Western Historians on The Islamic Conquests


But I admit that part of it is that while there are points to discuss, I just didn't see the poster I was questioning as really out to discuss those points, but rather to lay seige to another poster.

let em, i was planning to do the same. fact is, he said conquests were peaceful, i showed they were all not. thread over. you should know by now the syrian's mode of posting is highly biased and one sided. i am quite content to let him set the terms of debate as rebuttal is then simplified. these particular posters and their threads are not worth rescuing. they will eventually be closed and i do not see why any decent poster should waste their time in said threads. if you find the topic interesting, make a spin off. we could look at muslim historians take on the mughal invasion..simply peachy, then we could look at the hindu spin..the frikkin untold holocaust and genocide of hindus. ahh lets not forget the brits... those useless "divide and conquer" fucktards, they demonise the muslims for their own imperialistic purposes.. stirring up shit b/w the natives. so ah..somewhere after taking all these differing histories into account will be an approximation of what really happened in india, namely...good reign/bad reign, despot succeeded by cool guy.... ad nauseum

syrian dont care
dj dont care
zero dont care
neither will i

its like this post
honestly i felt ashamed that fraggle had to put up with all this juvenile crap

*note:i do not exempt myself from my own criticism;)
if i dont see an apology from the muslims for the indian genocide, i will blow up the (muslim built) taj mahal!. you have been warned
Originally posted by spookz
*I counter by refering them to these two very powerful sites (syrian)

*To counter all christian lies and hopeless atheist BS against Islam, I recommend you these powerful sites (syrian)

what are you, just plain stupid?

No, I am just plain haters-Fucker.

First of all, Tassia, you claim Christianity to be a scourge, yet you embrace Islam. Fact of the matter is, Islamic Conquests were no different than Christian Conquests. How could they have been? You call what Islam has done as "Human" but how can what Christianity did be any less? The people behind it were human after all.

Think about what you're saying...Sometimes Islam was nice while it shoved it's teachings down other's throats...right. How were they nice? They said, with their armies in tow, "This is the Quaran. You can accept this peacefully, or pay large taxes in comparison who don't." How is that peacefull? You're still conveying the same idea of "Take this or suffer" except you're being slicker about it.

My government does regard me as subhuman, and I am, in fact, pissed off about it.

See, this statement threw me off, because through this whole thread, I figured you were an Easterner. The way you spoke of the West as "You Westerners" and the sort.

Let me break it down to you...This whole idea that the government considers you sub-human is in your head. YOU have made that statement, not them. Now I trust this government about as far as I can throw them, but your claim seems like nothing more than angry paranoia. So you're "Not-Quite-White?" Big deal! Get up, get out, and do something with yourself. Stop sitting around and smoking pot, damning the government for things that aren't said NOR implied. Becuase the TRUTH is that the hardest thing to be in America today is a WHITE MALE. WOMEN and MINORITIES get the free rides in this country, chick, and the stats back it up.

Second-rate poseur extraordinaire


I'll sleep on it and decide later if your post is worth any measure of dignified response.

In the meantime, demonstrate with the content of your posts that you're actually reading my posts and I might be more inclined to give a damn.

In the meantime, go back to school boy, and learn to read. I am not to be held responsible for your idiocy.

Tiassa :cool:
JDawg : the TRUTH is that the hardest thing to be in America today is a WHITE MALE.

You gotta be joking me right ? No for real , this is an outrageous racist claim as it simply does not deal with facts here .

You may thank God you were not born a nigger in the projects , but a cracker from mianus .

and the stats back it up.

What stats ? Show : Show me how whites are so poor and how hard it is to be a whie man compared to a mexican illegal or a black man from projects .

Blackstone :
do not keep two religions together in the arab land" - Mohammad (PissBeUponHim) before dying

Keep your trauma's to yourself please and seek help .
Posted By: Tassia
How can "we" be complex human beings that require detailed examination in order to justify judgment against, yet "they" be so simple and separate from our complex humanity that these simple rhetorical Molotov cocktails against Islam tend to separate Muslims from the Western perception of humanity. It is an insult, a defamation, a foundation for xenophobia.

So what you are presuming here is that people who "Flame" Islam must not know a thing about it. Yet, later in your post, you claim to know very little about it yourself. Or, should I say, enough to toss insults as carelessly as you do now at Christianity.

Well maybe you should open your eyes and start looking around at your beloved Islam.

I apologize to all my Western neighbors, for instance, who dislike my regard for Islam, but the thousands of pages of study and the thousands of days of experience I have undertaken in Western culture took time to put together.

So, basically, you saw the evils of Christianity (No argument there) and said, "well, Islam can't be THAT bad?" Becuase that IS the argument you're making here. Becuase it took so damn long to figure out how bad this Western culture was, and you blindly chose Islam instead? That isn't a very intelligent move, and you will figure this out once you do some studying on religion.

I'll be at least fifty before I could possibly know enough about Islam to dare such a phrase with such casual disregard for the perception of presumed blanket authority.

You must be a slow learner. I'm 22, and I already realize that ALL organized religion from that region are counteractive to the Human purpose. They ALL promote ignorance and brainwashing. ALL of them.

And until my studies and experiences convince me that Muslims are anything other than human--either way--I shall continue to regard them as human beings.

And what are we in the West? Are we devils? Demons? If you see US as the demons in this dance, then you really need to hit the books on Islam, hon. Shall I get into the crimes against humanity that Islam has committed?

Hell, if the world's mightiest nations subscribed to an ideology that cast me as subhuman

Where do you get that? Who calls Islam subhuman?

Oh, wait ... I'm an American not-quite-white, non-Christian, pot-smoking dissenter. My government does regard me as subhuman

Ok....FastWeb.com alone boasts links to 600 THOUSAND scholarships for minorities. Show me a website that provides a SINGLE scholarship for whites only.

Dusty Baker can say that "Blacks are better suited for the hot sun" in a post-game interview, but if Joe Torre were to say "Whites are better suited for the cold climates" he'd be cruicified.

A black comedian can call a white man a cracker or honkey, but a white comic cannot call a black man a nigger.

And I speak from personal experience. Ghassan, who's total fear of anything non-Muslim causes him to assume things falsely, claims I should thank God that I wasn't "Born a nigger in the projects," just ASSUMED that I WASEN'T born in the projects.

Well, I was born there. And I grew up there. And I lived it. I saw racism. I was beat up for being white. I was accused of racism simply for being a white kid. I was robbed for being white. I was ridiculed for being white. I've had a gun to my neck for being white, have you? I've seen real life, and I've seen the lives of minorities. But the difference between some of them and myself is that I picked myself up and got out of there. I got a job, and I stayed there, and I earned enough money to move. And it's not like I moved to an affluent white neighborhood, as I happen to be the only white family in the apartment complex, but that doesn't mean I haven't gotten out of the slums.

