Whale hunting


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Japan has been in the news a lot lately and not in a good way. They hunt whales.
If the humpback whale population is high enough to tolerate the loss of 50 whales, why is that wrong?
Hunting whales is wrong because people tend to seperate animals into okay to kill and not okay to kill categories. Different groups place different animals in the two groups.

The Japanese view whales and dolphins as food items so they have no compunctions about killing them. Most Westerners do not consider them suitable for the dinner table so we say they should not be hunted.

We feel the same about horses. Horses are considered rather large pets in most of the Western world but if you go to France you will find boucheries chevalines, butcher shops that specialize in horse meat.

If the Japanaese and the Norwegians want to hunt and eat whales and they are hunting non endangered species I see nothing wrong with it. After all, De gustibus non est disputandum
It don't really matter. Before it's all done, humans will have sucked the planet dry of every single thing that's of any value to them .....it's just a matter of time. If the whales aren't destroyed by hunting, we'll kill them all off with pollution.

Just enjoy your life, what little there is of it. I'm coming to realize that it really don't mean nothin' in the grand scheme of things. Few of us will ever actually make any significant contributions to anything, and the few of us who do, that accomplishment will be turned into something that can further kill or pollute something else.

Baron Max
I would think that if a country like Japan can buy other meats that are

similar in taste to whale then they should try and buy those types of

production meats instead of depleting the stocks of whales. I don't

understand why whale is so important to them because they now have been

buying beef for many years and importing it everywhere in Japan. They have

eaten whale for centuries and old habits die hard.
Like Till Eulenspiegel said it's because whales (all of them) have been placed in the not ok to kill category. Norway hunts whales responsibly, only the minke whale and only a small number. They are very conscientious about the whale populations health.
I would think that if a country like Japan can buy other meats that are

similar in taste to whale then they should try and buy those types of

production meats instead of depleting the stocks of whales. I don't

understand why whale is so important to them because they now have been

buying beef for many years and importing it everywhere in Japan. They have

eaten whale for centuries and old habits die hard.

Japan isn't exactly a great place to raise meat though is it.
Yeah, does Japan have a lot of space for cows?
I just think once the whale population has gone back up, hunt responsibly. And since they are only hunting 50, well, go for it.
Yeah, does Japan have a lot of space for cows?
I just think once the whale population has gone back up, hunt responsibly. And since they are only hunting 50, well, go for it.

They have enough money to import any beef they need or want. They can

buy beef from Korea a few hundred miles away or China also very near to

them. They already buy beef from America and other countries as well.
What do you mean they have enough money to import it?v Do you have any idea how expensive beef is in Japan?!
I would think that if a country like Japan can buy other meats that are similar in taste to whale then they should try and buy those types of production meats instead of depleting the stocks of whales. I don't understand why whale is so important to them because they now have been buying beef for many years and importing it everywhere in Japan. They have eaten whale for centuries and old habits die hard.

Actually, I'm not sure that they have been eating whale for centuries. I think whale-meat took off to some extent during WWII, due to food shortages.

As I understand it, though, it is mostly older Japanese people who want whale meat. Many younger Japanese people are against whaling, on the same grounds as most of the civilised world.

The pretense that whales are hunted for "scientific" purposes is laughable, considering that this year Japan plans to kill about 1000 whales (that they've told us about).

Yeah, does Japan have a lot of space for cows?
I just think once the whale population has gone back up, hunt responsibly. And since they are only hunting 50, well, go for it.

There is disagreement about whale populations. This year, Japan plans to start hunting humpback whales again for the first time. I think the general scientific consensus is that populations of humpbacks are still low enough to make the species endangered.

Japan doesn't have a lot of space for cows. It imports a lot of meat from Australia.
And yet Kobe beef is really good.

Strange, that.

