what did humans...

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Is what you are saying that radiation shooting throughout space is liable for not being able to contribute to what we are today, then they must not be a connect, but how is that possible?
I am not saying that at all. Here is what I am saying.
1. The Big Bang theory is our current best guess as to how the Universe began (or at least started in its current form.)
2. An alternative explanation of how things came to be might be possible.
3. Whatever explanation we arrive at is irrelevant because it explains away a set of conditions that existed at some later time.
4. It is these set of conditions - collapse of giant molecular cloud, formation of accretion disc, planetary formation - that determine the consequent development of life. These conditions are present regardless of our interpretaion of what preceded them.
You are talking about something particularly specific, difference is that our present biological state is much like most, I am curious to the contraction to the beginning. about my friend crying that is happening now it is not derived from the past but of the present. its filled with no knowledge that is needed.

So my inquiries here cannot be answers.
no body knows.

No. Your friend crying is every bit as much connected to the Big Bang as evolution. Everything that happens in the present only does so because of what occurred in the past. If the past had been different, the present would be as well. In any event, whatever made your friend cry is in the past.

If the Big Bang affects the past, it necessarily affected the here and now. Anything else is sophistry.

You are, though, trying to trace evolution back to the big bang, which is very much like taking a squirt of urine and trying to figure out where the cloud formed from which the rain fell that produced the orange that was turned into juice that was fed to the man who excreted it...except that doing that trick with urine is way easier because the causal chain is so much stronger and more direct and simpler to trace.

Not to mention the fact that to *really* under stand it you would have to track the world lines of many googols of particle over the history of the universe, the trouble you are having is the 13 billion years of entropy have spread the information you want to the to the point where it's irretreivable. To take another weak analogy, unscambling an egg is child's play, informationally speaking, to that trick.
Jesus, why is everyone humouring lala?

The sentences she writes make little sense. Let's try and pin this down to one topic.

First, lala, do you want to know about cosmology, abiogenesis, or evolution?
What I've been talking about, see I haven't done a good enough job for people to get it, but it doesn't matter anyways because I've heard enough.
What I've been talking about, see I haven't done a good enough job for people to get it, but it doesn't matter anyways because I've heard enough.
Nevertheless, could you answer Phlog's question. Didyou want to know about cosmology, abiogenesis, or evolution?
Nevertheless, could you answer Phlog's question. Didyou want to know about cosmology, abiogenesis, or evolution?

It seems like she wants to respond with "And before that ? And before THAT ?" etc.
It looks like we're headed towards some sort of religious 'argument'..
I could be wrong of course..
I think you are. I believe she is just confused. Of course, I could also be wrong. It happened before - 1977, I think.
I think you are. I believe she is just confused. Of course, I could also be wrong. It happened before - 1977, I think.

Oh im plenty confused. There isn't going to be any religious arguments because I have yet to form a basis of my beliefs.
But I am talking about before the beliefs of cosmology, before abiogenesis began and evolution its first moment, after the big bang, biology to begin.
lala, that sentence does not make sense. You really have to try harder. I think this is what you meant:
Wait a moment. I cannot figure it out. What you have written really does not make any sense at all.

This makes some sense:But I am talking about before the beliefs of cosmology, before abiogenesis began and evolution its first moment.
But you are mixing up beliefs (beliefs in cosmology) with reality (abiogenesis). So are you talking about cosmology as a belief or as a reality? It's just to confusing.

Please try again. I mean really try. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. I wan't to help, but you have to meet us more than 10% of the way there.
But I am talking about before the beliefs of cosmology, before abiogenesis began and evolution its first moment, after the big bang, biology to begin.

“…before abiogenesis began”? Biology did not exist before abiogenesis, and this is a biology subforum.

If I understand you correctly (which is no mean feat :cool:), you’re asking about the cosmological processes that led to the formation of our Solar System and the planet Earth, and the planetary science processes that produced the raw organic materials that were utilised during abiogenesis to form life. Yes?

If yes, then these are planetary science and chemistry questions. Sciforums has Earth Science, Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology, and Chemistry subforums which would be more appropriate for such questions. But, if you want to ask about abiogenesis (formation of life from inorganic substrates) or evolution (changes in existing life in response to selective pressures) then this is the appropriate subforum.

So, as others have already asked, what specific questions do you want to know? If you can’t answer succinctly then there’s little point in leaving this thread open any longer.
All of the above, the whole story in your own words, from what you have gathered about such things.
All of the above, the whole story in your own words, from what you have gathered about such things.
Get real. The whole story , even a shortened version would take a couple of decent sized books. Fraggle, or someone, already gave you a precis, of a summary, of a condensed version, of an abridgement, earlier on. If you want more, you need to ask something specific. If you can't do that I am left with two options to consider a) you are a troll and should be ignored b) you are irredeemably stupid and should be ignored. Please don't tell me I've been wasting my effort till now. Ask a specific question for ****'s sake.
All of the above, the whole story in your own words, from what you have gathered about such things.

Well there’s the thing. :wallbang: It is totally unreasonable to expect anyone to describe “all of the above in their own words”. Even minor aspects of each of these processes are the subject of whole textbooks and specialities. A more specific question is required. Examples might be: Why did life form on Earth but not Venus? Did the sugar molecules that are in DNA come from comets or from the Earth? Does the formation of life on Earth have anything to do with the Earth being formed from the debris of a previous nova?

But you are clearly unwilling or unable to ask more specific questions, so I think I’ll end this here.

(I’ll entertain re-opening if you actually want to ask a specific question.)
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