Look at Jesse Jackson. He fought against the expulsion of 7 black high school students. Their offense was starting a riot at a football game (I believe) and they were kicked out for it. Would he have fought for a group of white kids whom had committed the same offense? No. But that's acceptable to America. It's acceptable for a man like that to fight for his own kind, but not all kinds. And why not? There are plenty of white people who could use that help. But if there was a white activist who fought only for white people, he'd be dehumanized and called a racist. Why not Jesse?

The facts are that if you want a discounted ride through life in America, you had damn well better be a minority. Becuase if you're white, and you make one false step, you're either a racist or just plain shit out of luck.

This heritage of self-righteous conquest is as much ours in the West as some would claim a heritage of evil and hatred for Islam.

I would agree, except that Islam's battle with those not of it's kind has been going on forever, and has not shown any signs of slowing down. Look at 9/11. What was that for? Was it because we have interests in the Middle East? Too bad! They have interests, and they blow up buses full of children for them. All we do is get the oil we want. Would we fight a war for that interest? Yes, of course we would. As would they. But they use completely inhumane means to achive their goals, and as a matter of fact, none of their goals are achived.

Look at our wars with Afghanistan and Iraq. We know Bin Laden was behind the terrorist attacks in recent years. So, when they finally struck a blow great enough to inspire us to come after him with all our might, we go to Afghanistan and wipe out the violent and oppresive government. Few casualites on our side, and few civilian casualties. Same with Iraq; we pushed through that country in what was one of the most impressive military accomplishments of all-time. Little harm done to the Iraqi civilians, and done with both of our best interest in mind!

The problem with your beloved Islam is that all the attacks they launch, all the civilian deaths they cause, are all for naught. What have they accomplished? Have they killed off all the Jews? No. Have they pushed them from their lands? No. Have all the Isrealites been killed? No. Are they gone from their lands? No. Is there any end in sight to the death and destruction? NO. Mindless violence in the name of religion and land continues, and will always continue thanks to Islam. It's dogmas prevent anything else. There is no room for advancement, there is no room for improvement. Even if Islam isn't intended to be a means to hate and wage Jihad every other weekend, that's how it's being used by the Islamic people of that region, and that is a fact.

Those nations are so god-damned backwards, it's a suprise they still exist. But remember, the only reason they still DO exist is because the West steps in every time things get REALLY bad and try to mediate, be it through force or peaceful negotiation.

Even the oil-rich countries require outside help in mining it!

Somebody pointed out, in a relative defense of the United States, that no country is a haven of perfection. Neither is any history virginally pure. Neither is any history wholly noble.

That's right. But you must choose, in the grand scheme of things, the lesser of two evils (though I hate calling anything "evil", becuase I don't believe in "good" or "evil") What would you rather support: A ideology that supports growth and wealth and happiness, and is willing and ABLE to protect that wealth and growth and happiness; or an ideology that tolerates totalitarian dictators and suppression of human rights, and who will not and CANNOT protect you, despite the fact that they often instigate the violence?

If you chose B, you chose Islam.

JD (Edit for a couple grammatical mistakes...not that I caught them all, just the glaring ones)
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
No, I am just plain haters-Fucker.


Nah, he's plain stupid, spooky.

Now go pray to your god that your enemies may fall into hell fire. It's your daily routine, ain't it, unless you go off to bomb them instead.
Bad Dawg! And all over the carpet!

So what you are presuming here is that people who "Flame" Islam must not know a thing about it.
No, JDawg, there's no presumption about it. The ignorance is evident in the issues considered and the address given them. One need not presume. An operating conclusion is sufficient.
Yet, later in your post, you claim to know very little about it yourself. Or, should I say, enough to toss insults as carelessly as you do now at Christianity.
Well maybe you should open your eyes and start looking around at your beloved Islam.
To whom are you addressing this comment?
So, basically, you saw the evils of Christianity (No argument there) and said, "well, Islam can't be THAT bad?
Hardly. I cannot be held responsible for your reading comprehension, but I can certainly try to work around those inadequacies.
Becuase that IS the argument you're making here.
Again, I cannot be held responsible for your lack of education.
Becuase it took so damn long to figure out how bad this Western culture was, and you blindly chose Islam instead?
You do seem to enjoy driving home the point of your own ignorance.

Very simply, as a human being, it is impossible to expect that I got it right in my opposition to Christianity the first time. I learned a number of lessons about what is relevant and irrelevant to my examination of the Christian endeavor. I see absolutely no reason to repeat those mistakes as I learn about Islam, do you?

Or is that the going method in your corner of the Universe? To angrily smash your head against a wall while cursing the wall for being in your way?
That isn't a very intelligent move, and you will figure this out once you do some studying on religion.
What do you recommend, JDawg? Surely someone as enlightened as you claim to be with such a pompous sentence is capable of communicating such a simple notion.

In the meantime, I understand how you might come to regard the Universe you describe to be not very intelligent. It's not. In fact, it's as near to irredeemably stupid as I've seen in a while.
You must be a slow learner. I'm 22, and I already realize that ALL organized religion from that region are counteractive to the Human purpose
One of the things I learned coming away from Christianity is that broad, sweeping generalizations of my own intellect, such as you have posted of your own, are very bad ideas.

You sound very religious, JDawg. Stop worshipping yourself. You're not God.

In the meantime, I can either presume like a bigot so I can be like you, or I can go out and learn about people and their ways and their institutions.

Besides, there's a difference between realizing the counterproductiveness of organized religion and thinking productively about that problem. You have yet to understand this, to judge by your posts.

And if condemnation is all you seek, then you're right, you are done learning. And that is a tragedy. Look at yourself. That's all you'll ever be. And frankly, that's a pathetic little to judge by what you're showing us.

Is it a weight off your chest to surrender to ignorance?
They ALL promote ignorance and brainwashing. ALL of them.
They seem to have had their effect on you.
And what are we in the West?
Personally, I thought we had enough issues on the table already, but if you insist on this point, it's well enough to say that we in the west are humans as well. As such, it would do you well to start dealing with the issue in human terms; that's the problem we in the West are having in general. This is still a hate war dependent on labels of division, organizational abstractions, and presumptions of human values.

