What are the DEMONS intentions?

craterchains (Norval said:
hmmmm , got a scripture for that one there Lori?

Well, I'm sure that there are some, but I'm sorry, I'm not much of a Bible thumper. I would love to solicit the help of someone who is though. My statement is based upon what I've experienced to be true more than what I've read, though everything I've experienced is confirmed in scripture.

Satan is described in the Bible as the tempter of man and a master of deceipt.

Man's desire for it was what was instilled into our flesh during the fall in the garden.

And as I see it, there are many who do not want to know the truth about God, or life, or themselves, and demons are right there to lie to them, distract them, and entertain them as desired.
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what demons where.

if your refering to the bible darkeyedbeauty there are nearly 700 bad deeds (murders killing etc)in the bible done for of by god and only 200 good things there are just over 50 things attributed to the devil or demons and none of those killed anyone.
so would you like to rephase that, it seems to me the demons are the good guys well according to you bible.

I have no belief any devils demons or gods.
It is said that the deeper you go the safer you are.

But I also know that the deeper you go the hotter it gets.

Their choice as to what level of safty or temperature they chose,, just as long as they dont pop their heads above one mile,, heh heh

Juat my opinion.
Depends on which religion you look at. They are generally associated with drawing people away from doing good things. In Semitic faiths [Judaism, Christianity, Islam], the purpose of Demons/Djinns is to draw people away from God/Allah/YHWH via temptation and to cause them to fall.
stretched said:
Anyone here got firsthand experience of interacting with "demons"?

Everyone has, it's just a matter of being aware of it. There have been times when I have been aware of it.
stretched: Anyone here got firsthand experience of interacting with "demons"?
M*W: I interpret "demons" to be things of "de mond" or things of the "world," i.e. "worldy things," as in "living things." Things that humans get occupied with and obsessed about, etc.
Me thinks M*W muddies the waters more. Maybe she ought to read the bible instead of
her books that are supposedly about the bible. But then that would be getting too close
to the source of truth for her me thinks. Obviously she has "demons" as she is so
obsessed about it. ROFLMAO

Come on people, the answers are in the bible. Not in books about the bible. FOCL
Quote M*W: I interpret "demons" to be things of "de mond" or things of the "world," i.e. "worldy things," as in "living things." Things that humans get occupied with and obsessed about, etc."

* Yes, that sounds about right, just a metaphor for that which distracts us from the light?

Quote Lori:
"Everyone has, it's just a matter of being aware of it. There have been times when I have been aware of it."

* I get your drift Lori, but are you are saying these "demons" are a distinct, intelligent phenomona or just "bad things" in life?

Quote water:

* I would really be very interested to hear why you state "yes". Is there any way you could share it? (even PM)

really do try to get a life people, wake up, theres no demons, they have no evil intentions they dont exist. theres only nasty people.