Whale hunting

What's your point about Cod? Are you saying it's a problem just because you might not be able to buy one with your chips, or are you saying it's a bad thing that humans are wiping out a species of fish?

I'm against whaling regardless of how many whales there may or may not be, purely for my own moral reasons. What adds insult to inury is when the Japanese goverment claim to be conducting scientific research, presumably the sort of research that results in whale meat appearing in the Japanese market place. :(

actually both, because if we just laid of the cod for a while then the stocks will be higher again and there wouldne be a problem
So, the Japanese and Norwegians should stop hunting and eating whales because most Westerners don't like the idea of killing whales.

I am pretty sure most people in India don't like the idea of killing cows for food. Perhaps we should stop killing them because of the sensibilities of the Indians.

Koreans eat dogs. Most of us see dogs as pets. Should the Koreans stop killing and eating dogs because we don't like it.

People are too ethnocentric. We don't like something so we expect every other culture to also not like it. There are people in the world who like eating whale meat just as there are people in the world who enjoy horse meat, beef, pork and dog. If you don't want to eat whale, don't. Don't go telling others what they can and cannot eat.
So, the Japanese and Norwegians should stop hunting and eating whales because most Westerners don't like the idea of killing whales.

I am pretty sure most people in India don't like the idea of killing cows for food. Perhaps we should stop killing them because of the sensibilities of the Indians.

Koreans eat dogs. Most of us see dogs as pets. Should the Koreans stop killing and eating dogs because we don't like it.

People are too ethnocentric. We don't like something so we expect every other culture to also not like it. There are people in the world who like eating whale meat just as there are people in the world who enjoy horse meat, beef, pork and dog. If you don't want to eat whale, don't. Don't go telling others what they can and cannot eat.

There a little difference between killing a wild animal (that's endangered to make things worse) and killing livestock thats bred for consumption.
You can't really be serious...
Oh, but I can be serious. Which of the whales the Japanese and Norwegians are hunting are presently on the endangered species list?

Do you really think it makes a difference to the animal if it is wild or has been raised for food? Do you think cows think, "Oh, well, they're gonna kill me but that's okay. I was raised to be food anyway."?
Oh, but I can be serious. Which of the whales the Japanese and Norwegians are hunting are presently on the endangered species list?
I don't know if the whales in question are endangered, I just assumed.
Anyway, they are probably going to be endangered if those whalers have their way.

Do you really think it makes a difference to the animal if it is wild or has been raised for food? Do you think cows think, "Oh, well, they're gonna kill me but that's okay. I was raised to be food anyway."?
No, I don't think it makes a difference to the animals.
It does however make a difference to the ecosystem when you start killing of whales. The killing of meat cows have no impact on any ecosystem whatsoever.
It might have a negative effect on the ecosystem if you start killing off whales. I doubt it will have much of an effect on the ecosystem if you simply kill some whales.
Actu;ally you know nothing of the sort. You are basing your argument on emotion and nothing else. Killing a few, and that is all they are killing when considering the total whale population, will have little negative ecological effect.

It is fine if you like whales and think they should not be killed but don't expect to refute fact with emotion. Fact trumps emotion every time.
It don't really matter. Before it's all done, humans will have sucked the planet dry of every single thing that's of any value to them .....it's just a matter of time. If the whales aren't destroyed by hunting, we'll kill them all off with pollution.

Is it just me or have your pessimism levels been rising lately?
Actu;ally you know nothing of the sort. You are basing your argument on emotion and nothing else. Killing a few, and that is all they are killing when considering the total whale population, will have little negative ecological effect.

Actually you know nothing of the sort. They are hunting an endangered species, so yes even killing a few will have a negative ecological effect.
Actually you know nothing of the sort. They are hunting an endangered species, so yes even killing a few will have a negative ecological effect.

which endangered one? Humpback whales were removed from the endangered list in some areas. In the North Atlantic they have reached pre-hunting levels. As long as Migaloo isn't hunted, I'm fine with the limited number they take.
Actu;ally you know nothing of the sort. You are basing your argument on emotion and nothing else. Killing a few, and that is all they are killing when considering the total whale population, will have little negative ecological effect.

It is fine if you like whales and think they should not be killed but don't expect to refute fact with emotion. Fact trumps emotion every time.

I did not react on emotion at all.
I based my opinion on whalehunting in the past. Several species have been hunted almost to extinction.
Furthermore, whales are large animals that do not reproduce very fast.
And there are not a very many of them at all. Whales need vast feeding grounds.
I did not react on emotion at all.
I based my opinion on whalehunting in the past. Several species have been hunted almost to extinction.
Furthermore, whales are large animals that do not reproduce very fast.
And there are not a very many of them at all. Whales need vast feeding grounds.

yes and all of us are against over hunting them. Stocks of whales are back up and they are basically just culling the herd. Japan isn't talking about an all out every man for himself hunting season. 50 humpbacks lost won't hurt the species.
yes and all of us are against over hunting them. Stocks of whales are back up and they are basically just culling the herd. Japan isn't talking about an all out every man for himself hunting season. 50 humpbacks lost won't hurt the species.

50 humpbacks a year I assume ? And Norway ? Humpbacks are highly migratory.
Humpbacks have bounced back because they were protected. And their numbers are in some places approaching pre-whaling numbers, in other places they are still critically endangered.
Humpbacks are already under great stress from chemical and noise pollution. What if their prey populations also drop ?
All things combined the number may start to decline again soon.
There is also no need to hunt them, so why do it ? Whale hunting is done in a barbaric way.
I have no problem with whale hunting. But I will agree Japan is wrong on this one. They should be hunting to the north.

The status of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary can be reviewed by the IWC every 10 years, and during the 2004 meeting a proposal was made by Japan to remove the sanctuary but it failed to reach the 75% majority required (it received 25 votes in favour and 30 votes against with two abstentions).

Japan has continued to hunt whales inside the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary until 2005, as scientific whaling is not prohibited by the IWC rules. The catch of the 2005 season (Dec 05-Mar 06)inside the sanctuary included 856 minke whales and ten of the endangered Fin whale

I wonder if other countries will just stand buy or if they will take action. All I se are civilians (Greenpeace) doing something
I have no problem with whale hunting. But I will agree Japan is wrong on this one. They should be hunting to the north.

The status of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary can be reviewed by the IWC every 10 years, and during the 2004 meeting a proposal was made by Japan to remove the sanctuary but it failed to reach the 75% majority required (it received 25 votes in favour and 30 votes against with two abstentions).

Japan has continued to hunt whales inside the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary until 2005, as scientific whaling is not prohibited by the IWC rules. The catch of the 2005 season (Dec 05-Mar 06)inside the sanctuary included 856 minke whales and ten of the endangered Fin whale

I wonder if other countries will just stand buy or if they will take action. All I se are civilians (Greenpeace) doing something

Yep, humpbacks are endangered in those areas. And they comprise their own genepool as well.
Governments don't seem to care until things go wrong, it's usually that way.
If all the freakin' whales disappeared tomorrow, what difference would it make to your life? I mean, ....really.

There have been numerous animal species that have disappeared from the Earth ...did it affect any of you in any real way? Or did your life just keep on going as before?

Baron Max
If all the freakin' whales disappeared tomorrow, what difference would it make to your life? I mean, ....really.

There have been numerous animal species that have disappeared from the Earth ...did it affect any of you in any real way? Or did your life just keep on going as before?

Baron Max

Not yet, wait a few generations..
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I don't think any of us will be around in a few generations. So, therefore, it don't fuckin' matter, right? :D

Baron Max

It does matter if you give a shit about this planet (humans excluded).