"We" are human. "They" are human. I would like to see a few more of the people on the "We" side of that division understand this point. I would like to see those people behave and express themselves accordingly. This, apparently, is beyond the capabilities of many an anti-Islamic hater.
Shall I get into the crimes against humanity that Islam has committed?
Tell ya what, Toots, you're welcome to put that list together if you really want. None of it will surprise me, Baby. Perhaps you don't understand that, Cookie, but to those of us who aren't out begging for a reason to hate someone it seems rather hypocritical to take issue with people for attempting the very same things which have, through history, led to my station and relative comfort and security in the world at the expense of others. Easy enough, woman?
Where do you get that? Who calls Islam subhuman?
Xenophobia is the bread and butter of division. "They" are different from "us". Pay attention to the number of times words like "monstrous" and "barbaric" pop up in the press and in political speeches. Pay attention, sometime, to how sociopolitical debates are framed by the politicians, pundits, and press.
Show me a website that provides a SINGLE scholarship for whites only.
Establish the relevance of the point. This sounds like a discussion for another forum entirely.
Dusty Baker can say that "Blacks are better suited for the hot sun" in a post-game interview, but if Joe Torre were to say "Whites are better suited for the cold climates" he'd be cruicified.
I doubt it. Such a statement by Torre would be supported by anthropological data, at least. Hell, even tribes in Africa we generally describe as "primitive" understand that.
A black comedian can call a white man a cracker or honkey, but a white comic cannot call a black man a nigger.
This is a curious point. After watching this phenomenon for years, I'm convinced that it's the problem of the white comedians, who can't seem to work the word into a joke without absolutely screwing it up. Chris Rock doing the "Carry my bags, Nigger" joke at Lincoln Center has not only comic value in the raw, but also in the historical. Not all of the jokes are that refined, but the point still holds. Were you just counting uses of the word "Nigger", or were you paying attention to the jokes?
And I speak from personal experience. Ghassan, who's total fear of anything non-Muslim causes him to assume things falsely, claims I should thank God that I wasn't "Born a nigger in the projects," just ASSUMED that I WASEN'T born in the projects.
Your apparent lack of awareness of certain issues, the rhythm of your words, and the nature of your sympathies indicate to me that you weren't born in the projects.
Well, I was born there. And I grew up there. And I lived it. I saw racism. I was beat up for being white. I was accused of racism simply for being a white kid. I was robbed for being white. I was ridiculed for being white. I've had a gun to my neck for being white, have you?
Not for being white.

What I can't figure out is why you want to continue to endow the world with the brand of hatred you now claim to have endured.
But the difference between some of them and myself is that I picked myself up and got out of there.
True, true. And your skin color didn't play any role in it.
Their offense was starting a riot at a football game (I believe) and they were kicked out for it.
If my opinion of the latest of Mr. Jackson's exploits really matters to you, please post some informational links, preferably from sources a little less dedicated to ethnic hatred than you are.
It's acceptable for a man like that to fight for his own kind, but not all kinds
To judge by the Sciforums crowd, yourself included, I'm in a class with Jesse Jackson. I'm not sure whether to thank you or tell you to f@ck off.
There are plenty of white people who could use that help. But if there was a white activist who fought only for white people, he'd be dehumanized and called a racist. Why not Jesse?
Things like that make me doubt your tear-jerker story about the projects.

A white activist fighting for white people generally involves a guy seeking to maintain and even expand socioeconomic imbalances which favor white ethnicities.

A black activist fighting for black people generally involves someone trying to make our country live up to its boasts, such as "liberty and justice for all".

So you tell me: A white activist fighting to preserve and augment injustice, a black activist seeking to end injustice.

I think your complaint and question in this case are remarkably stupid. I mean, I'm generally surprised when I come across this degree of argument. I don't know whether to be angry or to feel sorry for you.
Becuase if you're white, and you make one false step, you're either a racist or just plain shit out of luck.
Right. That's why law enforcement targets white people for excessive search and seizure. That's why law enforcement and media jump on missing minority children cases while leaving the white missing children without coverage. That's why Laci Peterson got so much less attention than black women who disappear and die in the last trimester of pregnancy. That's why Pennsylvania was shocked to learn that their criminal justice system was inherently bent against white people. That's why hundreds of whites were arrested in Tulia, Texas, a few years ago in what is now turning out to be one of the most scandalous law enforcement transgressions in recent memory.
I would agree, except that Islam's battle with those not of it's kind has been going on forever, and has not shown any signs of slowing down.
What? What's that? Oh, you're back somewhere near the topic? Oh, alright ...

Well ...I would ask a simple question: As compared to what?
Look at 9/11. What was that for?
You don't know? Why are you involving yourself in this or any similar discussion?
All we do is get the oil we want. Would we fight a war for that interest? Yes, of course we would. As would they. But they use completely inhumane means to achive their goals, and as a matter of fact, none of their goals are achived.
There are no words to describe the ineffable disgust you inspire.

Are you really this terrible a person in your real life, or are you just venting some abstract, unrelated frustration by concentrating all of your hatred toward those unlike you?

No wonder you don't know why 9/11 happened.

But since the grievous errors of your assertion are practically spray-painted throughout the WE&P forum, I'm going to defer until you either get a brain or kill yourself.
The problem with your beloved Islam
You've got to learn to keep your posts straight. Who and what are you addressing here?
Those nations are so god-damned backwards, it's a suprise they still exist.
Many of them exist in their backward state because of the way in which we in the West went in and got the oil. But if you're so determined to hate as your disgusting review of history implies, I'm going to need a more compelling reason than you're giving to waste a bunch of time connecting the dots for you so that you can continue to utterly fail to understand.
But you must choose, in the grand scheme of things, the lesser of two evils (though I hate calling anything "evil", becuase I don't believe in "good" or "evil")
Choose how? And why must one? Your pompous, fatalistic rhetoric sounds reasonably poetic, but it still reeks of death.
If you chose B, you chose Islam.
Are you sure about that?
(Edit for a couple grammatical mistakes...not that I caught them all, just the glaring ones)
Grammatical mistakes are problematic, I admit. But nothing can account for the disrespect you show your fellow human being, nor the ignorant hatred bleeding from every letter you write.

Look ... being an American, I have to admit that being on the losing side of wars is not something we're comfortable with. But you're not going to help anything if the best you can bring is a pile of shite-stinking hatred.

There is one time that I don't feel bad about separating someone rhetorically from the human race, JDawg It is when someone insists that I do. Your reprehensible hatred of human beings is as close as I've come to that point for a while.

One of my favorite bands put out a song a couple years ago that became a quick fan favorite, and even is today despite the potential political overtones:
While you are warm and safe
Just think of us shivering, beautifully brave.
Fear all that patience we've saved.
Know that we're coming back...
Black Sheep who've formed a pack.
Do you hear our footfalls creeping back up to your walls?
Creeping back home!

Though our armies may be less, there's more of us.
Yeah, rot you will and fertilize our dirt for us.
This, too, is our home.
Yeah, we're on our way home.
We're coming home

Tired of being cold,
And we don't care if your doors are closed. (Floater, "Exiled")
I'm not sure what they intended when they released the song, but it looks to be that in some form or another, its apt. It's a cool song. The mp3 is here. I find it an interesting juxtaposition to the present situation because Floater generally seems anti-war, such as the art-lyric poetry of "Alone" (mp3).

When I was a kid, I would have loved this song because I was one of the black sheep willing to form a pack. (It's a 1980s metal thing.) Now the black sheep have dynamite strapped to their chests ... it's a far different magnitude, but it seems an even more apt metaphor.
It goes so fast, like a bomb blast. The conviction of the righteous is gone. (Floater, "Alone")
Of course, I may be wasting both our time with this last part. Your understanding of history is so lacking that I admit to having no confidence in your artistic perspective. Do me a favor? Try to surprise me? Please?

