM? like apart from the afternoon meaning? lol
oh ta asguard....

man i wish we lived in the time of star wars... coz then we wouldnt be limited to the things that happened in this world... How hectic would that be though, with aliens and humans having babies... and wars and money ...

And no, I dont know what that has to do with teh tpoic lol
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, OKay... you need to speak slowly and phanetically ( is that how you spell that) to me heheheh;)

now check YOUR pm mr smarty pants! :D

From now on, I am PM queen...

ps ICQ for anyone who has the urge to instantly post a msg is... 30193868... Dont know if that was the best idea i have ever had, but of course. we'll see.
actully i know the second you send it (asuming i am actully doing something here at the time and its not just siting)

i get this handy little pop up screen which tells me i have a new message

thanks for your number
i sent you a message so you can add me
just send something saying its you and i will allow it
i have to many people NOT from here who keep asking to be added without even talking
Rodger Dodger!!!

so generally everyone chats over ICQ then, or MIRC?.. so this whooolleeeee time ive been missing out huH!
sheesh, whats a girl gatta do to get in the circle around here lol:p