What A ............

It could mean he has no way to confirm or deny what you say or possibly, no way to interpret it.

I remember one Egyptian doctor who said his wife was "possessed" by a jinn. I've seen people in India who are "possessed" as well. I don't pretend to understand it, but I prefer not to exacerbate whatever it may be.

But SAM he specifically told me and Crunchy that we would feel them or hear them, and that we would experience more than we could imagine.

None of this happened. But tresbien insists that we are lying about it.
And you are telling me he isn't being dishonest ?
But SAM he specifically told me and Crunchy that we would feel them or hear them, and that we would experience more than we could imagine.

None of this happened. But tresbien insists that we are lying about it.
And you are telling me he isn't being dishonest ?

I don't know. Do you?
If he sees them he's not a liar. Maybe you're jinn challenged.

He made a specific claim concerning what I would see / experience... multiple times. None of his claims came to pass and he exposed himself as a liar as a result.
He made a specific claim concerning what I would see / experience... multiple times. None of his claims came to pass and he exposed himself as a liar as a result.

If jinns comes it is by Allah leave.No one has control over them but their creator.Once the jews came to our prophet asking him about the people of cave but he doas not say if ALlah will.It is only after month that Allah answers the question of jews.ALLAH IS WISE.If they have not shown yet,it is ALLAH who chooses the day.WHO KNOWS AFTER U FORGET.tHEY CAN SURPRISE U.I SWEAR I AM NOT LIAR

the other hand, Islam and its scholars have followed the prophetic path in dealing with dreams, and have judged dreams according to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. They have ruled that true dreams are from Allaah, some warn and others bring glad tidings. Ibn Mas’ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, said, “Prophecy is finished but tidings remain” people asked, ‘What are these tidings?’ he sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam replied, “A true dream which a man sees, or others see for him” (Bukhaari & Maalik). These tidings could be good or bad as Allaah says, which means, “So give them tidings of a painful doom” (Al-Inshiqaaq: 24).

....long preaching copy paste deleted......

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the other hand, Islam and its scholars have followed the prophetic path in dealing with dreams, and have judged dreams according to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah. They have ruled that true dreams are from Allaah, some warn and others bring glad tidings.
No, this is total gibberish. Dreams are simply neurological activity and entirely natural.

Assigning dreams to a supernatural source originates in the past times of complete ignorance of modern science, e.g. the times of Mohamed and the origins of Islam.
some arab channel invite sometime psychologist or psychatrists to speak about vision or dream jin possession or it is just organic disease. they say dreams are sometimes resulted from subconscious but vision is divine gift.
some arab channel invite sometime psychologist or psychatrists to speak about vision or dream jin possession or it is just organic disease. they say dreams are sometimes resulted from subconscious but vision is divine gift.

I find it hard...or near impossible to believe that a credible psychologist would say that.
time existing and its characteristis are defined based on a perspective of the observer who perceives that time
I find it hard...or near impossible to believe that a credible psychologist would say that.
they are muslims.They believe in quran
I find it hard...or near impossible to believe that a credible psychologist would say that.
they are muslims.They believe in quran

then if they cease to find a scientific reason for dreams or "visions" in favor of just simply saying Allah did it, they are indeed not credible nor are they real scientists.
let speak about science.can any of u tell me why day and night are in our planet .

yes, because the earth rotates on its axis so there are points of light when the side of the earth you are on is towards the sun, and points of dark when the side of the earth you are on is facing away from the sun.
why beyond our space it is only dark

Because light can only be observed if it hits something. In outer space there is nothing for light the hit (illuminate). Well.. except the numerous planets and moons of course :rolleyes:
Btw. don't you think the sun gives off just a tiny bit of light ? Or do you think there is no space between the earth and the sun ?