At least make it look like you give enough of a damn about what you're saying to put up the appearance of a reasonable argument in the first place?

Tiassa :cool:

I'm 22, and I already realize that ALL organized religion from that region are counteractive to the Human purpose. They ALL promote ignorance and brainwashing. ALL of them.

Yet you have not yet figure out how religion merely functions as a covering identity & purpose giver to an exploding situation based on injustice , inequality and oppression .

I say you're a slowie .

And what are we in the West? Are we devils? Demons? If you see US as the demons in this dance, then you really need to hit the books on Islam, hon. Shall I get into the crimes against humanity that Islam has committed?

Are you actually trying to assert here that USA , who has fought cold war , who is built on RACIST slavery and on and its Western heritage of colonization , with the West itself included , has a worse history than Muslims ?

I think your error lies between an emotional dependance you have on the west , and the lack of knowledge about it . Ofcourse counterproduct Islam beautifully fits your bias picture .

Show me a website that provides a SINGLE scholarship for whites only.

Are you kidding yourself here ? No serious , is this what you actually try to confront peoples with ? That there are no whites-only scholarships ? Oh my .

but if Joe Torre were to say "Whites are better suited for the cold climates" he'd be cruicified.

Is that any way near comparable to what actually happens to peoples , what is beeing said about cold climate ? Sure that would be stupid if you would whine because someone says whites deal better with cold , for fucks sake thats why they are white in the first place . Isnt that a totally different issue that actions peoples are confronted with on racism ? Like being born Black to mean 1000X more chance to be born poor in compare to white ?

Ghassan, who's total fear of anything non-Muslim

Do you enjoy making yourself look like an ass ? Can you even come up with why you would be an ass saying what you just did ? Can you ? Who is you judge about , tell me .

just ASSUMED that I WASEN'T born in the projects

You're a minority it explains alot though . From your bias there would be no white-black difference as your white ass would be poor . So you indeed from your bias u couldnt coprehend the overal differences . But from a 22 year old Id expect a bit larger-then-my-block perspective on life .

If you are as you propose possible , you're a minority .
A Black man from the projects ISNT .

There are plenty of white people who could use that help.

Im sure , but how does it relate to the Black peoples ?

The facts are that if you want a discounted ride through life in America, you had damn well better be a minority. Becuase if you're white, and you make one false step, you're either a racist or just plain shit out of luck.

The thing is , that if you are BORN a white man , chances are you dont need to take the same steps , the same risks , as a black man would . Sure there are many whites who arent born this lucky , and there are alot of Blacks who are born this lucky . However the relation between one a group and another is IMMENSE , and for you to make this into a problem as being white is simply damn ignorant of the acknowledge of the greate white majority in america that makes there 30.000+ GDP .

Look at 9/11. What was that for? Was it because we have interests in the Middle East? Too bad! They have interests, and they blow up buses full of children for them. All we do is get the oil we want. Would we fight a war for that interest? Yes, of course we would. As would they. But they use completely inhumane means to achive their goals, and as a matter of fact, none of their goals are achived.

Your comparation of greed interest and resistance interest is pathetic beyond all ways .

Im sorry but for attitudes like this you should look around and wonder why others have to die . Do you think your USA uses humane means ? Because it can lie and twist its more humane ? Because its less spectacular its more humane ? Doesnt quantity say anything ? I thought so

Look at our wars with Afghanistan and Iraq. We know Bin Laden was behind the terrorist attacks in recent years. So, when they finally struck a blow great enough to inspire us to come after him with all our might, we go to Afghanistan and wipe out the violent and oppresive government. Few casualites on our side, and few civilian casualties. Same with Iraq; we pushed through that country in what was one of the most impressive military accomplishments of all-time. Little harm done to the Iraqi civilians, and done with both of our best interest in mind!

Do you enjoy your imagination ? This is so full of shit Im just overwhelmed , so lets just let it be . Go sign up and see you soon .
Last edited:
First, Ghassan:

Yet you have not yet figure out how religion merely functions as a covering identity & purpose giver to an exploding situation based on injustice , inequality and oppression .

Look, if the world we lived in was ideal, religion would help people get through the tough times, inspire and teach morality. And while in a lot of cases, it does. But from the people I've met, the experiences I've had, and even just reading the posts here at Sciforum, religion isn't that at all.

You say it gives those who are oppressed an identity, and a family for those who may not have it. I agree. In some cases. And, ideally, it would do that. But the fanatics it births, the hatred it breeds, and the ignorance it promotes...yeah, maybe it's the ignorance of the people following it who bring religion down to that level, but the religion is still the platform from which they jump.

Are you actually trying to assert here that USA , who has fought cold war , who is built on RACIST slavery and on and its Western heritage of colonization , with the West itself included , has a worse history than Muslims ?

First, this country wasn't built on RACIST slavery. Slavery in this case was based on ignorance. We didn't go there thinking "Let's go oppress some niggers." We went in thinking "Let's get some free labor." And that isn't exclusive to the United States. Blacks weren't the first enslaved people, and whites weren't the first to take slaves. Don't forget that.

And I'm not saying Muslims have had it easy, because I know they haven't. Their culture prevents them from having it that way. Holy wars. Land disputes. Cultural differences. All of that prevents the quality of life for a Muslim or Jew in that region from being anywhere near what we have are capable of having in the US. But the question is, who's fault is that? Ours or theirs?

I think your error lies between an emotional dependance you have on the west , and the lack of knowledge about it .

What error, Ghassan?

Ofcourse counterproduct Islam beautifully fits your bias picture .

Of course it does. Becuase no matter what anyone tries to do to cool tensions and promote growth, the Islamic nations refuse to make anything of themselves.

Are you kidding yourself here ? No serious , is this what you actually try to confront peoples with ? That there are no whites-only scholarships ? Oh my .

The point I was trying to make, though I realize I didn't argue it eloquently, was that there are so many taboos for white men. Trust me! I'm a white man! Yes, I realize that much of what some white people bitch about is B.S., but there are some serious double-standards in the US. When I pointed out that there are no white-only scholarships, it was to point out that minorities have an overwhelming advantage in life, and they don't have to apply themselves any more than a person in the majority does.

Sure that would be stupid if you would whine because someone says whites deal better with cold , for fucks sake thats why they are white in the first place .

But don't you understand, that's what happens? Minority groups get all up in arms about a white man who makes any race-specific comment, good or bad. Ethnic minorities expect whites to be colorblind, when the entire world is black and white to them. It's an unfair double-standard, and it's the wrong way to go about reaching racial harmony.

Isnt that a totally different issue that actions peoples are confronted with on racism ?

Of course not. Isn't it racist for a person to generalize white people as violent or oppressive or ignorant?

Like being born Black to mean 1000X more chance to be born poor in compare to white ?

