What Christians Believe


Registered Senior Member
There has been a lot of confusion about what a good Christian believes in this forum. Here are some of the basics.

First, Starting with the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden, we became sinful creatures. God cannot stand sin, and with His perfection, we cannot be near him with it. Romans 6:23 says, "The wages of sin is death."

God then had a conflict. The punishment for any sin is eternal separation from God (Hell). But he loves us and created us for the purpose of willful fellowship with us. Since God is perfectly just, He has to punish sin. But he knows the punishment would take us away from him. So He devised an answer: Send himself to take our punishment for us.

Jesus came into the world, and taught us to love and respect one another. and was seen as a threat to the Temple heirarchy. They had him crucified. This was all a part of God's plan. Since Jesus didn't sin once, (He was tempted, but being the perfect Son of God, he never gave into satan) He was able to be a perfect sinless human sacrifice. Otherwise it would have just been punishing his own sin. But like I said, he never sinned, so it didn't matter. He took all sin, past, present, and future, had it put upon Himself, and died. He spent three days in hell. On the third day He rose from the dead (symbolic of how humanity can now rise from its ashes). This is THE MOST significant event in Christian history, without it, Christianity is pointless. (You can try to prove the resurrection wrong, but in reality, it happened. Truth.)

Now, he only cleared the sin of those willing to believe that he cleansed their sins and saved their souls. Jesus took our sin to the cross and now we can be perfect like God, the requirements to be with Him in heaven. But you have to have faith. We believe that only those who are faithful and accept Jesus and what He did will go to heaven. This is not a "Freedom to do what the hell you want" pass, because as one who accepts Christ, you will become more like Him and do His will.

Keep this in mind: Faith produces good works, rather than the opposite. This is what separates us from other religions. You don't have to be 51% good to get into heaven or 51% bad to get into hell. Accept Jesus and you become like him and become 100% good. Then you do your good works out of your Jesus-esque goodness.

Yours in Christ,

Keep this in mind: Faith produces good works, rather than the opposite. This is what separates us from other religions. You don't have to be 51% good to get into heaven or 51% bad to get into hell. Accept Jesus and you become like him and become 100% good. Then you do your good works out of your Jesus-esque goodness.
Almost inevitably it's a little of both. Jesus said a man who does not act to the word he hears is like a man who made his house out of straw, the winds came and blew it down. Jesus' mission was to raise us to his perfection, either in this life or in the next.

Here it's a little bit of a theology problem with other religions. Islam believes God is the source of all goodness, implying, it would seem, works mean nothing without grace. Yet it's more a problem of emphasis. Without a compendum of literature and reluctance to go overboard, like some Christians, Islam has not developed this idea further, I believe.

Further, no one is good but God, so were're in a little bit of quandry accepting these works by unbelievers are good. Yet if they are truly good, then they must be done through God, even through their relationship with God is not complete, perfect, or whole.

I agree with you! I can find no hope in anything or anyone else except Him.
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JesusisLord51 said:
You don't have to be 51% good to get into heaven or 51% bad to get into hell. Accept Jesus and you become like him and become 100% good.
What about real believing christians who do bad things, like that lady who killed her children with a rock recently because she says she thought god told her to do it (Uppon rethinking it she says it seems pretty obvious it was satan tricking her) Is she still 100% good?
Or what about a whole flock of church goers traveling the nation to protest the funerals of homosexuals who have died of AIDS? They all believe in Jesus and fear God, are they 100% good?

(Check out http://www.godhatesfags.com for reference)
SpyMoose said:
What about real believing christians who do bad things, like that lady who killed her children with a rock recently because she says she thought god told her to do it (Uppon rethinking it she says it seems pretty obvious it was satan tricking her) Is she still 100% good?
James 1:16-17
"16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. "
Mystech said:
Or what about a whole flock of church goers traveling the nation to protest the funerals of homosexuals who have died of AIDS?
Is that a bad thing? Whatkind of protest? What they are protesting against -the homosexuals or the AIDS? Please clarify.

