Whale's Revenge

Collecting a million names will not do a single thing as long as we keep buying products of companies that condone whaling, we continue buying things from Japan. Until the companies and countries start losing money, they won't do a Fucking thing.

yeah, i agree. it's up to the people who buy that shit to grow some balls/brains and do something about it.
what makes whales so special?
Oh right. Good question.

Nothing, I suppose.

Would you eat longpig? I would. Tastes like pork, so I've heard.

The petition isn't about eating them though, it's about using them for so called 'scientific research' (some dispute that this is the true intention). What do you think about that?
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Whales don't move around that much, One or 2 dead whales should be enough for a detailed anatomical study, A single live whale should be enough for biological and chemical studies. But more than 10 per week. . something fishy must be going on. They're hunting more than 1 whale per day for scientific purposes ? . . I don't think so.
Whales don't move around that much, One or 2 dead whales should be enough for a detailed anatomical study, A single live whale should be enough for biological and chemical studies. But more than 10 per week. . something fishy must be going on. They're hunting more than 1 whale per day for scientific purposes ? . . I don't think so.
all's fine if their studying how much schoolchildren they can feed the stuff who don't actually like it but some minister thinks it's good for them yadayadayada it's traditional yada yaa yada good for little souls etc etc etc they fed that crap to him and no way he's not going to get revenge by doing the same to millions etc etc etc. Political mind games are generaly stupid.
Tell me, really, ....what good are whales?

Oh, I know, you're all gonna' say something politically correct about "eco-this" and "ecosystem-that", but that's not really an answer to the question. So, ....really, what good are they? If they all disappeared tomorrow, would we even notice it?

Baron Max
Tell me, really, ....what good are whales?

Oh, I know, you're all gonna' say something politically correct about "eco-this" and "ecosystem-that", but that's not really an answer to the question. So, ....really, what good are they? If they all disappeared tomorrow, would we even notice it?

Baron Max
Depends on what effects it would have on the ecosystem. ;)

What good are flowers, dancers, swans and other things that are graceful beyond necessity, and that make the world a more interesting and beautiful place? Removing them would make the world a less interesting and less beautiful place. Isn't that enough?
Depends on what effects it would have on the ecosystem.

Which are ......what?

I mean, you're the one fighting to save the whales as if you know what the effects would be if they disappeared, so .....what are the effects?

Removing them would make the world a less interesting and less beautiful place. Isn't that enough?

When was the last time that most people actually saw a fuckin' whale ...other than on tv or a movie? If all the whales disappeared, we still have all those interesting and beautiful films to review from time to time.

Few people in the world have ever seen a fuckin' whale, so don't give me that politically correct bullshit about beauty and interest. No, it ain't enough.

Baron Max
Which are ......what?
Dunno. :(

'spose we'll have to kill 'em all to find out.
I mean, you're the one fighting to save the whales as if you know what the effects would be if they disappeared
Am I? :confused:
so .....what are the effects?
Dunno. :(
When was the last time that most people actually saw a fuckin' whale ...other than on tv or a movie? If all the whales disappeared, we still have all those interesting and beautiful films to review from time to time.

Few people in the world have ever seen a fuckin' whale, so don't give me that politically correct bullshit about beauty and interest. No, it ain't enough.
I thought I saw one off the coast of Blackpool once but it turned out to be my fat cousin Stacey, taking a dip. "Stacey!" I roared. "Come here at once! Quickly now, before you get harpooned!" Silly girl.

I just don't think it's right to go off killing stuff without no good reason. 's ugly and barbaric, innit. Fine if you're going to eat it or perform valuable research on it but otherwise just leave it alone.

Anyway, even eating them is wrong. There are far smaller, stupider things we can eat - eg human foetuses or brain-damaged monkeys. Why go to all the bother of hooking stuff out of the sea when we haven't eaten everything that's tasty on the land yet?
Tell me, really, ....what good are whales?

Oh, I know, you're all gonna' say something politically correct about "eco-this" and "ecosystem-that", but that's not really an answer to the question. So, ....really, what good are they? If they all disappeared tomorrow, would we even notice it?

Baron Max

What good are humans ?

Oh, I know...

You're gonna say something like "scientific genius this", and "artistic masterpieces that", but that's not really an answer to the question.

Really... What good are they ?

If we all disappeared tomorrow, would they even notice it ?

I'm just sayin'...

Cool game, BTW.
What good are humans?

Oh, I know...

You're gonna say something like "scientific genius this", and "artistic masterpieces that", ...

...LOL! You sure don't know Baron Max very well, do you? :D

Humans suck giant donkey dicks and shouldn't be allowed to live on the same planet as the whales and other animals!!!

Really... What good are they ?

If we all disappeared tomorrow, would they even notice it? I'm just sayin'...

If humans disappeared, the world, the planet, the universe, would be much, much better for it.

Baron Max
I'm confused. You mentioned cows but your sources appear to be discussing the link between whales and hippos. I'm guessing that you make the worst cup of tea in the world.

(Only kidding. Fascinating stuff.
So...maybe when the whales are gone, we could replenish their supply by dumping cows into the sea. Probably have to use a lot, tho.
Wouldn't this upset the global milk/water balance? Weak cuppas worldwide would surely be the inevitable and catastrophic result.
The ``scientific research'' excuse is certainly bullshit, but it's the only loophole that the Japanese have to continuing the hunting of whales. Nobody gets pissed off at Inuit people hunting whales... ``It's their culture'' they say. Well, whaling is part of Japanese culture as well...