I doubt that is the actual statistic, Ghassan, but I'll humor you...in my line of work, I deal with statistics and problem-solving, and I have to relate the statistic to the problem. To me, to hear that being born black gives you a 1000% greater chance of being poor than a white man, I have to ask "Why is that?" You have to look at the problem first, and the causes before you find a solution. Can racism today prevent an ethnic minority from aquiring a high-paying job? No. There are laws in place today which prevent that. And look around, becuase if the minority is disqualified without sufficient grounds, then there will be hell to pay for the employer. That's how the system works.

Do you enjoy making yourself look like an ass ? Can you even come up with why you would be an ass saying what you just did ? Can you ? Who is you judge about , tell me .

Just look at your posts, where you flame people with no basis, and flat-out refuse to listen to the intelligent arguments of others simply because they come from those who are non-muslim. You have not once insulted a Muslim on these boards, yet you have consistantly flamed even the most eloquent and intelligent non-confrontational non-Muslims.

You're a minority it explains alot though . From your bias there would be no white-black difference as your white ass would be poor . So you indeed from your bias u couldnt coprehend the overal differences . But from a 22 year old Id expect a bit larger-then-my-block perspective on life .

I have no bias. I've seen life from many angles, the first being the projects. Just because I don't speak with an accent and I have some knowledge of grammar doesn't make me a bias white man. I understand that there is a difference between blacks and whites. I understand that, but I don't buy into the phobia-riddled excuses that most of you come up with.

If you are as you propose possible , you're a minority .

You don't have to believe what I say about my life. I just offered it on the assumption that we were all being open and honest, and wouldn't attack each other's credibility.

A Black man from the projects ISNT

Again, in my line of work, we'd have to look at that and ask "Why?" I just refuse to believe that they are forced there, because if that were the case, there would be NO successful black people.

The thing is , that if you are BORN a white man , chances are you dont need to take the same steps , the same risks , as a black man would

No? And what steps are you talking about? What risks? Do I not have to have an education because I'm white? Do I not have to speak well and present myself properly because I'm white? What you fail to recognize is that the limitations on people are based in MONEY, nothing more. A white man raised in a trailer has no advantage over a black man born in a trailer.

Your comparation of greed interest and resistance interest is pathetic beyond all ways .

Why do you consider the quest for wealth and prosperity to be greed? Wealth can greatly increase the quality of your life, and can give your children a much better chance of being successful. What is wrong with that?

That is where we find the failure of the Islamic nations. They have so little that they find evil in those who have much. It's human nature to be jealous, but by not attempting to right the problem, they are failing at life, and it is why I call them backwards.

Im sorry but for attitudes like this you should look around and wonder why others have to die .

Not sure I get this one...

Do you think your USA uses humane means ?

I'm not saying that at all. The USA has been guilty of some incredible acts of savagery and inhumanity in it's history, including and most notably it's aquisition of the land in which the very country was founded on.

But that's not all...

We are the only nation to use the atomic bomb in war.

In Vietnam, there was a thing called the Mi Lei Massacre. All the women, children and elderly were butchered and thrown into mass graves. These were acts committed by the United States of America. Acts done out of desperation and hatred for it's enemy. Acts that were punished and acts that we have learned from. What have any of the Islamic nations learned from their acts of savegery or brutality? When will someone hold them accountable?

Because it can lie and twist its more humane ?

Oh, here comes the Muslim pride and the Anti-American inside Ghassan bursting out!

The truth is, Ghassan, that no nation is completely honest to it's civilians. The lies are always done out of what the people in charge consider to be their nation's best interest. Islamic nations lie, Western nations lie.

Because its less spectacular its more humane ?

Less spectacular? What in the world is spectacular about inhuaminty? What about terrorism in spectacular? What about oppressive dictators and kings is spectacular?

Doesnt quantity say anything ?

If the quantity is over an extended period of time, then yes, it does. And Islamic nations have been fighting amongst each other over B.S. since Biblical times. The quantity of B.S. death and cruelty and slavery and oppression tips the scales in favor of the Islamic nations, because the West stopped going to war over religion a long time ago, and the East didn't.

Do you enjoy your imagination ? This is so full of shit Im just overwhelmed , so lets just let it be

Is it? What is "So full of shit" about it? Which part? The fact that you can't counter it tells me that you don't have a valid argument against it.

Everything is done is someone's best interest, it's just nature. The US armed Osama Bin Laden in his effort (And success) in banishing the Russians from Afghanistan. With our usefulness waning, he turned his target to the new biggest-and-baddest non-Muslim nation with interests in the region. So, he used relgion to turn men into suicide bombers, and killed thousands of of civilians in NYC, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania.

How is our interest in purchasing oil at the lowest price possible grounds for the murder of innocent civilians? You cannot justify that, and you know it, so you won't even try.

And there is nothing "So full of shit" about the Iraqi war. We mowed through that place in record time, and rid the people of a regime that was murderous and inhumane. A regime that tortured atheletes who lost olympic events. A regime that consisted of a man who when shot in the leg, had all of his friend's legs broken so they would have to walk with crutches as well. A regime who's leader took millions and millions of dollars from nations under the auspices of feeding his people, and spent them on HIMSELF. Our swift victory insured less casualties on both sides.

And again, we find the flaw with that region. Even though we rid them of such an oppressive force, they hate us. Why? They loved us when we saved them, but now becuase we are changing things, they want us out. They don't realize that we are building the foundation for what will make their lives better, and they revolt. Such is the nature of those people, because they have never seen any different. But, once they see the fruits of these changes, I feel they will change their hearts. I really do.

Anyway, Ghassan, I feel I have answered you sufficiently, and Tassia, I hope you read this, because the way you insulted me in your post doesn't warrant a reply.

Racking up the good reviews

I hope you read this, because the way you insulted me in your post doesn't warrant a reply.
Relax, cutie-pie. I figured you could take it since you could dish it.

What's the matter?

Besides, the post I see as your first address of me in this topic is terribly offensive, ridiculously presumptive, and rabidly stupid. Quite frankly, you caught me way off guard. I didn't realize we had that grade of idiot running around this board. But, frankly, if you're stupid enough to aim to upset me, I'm rather quite happy to oblige you.

See ... I'm not one of those people who says you have to give me respect before I'll give it to you.

I am, however, one of those people who says the one thing you shouldn't do is demand that I disrespect you. It's way too easy to oblige.

So suck up, babe, and wipe the dribble off your chin.

Tiassa :cool:

Look, if the world we lived in was ideal, religion would help people get through the tough times, inspire and teach morality.

For billions of peoples religion does help to get through tough times & uphold moral values .

Now do me a favor and reread what you have written here :

If the world was ideal , religion would help people through the tough times .

Yes ?

Ok .

The fact that religion helps beyond idealogical values as astheticism or ethics , it helps through the deep pile of shit that every day existence is for billions of peoples .