They all believe in Jesus and fear God
You cannot fear God. Unless you don't know Him....

are they 100% good?
Nobody is good besides God, the Father.
SpyMoose said:
What about real believing christians who do bad things, like that lady who killed her children with a rock recently because she says she thought god told her to do it (Uppon rethinking it she says it seems pretty obvious it was satan tricking her) Is she still 100% good?

Well, you can't be a real believing Christian and do something like that. If she accepted Jesus and followed Him according to how He teaches us to live our lives, she wouldn't consider something like that. Mark 10 talks about how Jesus blesses little children.
Mystech said:
Or what about a whole flock of church goers traveling the nation to protest the funerals of homosexuals who have died of AIDS? They all believe in Jesus and fear God, are they 100% good?

(Check out http://www.godhatesfags.com for reference)

It isn't right that they are protesting the funerals of the gay people because they are gay. But there are so many verses in the bible which clearly state that homosexuality is a perversion. And this has a natural consequence, just like other sexually immoral perversions. Homosexuality is as controllable as is any other immoral addictions like drugs and alcohol. Some choose to hate them instead of help them. Just because you go to church doesnt mean you are a christian.

Those who hate others hate God. It is a sinful rebellion, and we can only pray that they repent and try to show the homosexuals Jesus.
TruthSeeker said:
You cannot fear God. Unless you don't know Him....

It isn't in the sense that we think of it, like "HOLY CRAP IT'S GOD! HIDE YOUR :m: :m: :m: !" It is a respect thing. We fear fire because we respect its power. It can be useful and provide us with heat and light, but come too close and you will get burned.

God provides us with love and mercy. But get him angry (it takes a lot) and you get burned.
TruthSeeker said:
Is that a bad thing? Whatkind of protest? What they are protesting against -the homosexuals or the AIDS? Please clarify.

Giving homosexuals a Christian burial, homosexuality in general, that's kind of their bent in that particular church, they really hate homosexuals. That's why they run the God hates fags website. And yes of course it's a bad thing. How would your loved ones feel if a gaggle of unwashed Kansinians showed up with signs protesting the fact that you ever lived to begin with at your funeral?
You know something - if God exists we are going the wrong way about things. I fear that I will upset everyone with faith here. But the Bible and the Qu'ran are both way past their sell by date. Sure it's true that these books were usefull in their day. But we are not in that "day" any longer. Mankind has moved on, but mankinds idea of God has been frozen in time and thats where all the problems set in - Time to de-frost!

The propaganda used in religion is still relevant today, but no one is truly "God Fearing" anymore - so whats going on? Has mankind stopped in the search for God? Doesn't man want to know more about God or is everyone quite happy to accept and lay down their life on stories which were acceptable to people who wouldn't comprehend space travel, television or computers - witchcraft they would call it! Are you on the same level as that?

The Bible and the Qu'ran are good books, and they contain some good information but lots of crap too, and they are so outdated. So lets quit the differences, and grow up a little eh? We can all look for God, hopefully there is one out there, but we are never going find him or to get to know him by believing in old hat, and the world is never going to find any peace by fighting over it either.
JesusisLord51 said:
Well, you can't be a real believing Christian and do something like that. If she accepted Jesus and followed Him according to how He teaches us to live our lives, she wouldn't consider something like that. Mark 10 talks about how Jesus blesses little children.

Ahh so you're saying that it's not the belieiving but your personal deeds that really matter?
JesusisLord51 said:
But there are so many verses in the bible which clearly state that homosexuality is a perversion.

And some of those same verses condemn shrimp and clothing of more than one thread to the same degree. Remember, Leviticus says that laying with man as with woman is an abomination but also that shrimp are an abomination, condemning both to the same degree. . . are we really supposed to take this stuff seriously? How could anyone? If you don't mind, I'm off to stone my neighbor's disobedient children. . . it is a community affair, after all.

