Were U abused for being Atheist ?

Me too. I was christian, but stopped being religious, and the only thing I hear is how worried my parents are that I'm not going to heaven :l It can be annoying, but it shows that they care so it's no big deal.

No one's been verbally abusive towards me about it, but I'm not talking very loudly about it here in Egypt :p
mustafhakofi said:
anybody is better able to refute, islam it's evil plain and simple.
and more so than xianity, and that is not an under statement.

your english is terrible
ellion said:
i read what happened to her, she does not say her parents "got an exorcist to beat her with a stick" she says "her parent took her to an exorcist an the exorcist bear her with a stick" the presuppositions of the two statements are different and neither of describe what happened acurately.

singularity has expressed a need to talk about this but has said to me she finds it difficult to say how she has been scarred by this event.

by answering for her you are telling me what it was like for her: "vile"
everyone will have an opinion about what it felt like to experience that, but singularityt is the only person who does know what that was like.

how do you know what she feels about this? why do you need to answer for her?

I dont know what it was, but he didnt beat me with a stick, it looked like

a broom made of feathers first he was just putting the damn thing on my face then as I began to cry he started to beatme up with it ,
asking the ghost to leave me, Thats all I remember.

I was screaming and my mom was outside the closed room with my Aunt.

I do know that my mom did that because she loved me and wanted me to be normal but thats not how I felt then.
Singularity said:
I just didnt see the point in praying god thats all, particularly when U r not supposed to questions the things that dont make sense or addup with reality.

eg. why should I follow a festive ritual when on the same day my friends had no such obligation and they wont goto hell for not doing same things.
so their behaviour was something you did not wanted to emulate and they hated you for it. is

can i ask are you confused about something with this? what is it you need to understand? dont have to say if it is personal.

whats there not to understand.
it must be a cultural thing but i dont understand why anybody would hate or want to harm a child for being independent, free thinking.
Singularity said:
I dont know what it was, but he didnt beat me with a stick, it looked like

a broom made of feathers first he was just putting the damn thing on my face then as I began to cry he started to beatme up with it ,
asking the ghost to leave me, Thats all I remember.
he thought you had a ghost inside you because you did not want to pray or follow a ritual? ? he sounds distrubed!

I do know that my mom did that because she loved me and wanted me to be normal but thats not how I felt then.
how did it feel? what is it like now and how has it affected your relationship with your mum? you have said it is hard to talk about if you dont want to i understand, you know.
thedevilsreject said:
your english is terrible
so is yours.
I quote- "i think he knows what a jihad is you dumbass"
should read "i think he knows what a jihad is, you fool." there is no such word as "dumbass" in the english language, so I omited that.
maybe he made minature ice skates and salcowed around the sea galilee, should read "maybe he made minature ice skates, and sculled( i think this might be right but not sure) around the sea galilee." there is no such word as "salcowed" in the english language, so I tried to find an alternative.

we dont pick fault with peoples grammer, as there are too many different nationalities on these boards, whos first language is not english. your not insulting them, your only making a fool out of yourself.
ellion said:
so their behaviour was something you did not wanted to emulate and they hated you for it....

I am not sure what they thought, I can only speculate.

They prayed god without failing every day of theirs life,

and here I was telling them that its all waste of energy as I grewup.

The truth is that their behaviour made me hate them.
ellion said:
how did it feel? what is it like now and how has it affected your relationship with your mum?...

I hate my parent for making me unhappy all my childhood for not being religious.

I hate them that they told me all the rational things need not be followed.
Well said geeser ;)


I feel for you, though I still think your parents love you, and care for you, it's only natural they worry about you, though it's kind of warped belief they have, they think you are doomed for eternity, going to hell, and the such. All this shows if anything concern for your wellbeing. Anyhow educate them, slowly, use the bible if you have to, just educate them.

You don't state your age, so I assume you'r all grown up now? right?

If you are not grown up, don't try to educate, they believe they know best, if you are, well it's up to you to try to educate or just leave it at that. But do know that they love you, and care for you, that's why they act as they do.