But from the people I've met, the experiences I've had, and even just reading the posts here at Sciforum, religion isn't that at all.

The peoples you have met in whereever USA is not comparable to the third world nomatter how horrific your slums would be .

The peoples on sciforums all live in the first world .

Perhaps you didnt know it yet , but there hardly is anything for religion to get you through in the first world you and I live in , compared to the peoples in the 3rd .

Millions would DIE to be a bum on the streets of LA or Paris .

But the fanatics it births, the hatred it breeds, and the ignorance it promotes...yeah, maybe it's the ignorance of the people following it who bring religion down to that level, but the religion is still the platform from which they jump.

When you are oppressed hate is a very good motivator to get you out of the shit IMO . We do not change the situation with a smile , Ghandi-farytales do not work 99 out of a 100 times .

So my first would be , religion should be praised for the cause and spirit it gives a man , so that he can start and do something about the position he is in . I understand hate is a problem for some peoples , mostly those peoples are those who have never felt real oppression once in their lives . I am not saying that such is so in your case JDawg.

An example perhaps : 70 years ago the Jewish peoples of Europe , because of their religion , did not put up resistance against Nazi-Germany . Atheist ideologies like zionism & communism were the drives fpr activism , while religion lead to the peacenik mentality that eventually was punished in Auswitz .

They all waited for their G-d to come and rescue them , he didnt and they got gassed .

First, this country wasn't built on RACIST slavery. Slavery in this case was based on ignorance. We didn't go there thinking "Let's go oppress some niggers." We went in thinking "Let's get some free labor." And that isn't exclusive to the United States. Blacks weren't the first enslaved people, and whites weren't the first to take slaves. Don't forget that.

Yes it was based on racist slavery , the European slavedrivers where trading and importing and holding slaves based on a racial ideology that they were sub-human (dont think nazi-germany invented this little joke) .

In the ancient times slavery was not built on this ideology , but rather on fought battles & won wars . Todays POW's were the ancient slaves . We all had slaves , Egyptians had slaves , Arabians had slaves , black , white , nobody cared .

Europeans did .

And when they came into America , I dont even think I need to elaborate on that importance of race within slavery . Do I really ?

Their culture prevents them from having it that way. Holy wars. Land disputes. Cultural differences. All of that prevents the quality of life for a Muslim or Jew in that region from being anywhere near what we have are capable of having in the US. But the question is, who's fault is that? Ours or theirs?

Yours . And it is yours because it is not cultural or religious disputes that tear us apart . Yes we have had wars & everything , but this isnt 1500 we are living in ,
this is 2003 post-cold war , post (well xcept for Israel ofcourse)European colonization and in the middle of globalization .

Now you say Muslims , those are 1.3 Billion peoples in 70 countries : http://chasing.8m.com/

I suggest if you would really cared to know who exactly has responsibility for what , you should learn a bit its history .

As far as Arabia goes , let me tell you that it was no cultural/religious dispute that created the states you see there today out of imperialist mapmaking , seperating the wealth from the peoples and mixing up the peoples into ethnic conflict . The list of western negative influence the west had on Arabia for the last 100 years is a million pages .

What error, Ghassan?

The error that allows you to misjudge the position of the west within todays world and the negative relation it has with its surroundings based on oppression in economical & military sense .

Becuase no matter what anyone tries to do to cool tensions and promote growth, the Islamic nations refuse to make anything of themselves.

Who are the Islamic nations ? The dictator regimes that oppress peoples in the name of the almighty dollar ? You mean them ? They dont represent our peoples , they represent your governments .

When I pointed out that there are no white-only scholarships, it was to point out that minorities have an overwhelming advantage in life, and they don't have to apply themselves any more than a person in the majority does.

In what world do you live man ? Should I bring in here the numbers on how exactly your economy functions depending on ethnicity ? Im sorry man but Im starting to think that DC has turned into Pyongyang , really . Im just totally stunned . :eek:

Minority groups get all up in arms about a white man who makes any race-specific comment, good or bad. Ethnic minorities expect whites to be colorblind, when the entire world is black and white to them. It's an unfair double-standard, and it's the wrong way to go about reaching racial harmony.

* as I said , words peoples exchange are not comparable to the actual confrontations of racial problems in life .
* there is no racial harmony without racial equality .

I understand that in your particular case you suffered inequality yourself , and since that DIDNT depend on your skin-color you have this idea it doesnt depend for the rest of the peoples who suffer from inequality .

Of course not. Isn't it racist for a person to generalize white people as violent or oppressive or ignorant?

Its just as racist for generalizing a Black man for poor .

To me, to hear that being born black gives you a 1000% greater chance of being poor than a white man, I have to ask "Why is that?" You have to look at the problem first, and the causes before you find a solution. Can racism today prevent an ethnic minority from aquiring a high-paying job? No. There are laws in place today which prevent that. And look around, becuase if the minority is disqualified without sufficient grounds, then there will be hell to pay for the employer. That's how the system works.

Do you actually imply here that since there are laws that dont allow certain type of discrimination there is no reason for racial inequality ?

Why is that indeed ? Because peoples live into a culture and they get stuck into it 9-10 times . They will die as they were born 9-10 times . If they are born rich , they will die rich . If they are born poor , they will die poor . No "non-discrimination on job-application" is going to change that .

Its their culture that the economy and the system has created for them to live in that is totally screwed up in the first place , I suggest to consider that first before you take value into non-discrimination laws .

And how naive to believe those laws are actually praciced as they should .

Just look at your posts, where you flame people with no basis, and flat-out refuse to listen to the intelligent arguments of others simply because they come from those who are non-muslim. You have not once insulted a Muslim on these boards, yet you have consistantly flamed even the most eloquent and intelligent non-confrontational non-Muslims.

First of all , let me say that you simply outdone the comment my reaction (that you are reacting on now) was aimed at . Congrats .

I think its facinating how you have seem to conquered the knowledge of my relation and approval or disproval of arguments with/from members on these boards .

I really dont want to ridicule you again , because it really seems useless . So Ill just inform you . The peoples I positively interact on these boards is about 75% non Muslims . Yes I agree with non-Muslims . In fact I agree with non-Muslims many times alot more than with Muslims (depending on subjects and peoples ofcourse) . And yes I have so insulted Muslims on these boards , I have even been on Muslims' ignore-list .

As for flaming in general , I dont even know what to think of the entire concept of flaming nor do I know what you mean by it .

But for the mostintelligent peoples on this board , I dont think you and I would have the same defintion of that , I do think that I behaved quite nice and friendly to the peoples I consider most intelligent on this board , most of who are not Muslim .

But hey , show me some example accusations hould have at least some ground shouldnt they ?

Show & prove please .

You don't have to believe what I say about my life. I just offered it on the assumption that we were all being open and honest, and wouldn't attack each other's credibility.[/COLOR

Oh I believe no worries there . I dont attack you on your credibility of what u said about you coming from the projects .