JesusisLord51 said:
And this has a natural consequence, just like other sexually immoral perversions. Homosexuality is as controllable as is any other immoral addictions like drugs and alcohol.

Haha ok this isn't the right thread for this, but you are so on my shit-list right now you inane god-bot. I'm sorely tempted to start ranting about how faith is a mental disorder, and the Christian faith in particular is a cancer on our great society, but then baseless attacks on fundamental differences in individuals and how they live their lives is just rude isn't it? Try to keep that in mind you heartless bastard.

JesusisLord51 said:
Those who hate others hate God. It is a sinful rebellion, and we can only pray that they repent and try to show the homosexuals Jesus.

What about those who hate and still believe in god and love Jesus? What about those who hate in the name of God? What about those such as yourself who hold grose misconceptions which in themselves are inherently hateful yet still profess to love God and follow Jesus?
Mystech said:
Or what about a whole flock of church goers traveling the nation to protest the funerals of homosexuals who have died of AIDS? They all believe in Jesus and fear God, are they 100% good?

(Check out http://www.godhatesfags.com for reference)

No they are not 100% good. This is just another example where Christianity needs to grow up to survive - Its outdated!
Mystech said:
Ahh so you're saying that it's not the belieiving but your personal deeds that really matter?

Your personal deeds are a result of your faith. No faith, no good-ness. NOT THE OPPOSITE.
JesusisLord51 said:
Homosexuality is as controllable as is any other immoral addictions like drugs and alcohol.

If you believe what you have just said here, then you have got very big problems.

Wake up !!
Mystech said:
And some of those same verses condemn shrimp and clothing of more than one thread to the same degree. Remember, Leviticus says that laying with man as with woman is an abomination but also that shrimp are an abomination, condemning both to the same degree. . . are we really supposed to take this stuff seriously? How could anyone? If you don't mind, I'm off to stone my neighbor's disobedient children. . . it is a community affair, after all.

The Law of the old testament is more of a set of moral and physical guidelines to keep the Jewish people from getting themselves hurt.

Seafood and pork was dangerous to the Jews; they didn't know about bacteria and the almost sure fact you would get sick if you didn't cook it just right. Since they didn't know how to cook safely, it was better not to eat it.

Haha ok this isn't the right thread for this, but you are so on my shit-list right now you inane god-bot. I'm sorely tempted to start ranting about how faith is a mental disorder, and the Christian faith in particular is a cancer on our great society, but then baseless attacks on fundamental differences in individuals and how they live their lives is just rude isn't it? Try to keep that in mind, you heartless bastard

You can love the person, but you can't love the sin. God made us male and female.

Sin is an eternal disorder. And we all have it. Think of Jesus as the cure.

Our society is fallen. We do not live up to God's expectations.

It isn't rude. It's scripture. And I am not attacking the gay people. I am attacking the sinful nature of their sexual perversion.

I have a chemical imbalance. I am bipolar, suffer from depression, and ADD. There is a lot gone wrong up there. But I'm not gay. It's all a cover-up for sin. Don't let the rainbow coalition try to fool you.

Try to keep THAT in mind.
What about those who hate and still believe in god and love Jesus? What about those who hate in the name of God? What about those such as yourself who hold grose misconceptions which in themselves are inherently hateful yet still profess to love God and follow Jesus?

It is called sin. Those who believe in God and love Jesus try to repent of it. Those who twist scripture and use it to hate are not those who believe in God and love Jesus. And it isn't a gross misconception. It is what the Old Testament says. God created us, male and female, so we may "be fruitful". Romans says that homosexuality is a shameful sexual lust between two men. Notice "Shameful". If I hated gays, I would want them all dead. I don't. They just need help, that's all. It is a sin. But because of Jesus, they can repent of it.
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JesusisLord51 *Thinks* - "Shall I continue to spread the Good News of Jesus or shall I say to heck with it and watch a war movie instead"

JesusisLord51 *Types* - "I Got to go Band of Brothers is on; I will edit and finish tomorrow."

So much for faith eh? LOL! :D :D