what did humans...

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I just asking fucking people for their own specifics so that you know for sure what your ideals have brought you too,
so, I gave you specifics and asked if they were adequate for your purpose. you either ignored this effort by me on your behalf, or applied the perjorative adjective fucking to me, along with other posters. Either way it seems a little ungrateful.

One thing I will ask because I was unable to find an exact quotation from google, was the big bang the recipe for life in , was everything post big bang exist now just in different forms or mutations?
I am sure this sentence meant something to you. It means very little to me. You seem to be saying 'Hey! There were things post Big Bang are they still around now, but just in different form?"
If that's not what you meant you need to rephrase it.
It would also help if you could be more specific. Since the Big Bang was about energy and matter and both are still around, then yes. Since the form of matter/energy at the initiation of the Big Bang were nothing like the present, then no.
Everyone is always assuming things and jumping to illogical conclusions on my own behalf, which none of you know nothing of.
You don't want to hear this, but your writing style is crap. It is difficult to figure out what you mean. People are not jumping to conclusions, they are trying to understand your incoherent questions as best they can.
The reward they get for this effort is you being rude back to them. Do you think that might have limitations as a way of dealing with the world?
so, I gave you specifics and asked if they were adequate for your purpose. you either ignored this effort by me on your behalf, or applied the perjorative adjective fucking to me, along with other posters. Either way it seems a little ungrateful.

I am sure this sentence meant something to you. It means very little to me. You seem to be saying 'Hey! There were things post Big Bang are they still around now, but just in different form?"
If that's not what you meant you need to rephrase it.
It would also help if you could be more specific. Since the Big Bang was about energy and matter and both are still around, then yes. Since the form of matter/energy at the initiation of the Big Bang were nothing like the present, then no.
You don't want to hear this, but your writing style is crap. It is difficult to figure out what you mean. People are not jumping to conclusions, they are trying to understand your incoherent questions as best they can.
The reward they get for this effort is you being rude back to them. Do you think that might have limitations as a way of dealing with the world?
If you think of it as the big bang, or the "start" so to speak.

...then everything has been thought of, your birth, your incarnation into the world (the moment where you and everyone else agree to that you are real - not something you would like to miss out on) Just look up to those eyes and you'll be fine, the start is not easy either though.
so, I gave you specifics and asked if they were adequate for your purpose. you either ignored this effort by me on your behalf, or applied the perjorative adjective fucking to me, along with other posters. Either way it seems a little ungrateful.

I am sure this sentence meant something to you. It means very little to me. You seem to be saying 'Hey! There were things post Big Bang are they still around now, but just in different form?"
If that's not what you meant you need to rephrase it.
It would also help if you could be more specific. Since the Big Bang was about energy and matter and both are still around, then yes. Since the form of matter/energy at the initiation of the Big Bang were nothing like the present, then no.
You don't want to hear this, but your writing style is crap. It is difficult to figure out what you mean. People are not jumping to conclusions, they are trying to understand your incoherent questions as best they can.
The reward they get for this effort is you being rude back to them. Do you think that might have limitations as a way of dealing with the world?

But for some out of all the people that correct me you seem to be the least malicious in the sense that you are teaching me rather than ridiculing me.
Ok so the big bang, the big explosion of stuff, the original content of the actual happening, does it still exist in the same simply for or has it been like a domino effect that looks like a tree with many branches, I know I do not have the best writing skills, had to take extra classes throughout high school for my disability but I must say, I have gotten better. I suffer from obsessive and racing thoughts which have an affect on what I'm actually trying to say, I'd take med actions but I always suffer from the most severe side affects. There is a difference between telling me knowledge than just being a jerk about things.
The first vertebrates arose ~500mya. Vertebrates and other chordates (sharks, eels and other animals with cartilaginous instead of bony skeletons) are one phylum of Bilateria, animals with bilateral symmetry and an internal body cavity. This group includes most of the living non-microscopic animal species (but not all, e.g. jellyfish), and it split off from the simpler animals ~550mya.