As to the whales, they're off the list of things to kill. It has to do with something I saw on PBS as a kid. Documentary footage of an old man playing violin to some whales. That qualifies. They have a legitimate claim to elevated and specific respect.
Japan has been in the news a lot lately and not in a good way. They hunt whales.
If the humpback whale population is high enough to tolerate the loss of 50 whales, why is that wrong?

japanesse have eaten whale for a long time! so why should they change they're eating habits, ok dont kill all the whales, and let them populate, we have a problem with Cod in this country it has been eating so much that its difficult to get a fish shop to sell you one now
Actually, I'm not sure that they have been eating whale for centuries. I think whale-meat took off to some extent during WWII, due to food shortages.

(from "Whale and Traditions of Diet", 1987)

According to a noted culinary researcher, the late Mr. Tetsunosuke Tada, Japanese probably started to eat whale during the Jomon period. This section will focus on the Japanese traditional diet with relation to the whale since that time.

1) The Jomon Period (7000/8000 to 3000 B.C.): whale as an essential food

There are a few facts that can be obtained as historical evidence which provide an explanation of the Japanese consumption of whale in this period. The first facts can be found in one of the traditional songs of the Kushiro Ainu and in the lyrics of an ancient songs called 'Yuukara' from the Saru Ainu (a group of Japanese aboriginals who have lived in the northern part of Japan since the Jomon period).

The song of Kushiro Ainu described the following story: "There was a standard whale on the Toya coast. A young fellow found it. He shouted the news around from village to village." Although Toya is currently located about 12 km from the shore line, it was on the shore about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago when the Kushiro Plains was still a part of the ocean. Several pieces of Jomon (straw-rope pattern) pottery were found in Toya shell mounds.

In the 'Yuukara', whales are mentioned: "Killer whale, god of the ocean, please bring more than one and a half whales every year. Then, I will be pleased to give my sweet daughter as your bride." As can be seen from this ancient song, the whale was a very important source of food for ancient people of Japan.

The other historical evidence can be found among the objects excavated from shell mounds. Shell mounds have been found all over Japan and provide much information about ancient people's diets. They contain bones of deer, wild boars, whales, dolphins, sea lions, fur seals and so on. This indicates that the people of the Jomon period ate whales.

Then, how did they catch large whales? They were able to hunt most mammals and animals except whales by using bow, spear and gaff. Could they hunt whales with these tools? One picture which was found from a shell mound solved this question.

japanesse have eaten whale for a long time! so why should they change they're eating habits, ok dont kill all the whales, and let them populate, we have a problem with Cod in this country it has been eating so much that its difficult to get a fish shop to sell you one now

What's your point about Cod? Are you saying it's a problem just because you might not be able to buy one with your chips, or are you saying it's a bad thing that humans are wiping out a species of fish?

I'm against whaling regardless of how many whales there may or may not be, purely for my own moral reasons. What adds insult to inury is when the Japanese goverment claim to be conducting scientific research, presumably the sort of research that results in whale meat appearing in the Japanese market place. :(
i believe some species being hunted are endangered also the japanese go after sharks some of which are endangered also most ocean going like deep water sharks have rapidly gone down in numbers to to hunting for the fins
i believe some species being hunted are endangered also the japanese go after sharks some of which are endangered also most ocean going like deep water sharks have rapidly gone down in numbers to to hunting for the fins

Do you not have periods, commas and the capital letter shift key on your keyboard? Your posts are almost impossible to read and make sense of ....you're forcing the readers to put commas and periods into your posts!

Please learn to type, and learn English grammar.

Baron Max
....What adds insult to inury is when the Japanese goverment claim to be conducting scientific research, presumably the sort of research that results in whale meat appearing in the Japanese market place. :(

If you are going to kill an animal to study its body/organs, wouldn't it make sense to also eat that animal. No waste.
Of course I think they are lying their asses off, but...
Do you not have periods, commas and the capital letter shift key on your keyboard? Your posts are almost impossible to read and make sense of ....you're forcing the readers to put commas and periods into your posts!

Please learn to type, and learn English grammar.

Baron Max

so whats it like regenerating a lost limb. does it hurt? how long does it take?
If you are going to kill an animal to study its body/organs, wouldn't it make sense to also eat that animal. No waste.
Of course I think they are lying their asses off, but...

It won't be very fresh after it's been studied by scientists... but then of course we all know it's bullshit, and I'm sure the Japanese know that we know.