What church should I try?

Cris said:
Hmm - I think I'd like to start with something more conventional. I want a group that would be open to discussion and disagreement.

they would be very open do discussion after the meetings as they are,in general, very thoughtful people.however if you try to start an arguement in a meeting it might not go down so well.if you are looking for an open forum to air you views there is no better place,you'll have up to an hour to talk about whatever you like to an attentive audience.

I don't think your intentions with this are skillful. You are acting out of your ego, insisting that you are right, and they are wrong.
You are just adding fuel to your own fire of hate and anger.

I don't think your intentions with this are skillful.
Not really quite sure what you mean by that.

You are acting out of your ego,
Not sure if this applies but even then I’m not sure that this would be a bad thing anyway. But really this is no more an ego trip than playing poker or chess. I have certain skills from some 30+ years as an adult in religious thought, and considerable skills in public speaking and handling confrontations. It’s an intellectual challenge.

insisting that you are right, and they are wrong.
That’s not really an accurate perception of my debating style. I believe I am right because I have logic on my side but am open to anyone who can show me any errors in my thinking. As for religionists being wrong; well yes that is my position since they cannot demonstrate that they are right but they insist that they are. But your point simply describes the starting point in any potentially interesting debate. The real skill is convincing others of ones own perspective being superior. That is the essential nature of debate and I see no reason to suppose there is anything wrong with that.

You are just adding fuel to your own fire of hate and anger.
You will have great difficulty finding any evidence that I have any hate or anger for religionists or anyone. This would be as pointless as hating the pieces on a chessboard. Not really sure why you’d think this of me.
This would be as pointless as hating the pieces on a chessboard. Not really sure why you’d think this of me.

This is just an example of the theist mentality.

Question their beliefs, and you are too proud of your logic.

Debate with them, and try to make them see logic, they will quickly be angered. They can't debate without keeping their emotions in check. Religion is based on faith which is based on their belief with all emotions of love. Try to take this away from them, and they will become emotional & irrational.

Ever heard of "beating god in him"?

But if you want to have some fun @ a church. go to a Babtist church. Preferably with black preast. ;)

They are very energetic, entertaining (lots of gospel singing) and the congregation actually participates more than any other.

Baptist was my first serious examination of Christainity when I was 16. Very modern outlook (compared to other British Churches) which I found attractive, very mdoern architecture for its building, and the Sunday attendance was in thousands and packed. After serrvice youth group was also very active.

I also linked in with some Pentocostalists - now that was a very raucous experience. Quite bizarre. Lot's of testifying.

Black baptists? Hmm might be interesting, kinda need to avoid any racial undertones though. But not sure there is anything like such a place here in Silicon Valley.
So my nearest churches are -

Seventh Day Adventists.

Ignoring Catholic for now - anyone have any comments on the first three?

You behave like one pissy little atheist, that's all. Hiding behind the neat and polite veils of logic and reason are your hate and anger.

You are talking to PEOPLE, Cris, not to "intellectual challenges".
And the above proves my view of debating with a theist. Water thanks for the ad-hominems, allegations, and emotional outburst.

Chris the above demonstrates what you will encounter in an atempt to intellectually debate face 2 face with a theist.

Godless - yup I know - been there once before - time to try it again. Some of the worst hatred I have ever experienced has come from Christians in direct debate. However, most are usually far more subdued and polite, although very stubborn from their indoctrination, and few have read their bibles - and that is the best weapon for atheists.

The approach to water and those like her is infinite patience and infinite repetition.

You behave like one pissy little atheist, that's all.
What does that mean?

Hiding behind the neat and polite veils of logic and reason are your hate and anger.
For example? What is your evidence?

You are talking to PEOPLE, Cris, not to "intellectual challenges".
I'll be talking to theists and those are intellectual challenges.
M*W: I have an idea, Cris, why not start your own "Church" of Logic and Reason, or a Fellowship of Intellectual Interests? I can only imagine how fast an organization like that would grow. Besides, if you call it a "church," it would be tax-exempt! You could even debate people like Pat Robertson! I'm serious! I'd become a member.
M*W - it already exists although it isn't called a church - it is better known as science.
jus dont give them any money,

if anybody wants to help people, then do it face to face first hand, i dont give to any charities, i help people around me, i help homeless people in my area, not just give them money, i give them smart clothes, let them use my phone and help them write a C.V, then try to get them a job. alot of them dont want to help themselves and make some money, so i dont help the ones that just want money to buy booze and crack.

churches look nice and all, but dont forget there a organisation that wants money.

I went to the Church of Christ for several years (not in Cali tho, so I don't know if one is handy for you). The congregation I went to would have Sunday morning bible studies before the regular service, and also Wednesday night meetings where some conversation would go on. It would have been interesting to have someone around to shake things up a little, instead of everyone agreeing w/ each other. If you can find one, CofC could be an interesting challenge for you.
I think someone like Cris with his challenging assertions would freak out the Christians in a bible study and they will probably concede that he is demonised and will want to pray for him.
That's a possibility too, but I think they'd atleast give him a chance. I can't gaurentee they'll all have intelligent arguments, but I don't think they'd deny you the chance to talk at all.