Good post Frag - however my pedantry needs to make a point - Bilateria is not a phylum.
Vertebrates are all of the phylum chordata (vertebrata is a subphylum) - Bilateria is a subregnum - a higher taxonomical level than phylum - below kingdom, above phylum - for example a lobster is bilaterally symmetrical but it is a member of the phylum arthropoda but still part of the kingdom Animalia - a jellyfish is part of the animalia kingdom but has radiate symetry and therefore sits in the radiata subregnum and phylum cnidaria.

slightly drunk so I hope that makes sense :D

ps here's a a great animal taxonomy search engine in case you are interested - I've found a few discrepancies / disputed taxonomies in the Echinodermata but otherwise its very good indeed:

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Good post Frag - however my pedantry needs to make a point - Bilateria is not a phylum.
Vertebrates are all of the phylum chordata (vertebrata is a subphylum) - Bilateria is a subregnum - a higher taxonomical level than phylum - below kingdom, above phylum - for example a lobster is bilaterally symmetrical but it is a member of the phylum arthropoda but still part of the kingdom Animalia - a jellyfish is part of the animalia kingdom but has radiate symetry and therefore sits in the radiata subregnum and phylum cnidaria.

slightly drunk so I hope that makes sense :D
But for some out of all the people that correct me you seem to be the least malicious in the sense that you are teaching me rather than ridiculing me.
Ok so the big bang, the big explosion of stuff, the original content of the actual happening, does it still exist in the same simply for or has it been like a domino effect that looks like a tree with many branches, I know I do not have the best writing skills, had to take extra classes throughout high school for my disability but I must say, I have gotten better. I suffer from obsessive and racing thoughts which have an affect on what I'm actually trying to say, I'd take med actions but I always suffer from the most severe side affects. There is a difference between telling me knowledge than just being a jerk about things.

The big bang is a cosmological event where the universe that we know inflated from a small point. It really has little to do with the study of biological evolution.
examples please, I would assume that people could just explain in their own words.

The above is an example of you being too lazy to correctly capitalise a sentence, although you emphasized the 'I' in capital, which is quite telling.

excuse me for my grammar, no I am not too fucking lazy to spell correctly and you would have to be a retard to not understand the ways of google, so stop assuming things, like your better than me. jerk. I think you need to relax.

Do you mean you're ?

Btw, I am relaxed, it's you getting aggressive and swearing, not me. Now, if you are capable of spelling correctly, and using Google, go do it.

Also, you contradict yourself, you say you 'assume people could explain' in your first paragraph, but later tell me to stop assuming. One rule for you, another for me, eh?
The above is an example of you being too lazy to correctly capitalise a sentence, although you emphasized the 'I' in capital, which is quite telling.

Do you mean you're ?

Btw, I am relaxed, it's you getting aggressive and swearing, not me. Now, if you are capable of spelling correctly, and using Google, go do it.

Also, you contradict yourself, you say you 'assume people could explain' in your first paragraph, but later tell me to stop assuming. One rule for you, another for me, eh?

I am at a fault, I will do better.

It's just your putting your words in a very condescending way.

Does this mean I should leave this site, because of my disability?

Just stop saying I'm being lazy because that's not the case.
No, you don't have to leave because of your disability. People around here have a terrible habit of not reading every post in a thread, so you'll get duplicate responses and missed information. Just be patient if people ask you to clarify, because a lot of the knowledgeable posters may want to help, but will need to know precisely what you are asking before they can do so.

Have you read Fraggle Rocker's post?
I suffer from obsessive and racing thoughts which have an affect on what I'm actually trying to say,.
Life is about choices. One choice we have when posting on this forum is when we push the Submit button. Since you know you suffer from racing thoughts and you know others find your writing difficult to follow, you could make the choice not to submit until you have spell checked your post, re-read it at least twice to ensure it is clear, then made the necessary edits. The choice is yours. At present you are suffering negative consequences (criticism) of a negative choice (post without care). The choice is still yours.
Life is about choices. One choice we have when posting on this forum is when we push the Submit button. Since you know you suffer from racing thoughts and you know others find your writing difficult to follow, you could make the choice not to submit until you have spell checked your post, re-read it at least twice to ensure it is clear, then made the necessary edits. The choice is yours. At present you are suffering negative consequences (criticism) of a negative choice (post without care). The choice is still yours.

The thing is I do my spell check, re-read my posts and not till like hours later when I read it again, do I find my mistakes. Obviously, I'm not being forced to do anything. But I will admit to my faults and stride to get better.
lala, my guess is that you misunderstand what Big Bang is. Bing Bang happened way before even the Earth existed.
lala, my guess is that you misunderstand what Big Bang is. Bing Bang happened way before even the Earth existed.

I know this, I'm using the big bang in reference, to the beginning of everything, from the seed to the growth of the trunk, branches, leafs, etc.
Yes, but branches, leaves and trees happened way later than Big Bang. This reference makes little sense, since you always talk about biological things. May the formation of the Earth would make a better reference point?
May the formation of the Earth would make a better reference point?

Yes, this is much more sensible than the Big Bang.

….from the seed to the growth of the trunk, branches, leafs, etc.

I think this looks like a great resource of information that is pitched in the appropriate way. It seems to detail the formation of the Earth and the rise of life from single cells to present day humans. Have a look and let me know what you think.

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