I just refuse to believe that they are forced there, because if that were the case, there would be NO successful black people.

So if its not exclusive it doesnt exist ? Im sorry but more black-white as you present it simply aint available , congrats .

How many blacks are there and how many are poor etc (and hows that with whites) ? How about the prisons ? Based on your previous comment on laws , Im suddenly reminded of law enforcement .

And what steps are you talking about? What risks? Do I not have to have an education because I'm white? Do I not have to speak well and present myself properly because I'm white? What you fail to recognize is that the limitations on people are based in MONEY, nothing more. A white man raised in a trailer has no advantage over a black man born in a trailer.

And thats where your bias understanding collaps into illusion . You see the thing is , the dividing of the cash nationally is a racist one . Yes for a white man from a trailor life is (in relevant sense for this discussion) just as much a bitch as for a black man from the projects . However MOST white men do not live in trailors , yet MOST black males DO get stuck in projects , ghetto's and poverty-areas .

Thats the whole point here , not weither skincolor makes all the difference in life difficulty based on the same economical situation , but how skin color GETS you in a certain type of economic situation , by BIRTH .

Chances are if you're a white baby you dont end up in a trailor while when you're a black baby .......

Why do you consider the quest for wealth and prosperity to be greed? Wealth can greatly increase the quality of your life, and can give your children a much better chance of being successful. What is wrong with that?

Greed is desire , and in this sense its an economical desire . Now there is an ethical perspective to this wich is rather irellevant here , but what IS relevant is that this way of trying to conquer wealth in the globalized capitalistic system we live in , when applied on those who are on the GOOD side of the fence , keep those who are on the bad side there .

That is where we find the failure of the Islamic nations. They have so little that they find evil in those who have much. It's human nature to be jealous, but by not attempting to right the problem, they are failing at life, and it is why I call them backwards.

I am very sorry to say , Im not even getting into the diamonds & rubies of Africa , but Arabia = oil . We ARE oil . We are the richest & most precious piece of land (well in competition with that piece in central asia) on this entire globe .

Im sorry but the west is rich because it has stolen & robbed the wealth of others . It has nothing to do with jealousy , it has everything to do with being robbed .

But you seem to lack geo-economical knowledge , as well as understanding the relevance of colonial history and imperial mapmaking .

If you care to believe its jealousy , fine ....... 35.000 peoples starve per day because they are jealous . Cant afford medication because they are jealous . Yes , fine .

IMO we need a world war to make up for our jealousy .

Not sure I get this one...

Your attitude on foreign military (and you're obviously not even aware of economic) policy is what gets planes in your buildings .

Those deaths Im talking about , caused by this attitude .

The USA has been guilty of some incredible acts of savagery and inhumanity in it's history

There is no virtue in condeming historical autrocities while promiting actual ones .

What have any of the Islamic nations learned from their acts of savegery or brutality? When will someone hold them accountable?

Again , what nations ? The regimes ? Friends of yours many of 'em .

done out of desperation and hatred for it's enemy.

Toobad most acts arent spectacular autrocities but simply economical manipulation , not out of anger or hate but simply the quest for wealth you so beautifully called it .

Oh, here comes the Muslim pride and the Anti-American inside Ghassan bursting out!

Muslim pride ? Argument please .

As for Anti-American , it is argued : here , go see : http://www.americanstateterrorism.com

that no nation is completely honest to it's civilians. The lies are always done out of what the people in charge consider to be their nation's best interest. Islamic nations lie, Western nations lie.

The difference is that you profit from your lies and you profit from our lies as well .

Less spectacular? What in the world is spectacular about inhuaminty? What about terrorism in spectacular? What about oppressive dictators and kings is spectacular?

Its obvious , its seen . 35.000 peoples who starve PER DAY of which 70% is a CHILD isnt . I dont see 10X 9-11 EVERY DAY on my tv , do you ? I dont hear peoples talking about it 10X as bad as 9-11 EVERY DAY , do you ?

Thats how its spectacular .

If the quantity is over an extended period of time, then yes, it does. And Islamic nations have been fighting amongst each other over B.S. since Biblical times. The quantity of B.S. death and cruelty and slavery and oppression tips the scales in favor of the Islamic nations, because the West stopped going to war over religion a long time ago, and the East didn't.

* In biblical times the ancestors of Europeans were doing no different in organization(Romans/Greeks) while all the others were so barbaric that their violence is comparable to that of wild animals .

* The west didnt stop , it stopped fighting in their own front yard .

* Quantity should be compared correctly and not some "Muslim evil" "Western-evil" in some millenia's of time retardedness . Its ridiculous .

What do you wish to compare ? races ? religions ? No rather compare what western countries in the past 100 years have caused in quantity of damage in lives and poverty in Islamic and OTHER third world countries ,and what third world countries has done to them .

The fact that you can't counter it tells me that you don't have a valid argument against it.

I have a billion of valid arguments , but you have reached a level on Iraq and Afghanistan even our doofus-bigots in WE&P have passed . I mean look at this shit ;

Look at our wars with Afghanistan and Iraq. We know Bin Laden was behind the terrorist attacks in recent years. So, when they finally struck a blow great enough to inspire us to come after him with all our might, we go to Afghanistan and wipe out the violent and oppresive government. Few casualites on our side, and few civilian casualties. Same with Iraq; we pushed through that country in what was one of the most impressive military accomplishments of all-time. Little harm done to the Iraqi civilians, and done with both of our best interest in mind!

What are you FoxNews ? Bush ?

* terrorist attacks in recent years have little to do with Afghanistan
* U still have no proof he did 9-11
* No there were A LOT civillian casualities in Afghanistan you ravashed it .
* In Iraq also A LOT of civillian casualties .

Your arrogance in TALKING FOR ANOTHER who u know shit about , is simply disgusting .

Everything is done is someone's best interest, it's just nature

Its in our best interest if NK starts nuking you . Do you advice us to encourage that as its in our best interest and only natural to do ?

How is our interest in purchasing oil at the lowest price possible grounds for the murder of innocent civilians? You cannot justify that, and you know it, so you won't even try.

Because you purchase oil at lowest price by enriching regimes that murder and kill and oppress our peoples , you support mini 700.000 peoples oil states created by imperial mapmaking for western desires , you finance war for oil , you have killed in Afghanistan more than your damn WTC , more in Iraq than your WTC , more everywhere everyday than your WTC . And do I even need to mention Israel ?

What do you think that world-business is like the market place ?

rid the people of a regime that was murderous and inhumane.

Your worse , nobody asked you not even Shia .

A regime that tortured atheletes who lost olympic events

Oh please man , you might as well say a regime that stole peanuts from the grocerystore .

