what do all you smarties do for a crust?


Registered Senior Member
The only reason I know what imperialism means is coz i learnt it at Uni. (Thats my biggest achievement so far) I study Media and Culture. So this is all very relative for me. What do you guys do? Is this just a general interest, and if you are studying what I am, can you do my essay for me?:)
Two years ago I did an essay that connected a short story to Animal Farm in relation to Communism. I knew nothing about Communism. So, I started reading politics. Then after a good 100,000 pages of that I though hmmmm, psychology seems more up my alley, the human mind is amazing. So I got deep into that. After a while of that I found it to be too limiting, so I started reading philosophy. I found philosophy interesting so I kept reading until I got to Descartes, Nietzsche and such. Eventually, I just decided I liked having more useless knowledge than every kid around me. So I kept doing it.

Also, philosophy makes me expand my mind.
Originally posted by Tyler
Two years ago I did an essay that connected a short story to Animal Farm in relation to Communism. I knew nothing about Communism. So, I started reading politics. Then after a good 100,000 pages of that I though hmmmm, psychology seems more up my alley, the human mind is amazing. So I got deep into that. After a while of that I found it to be too limiting, so I started reading philosophy. I found philosophy interesting so I kept reading until I got to Descartes, Nietzsche and such. Eventually, I just decided I liked having more useless knowledge than every kid around me. So I kept doing it.

Also, philosophy makes me expand my mind.

right..... so that means you do what exactley everyday? :( :D
"right..... so that means you do what exactley everyday?"

When I wake up I eat two raw eggs......


um, on a normal school day?
wake up around 730, shower and such, quick breakfast (muffin usually), blade to school with my friend. Go to school and on day ones:
sleep through math
sleep through english, wake up for the chances to debate philosophy with ex-hippy teacher
play a sport at lunch
play a sport in gym
partially phase out during history

Day twos:
play computer games in computers
play drama games in drama
sleep through science
play sport at lunch
deep sleep through career studies

Come home. Drink a drink. Check sciforums. Read a little more philosophy. Play guitar. Check sciforums. Dinner. Guitar. Sciforums. Run. Reading. Play a nintendo game or watch a movie. Sciforums while watching tv. (In between these things I do my weights, pushups and situps).

On a weekend I generally sleep in, call Ross or Jeff and argue over what we're doing that day and then end up going out and getting high and either going to a movie, renting a movie, sitting in an open field talking or finding random things to do downtown.
Sundays I rest.

If your question was just in joke form: oh, you know, stuff.....:D
my days

get up at 8:00
put apren in dryer and get ready for work
work for 12 hrs
come home
look at sciforums and wash apren
go to bed

my days for the last month
aahhh so you go to school... iget it..

and you are a cook, or a slave..... much in the same it looks like:(

do you do that everyday?
this week i have today off (because i have to work tonight at safeway)
tomorow (because i have to see the shrink)
and sat

last week i was only surpose to get one day off

i am surpose to be available all the time incase he want's me to work on short notice
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
Computer technician.
Bill Gates is first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Absolutely. Quickly followed by Thorvalds and the git who invented Unix.

For my sins I'm a senior IT technical consultant. In that I know the resolution to many problems having made that mistake first myself. The diference being I found the solution and the stupid luser on the phone can't think themselves out of a manual. Not like it's hard or anything. There's this big manual called 'Error Messages and Recovery'. It lists all the error messages, what they mean and how to fix it. So what part of Error Message: 'Access Violation' and most probable cause: a bug in the application, don't we understand. No, retuning the system, reinstalling, defragmenting disks or reseating memory chips will not cure it.

Same for 'host not responding'. How the hell am I meant to fix a system 2000 miles away in another continent. When's it going to be back? When the IT staff can be bothered to get into work, tomorrow!

Modem not responding? Plug it in please. No dialtone, you've paid your phone bill recently?

Sheesh, after considerable thought I've come to the conclusion that the problem is, other people.
Work? "No way maaaan, I ain't wearing no freaky wire, maaan." *lol*(simpsons) I have no idea what the heck i'm saying, haha

But it's true, I don't work, I attend the nearest educational facility that still believes in good work ethics and after-school activities galore. I mean, it's terrible, they tell us grade 9 and 10 are basically nothing to the universities here, so what have i been doing for the past 10 years? Learning how to share? Learning how to deal with bullies? (believe me, we have this section on "How to say No to a bully" in our agenda. What they left out was "When the bully is attempting to figure out how many ways a human can Bend!") They promise Grade 11 will be "fuller, more enriching, and designed according to your needs". Reading between the lines, that basically leaves me with: "You are going to suffer a horrible horrible death, due to either textbook avalanches or mental overload or examination shellshock. Have fun!"
But I leave the topic. Back to the topic!
When I get a job, I want to be some sorta technician. I doubt they'll let women in (those *bleep!*'s), but who knows, I'll be older, with more experience, and the world will be a different place then. Hopefully. :)
what do all you smarties do for a crust?

Well, usually I go to the grocery store and buy one, I'm to damn lazy to make one when fixing a pie...
I work as a Program Specialist. But recently Ive taken on the title of Crappy Receptionist. (The girl up front quit, so guess who has to fill in????) And Ive never been a receptionist so I suck at it!!! I work with women with drug and alcohol problems, homeless, kids in foster care and jail outreach. I go to school 2 nights a week. I take care of my daughter the rest of the time. I try to read, but rarely have time to. I hike on the weekends and I do yoga every morning. And I visit Sciforums as much as I can!!!:D

Take care:)
Ahhh man, you lot work to hard, cept for those that dont work at all....

so noone is doing any type of sociological study>?? how come your all so smart like then?.. maybe im just dumb :D
Smart? Who said anything about smart? I thought everyone knew how to fake it...
I am a management consultant which means, I bring in my teams to fix other teams mistakes. It is not that the other team members are stupid, they are told not to look at the big picture - so they do what they can within their silo. It so happens that when they put it together, the business does not work. For example: If you go out and hire 9 great cooks and put each one in a closed kitchen of their own and ask them to prepare a meal, they will. But if you put them thinking those individual meals will form a great 9 course dinner - well forget it.

In the past, I was involved in media and entertainment (theme park, music production etc). Recently, I have been approached with an interesting idea. To impart knowledge and know-how to rural and disadvantaged small businesses and communities so that they can boot-strap themselves to be successful and productive in the society. In a capitalistic society the business is essentially canibalistic - so we would like to effect minor changes to include social responsibility that in the long run is good for business too. I also have participated Chinese economic development in early 80s and was fascinated by the social implication of change and early adaption of modern management techniques by Chinese people.

I do a lot of self study and give and take seminars. One never knows what type of organization will ask for our help - so we like to stay prepared.
development in early 80s and was fascinated by the social implication of change and early adaption of modern management techniques by Chinese people.

I do a lot of self study and give and take seminars. One never knows what type of organization will ask for our help - so we like to stay prepared. [/B][/QUOTE]

Wow! so your like.. the Charlies angels of whatever the hell you actually do!!! it sounds interesting.....

you take seminars? are you qualified in anything specifically?