A regime that consisted of a man who when shot in the leg, had all of his friend's legs broken so they would have to walk with crutches as well


A regime who's leader took millions and millions of dollars from nations under the auspices of feeding his people, and spent them on HIMSELF

OMG are you even aware he was YOUR man who was given money to fight wars with Iran ? To put his peoples down ?

we find the flaw with that region. Even though we rid them of such an oppressive force, they hate us. Why? They loved us when we saved them, but now becuase we are changing things, they want us out. They don't realize that we are building the foundation for what will make their lives better, and they revolt. Such is the nature of those people, because they have never seen any different. But, once they see the fruits of these changes, I feel they will change their hearts. I really do.

You make me vomit just right now man , honestly . These words you could never say in my face , never . Our nature ?

But let me try to stay calm and explain you this :

* you put him there . you financed him to oppress us .
* you take him out becaue of reasons that have NOTHING to do with suffering of Iraqi .
* you have no intention whatsoever to do ANY good for the peoples of Iraq .
* nobody EVER loved you

What have you to say for yourself ? After all of these lies and bullshit , whats left ? Syria ?
To Tassia and Ghassan,

I know I'm not well-informed on some things, and I hope I learn so much more about our world in my lifetime, but I don't feel what I've said is "Vomit-inducing" or "That brand of stupid" like you two say.

I'm sorry if what I say isn't 100% correct, but it's all I know. If you feel differently, then say so. My intentions weren't ever to offend either one of you, and as a matter of fact, Ghassan, I praised you in another thread.

What I recieved in return was, for lack of a better term, bullshit. To call me stupid isn't right. I'm not boasting about my knowleding, I'm just telling you what I've learned. I know it isn't much compared to the two of you, but again, it's all I know.

I apologize for intruding on what your intellectual debate, but if you want to help spread the truth, you're going about it the wrong way. Tassia, you've been an abusive bitch to me. Ghassan, you've just thrown insults in for the hell of it. That sucks, and both of you really need to grow up.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to learn more about my world, and expand my horizons so that I'm better prepared to battle with you the next time. Maybe you two could learn something in the meantime as well.

Just returning the favor

you're going about it the wrong way. Tassia, you've been an abusive bitch to me.
I'm just returning the favor. JDawg, if people want a rational discussion, I'm all for it. The preposterous presumption and rudeness of your first address of my posts pretty much did you in.

By the time you actually got around to calling me "hon", there was no saving your sorry ass.

The problem is that none of us have actually read the book in question. At least, I haven't heard anybody claim to. But I'm familiar with the vein of history it taps. When not tangling with the Christians about general existence, Muslim influence spread via trade and mission. When Muslims began gathering into empires, there was already fertile ground for expansion that placed identity with faith in God instead of faith in lines on a map.

The common telling of the story, in such intellectually dire times as it should seem beneficial to revisit it, places the source of the conflict--the point where disagreements got out of hand--on the Christians.
A large number of adventurers now flocked to Mohammed's colors, and his power increased so rapidly that in the sixth year of the Hegira he was able to proclaim a public pilgrimage to Mecca. His missionaries at this time began to carry his doctrines abroad, to Chosroes, to Heraclius, to the King of Abyssinia, the Viceroy of Egypt, and the chiefs of several Arabic provinces. Some received the new gospel; but Chosru Parvis, the King of Persia, and Amru, the Ghassanide, rejected his proposals with scorn, and the latter had the messenger executed. This was the cause of the first war between the Christians and the Moslems, in which the latter were beaten with great loss by Amru. The Meccans, now thought the long desired moment of revenge at hand, and broke the peace by committing several acts of violence against the Chuzaites, the allies of Mohammed. The latter, however, marched at the head of 10,000 men against Mecca, before its inhabitants had had time to prepare for the siege, took it, and was publicly recognized by them as chief and prophet. With this the victory of the new religion was secured in Arabia. (SackLunch)
This particular excerpt of a capsule biography of Mohammed is pretty much in line with what I learned from Western sources. I just don't think the Christians had a clue who they were dealing with. If it occurred to them that they would eventually lose the war by proxy of apostasy, I don't think they would have been stupid enough to kill missionaries so casually.

I do find it ironic, then, that the fruit of those who initiated the conflict--e.g. Western descendents, a post-Christian cultural collective--should attempt to hold the results of its own philosophical history against another people.
That sucks, and both of you really need to grow up.
Quit asking me to meet you at the bike rack after school.

JDawg, one of the things I'm notorious for around here is my longstanding recognition of the inefficacy of being polite to people of your ethical caliber. If you wish a more respectful debate, don't carry that chip on your shoulder when you come into the room. You have every right to address me in whatever tone you wish. And I have every right to attempt to make sure you understand how stupid a mistake you made. I'm not so worried about your book learning insofar as everyone needs to keep learning. I'm more worried about the simplicity and myopia of your social-communicative perspective. If you think you can disrespect me as such, well, truth of the matter is that you can. But I'm going to do my utmost to make you regret your ill intentions.

I will be making a general address to various people who tend to behave like you in Free Thoughts. I'll keep it short, so as not to confuse people.

Tiassa :cool:
I never meant to offend you, Tassia. If I came across that way, sorry. All I wanted was some discussion, not an abuse session. If you feel some sort of strange power over me by acting that way, then that's fine, but I wasn't trying to take in that direction. I would like you to understand that.

force was never a factor in the spread of the Koranic[1] teachings, and that the Arabs left those they had subdued free to exercise their religious beliefs.
I think this is probably true but when these people (many generations later) attack those who let them be, in different ways (including economically), then a re-action should be expected.

yes some of the things that you have said actually made me vomit , for instance :

we find the flaw with that region. Even though we rid them of such an oppressive force, they hate us. Why? They loved us when we saved them, but now becuase we are changing things, they want us out. They don't realize that we are building the foundation for what will make their lives better, and they revolt. Such is the nature of those people, because they have never seen any different.

Now weither you consider this vomit inducing is up to your own subjective conviction .

Let me ask you , how would you feel if the above stated was what I would have said about your 9-11 ?

Now you explain to have a lack of knowledge on the subjects , I am very sorry but I dont consider comments you have made to suffer from as much lack of knowledge but rather lack of logical deduction and an overflow of ethical egoism , carelesness , hypocriticism and such an extreme , extreme bias that you might be regarded as a Fox News correspondant .

Now I apollogize for being insultive from my part , but lets not pretend like there was no context for such insult in our debate , especially when we are discussing the foreign policy of the USA .

However not all elements of discussion have dealt with this issue nor have been infected with insults , nor is it so that you have no idea what you are talking about .

So please feel free to continue your elaboration on those points , if you think that you have sufficient knowledge to form an argumented opinion . I am sure that if you dont give me shit , I wont give you shit back .

I think this is probably true but when these people (many generations later) attack those who let them be, in different ways (including economically), then a re-action should be expected.

Could you elaborate on what you mean ? Im not sure Im understanding correctly .
If groups didn't use force to bring others into their religion (despite knowing the truth), but they just allowed others who chose to ignore the religion to be, then why should reprisals be surprising if generations later descendants make attacks, when peace was granted to their ancestors??!