BTW I went through about the same thing, though not so drastic, my dad was an atheist, mom a catholic "thought not totally zealots" I've educated my mom on religion as much as I posibly could, she does not consider herself a catholic today, nor accepts much of religious rhetoric, she believes in god, but does not adhire to any kind of religion, a deist is what she has become. I can deal with that.

I've gone through 3 different denominations of christianity. Catholism, christian, and then last babtist. I turned my back on religion when I turned 21, the choice when i anounsed it to my family was not well taken by mom, or my sister, though they are over it now, I don't wear my lack of belief on my shoulders, don't anounce it to anyone, unless the subject comes up.

Singularity said:
at age of 10 ?

I dont even remember how we got there by train or bus.
OK so he basically abused you, and he escaped.
Even if you were to go to certain police, some might think you deserved it if they do not like atheists.

Singularity said:
I just didnt see the point in praying god thats all, particularly when U r not supposed to questions the things that dont make sense or addup with reality.

eg. why should I follow a festive ritual when on the same day my friends had no such obligation and they wont goto hell for not doing same things.

The situation was brutal for me and evil for them,

whats there not to understand.
Part of freedom is that it is unethical for any religion to force people to abide by their religious activities even if they have different beliefs.

Singularity said:
I hate my parent for making me unhappy all my childhood for not being religious.

I hate them that they told me all the rational things need not be followed.

Singularity said:
I hate my parent for making me unhappy all my childhood for not being religious.

I hate them that they told me all the rational things need not be followed.
So does this mean you will do the same, and persecute people of other religions like the Atheist Avenger?

Or will you learn from this, and try to prevent these things from being done to atheists and all other religions?
cool skill said:
So does this mean you will do the same, and persecute people of other religions like the Atheist Avenger?

Or will you learn from this, and try to prevent these things from being done to atheists and all other religions?

I am not an Activist but I were I will try to fix laws to protect Atheists.

Other religions, who cares about religions.
Im sorry that you are being abused for being an atheist. I used to be one, but fortunantly my family was understanding enough to let me believe what I believed. And now that I'm not an atheist they still stand behind me. I wish everyone had friends and family like that. I wish you all the best.
Singularity said:
My Aunt and Mom took me to Exorsist when I was 9 or 10 years old,

He had a broom like things with which he beat me up,

I was screaming to leave but he was big,

This was my bloody Aunts plan,

I hate my aunt ever since,

As I grew up I took out my angst on her,
now she doesnt dare to be around me.

Thank GOD I wasnt raped by him.

U can Imagine the teatment from such Orthodox parents all the time,

force or make unhappy for questioning the rituals

HA ha ha ha ha ha ha. :D
nah, im sorry for laughing at ya.

but u got to admit thats pretty funny, and its not that bad.....your mom may have had issues (whos doesnt?), you got to be the strong one....tell her you love her and good things will happen to you. :p

learn to forgive and forget. as far as religion, dont let anyone steal your faith or your beliefs....your smart and your a fighter, we all know your gonna do great things.
ellion said:
i read what happened to her, she does not say her parents "got an exorcist to beat her with a stick" she says "her parent took her to an exorcist an the exorcist bear her with a stick" the presuppositions of the two statements are different and neither of describe what happened acurately.
I must have misread then.

ellion said:
by answering for her you are telling me what it was like for her: "vile"
everyone will have an opinion about what it felt like to experience that, but singularityt is the only person who does know what that was like.

how do you know what she feels about this? why do you need to answer for her?
I'm not answering for her. One isn't answering for someone when, for example, they call what a serial murderer does vile. I'm saying that the act I previously thought was committed was vile, regardless of whether someone subject to it would think the same thing or not.
atthewulf said:
One isn't answering for someone when, for example, they call what a serial murderer does vile.
but one is answering for someone when for expamle someone is asked "what was that like?" and one says "it was vile." to me that is answering for someone else.

futile argumenet really.
macabre said:
Im sorry that you are being abused for being an atheist. I used to be one, but fortunantly my family was understanding enough to let me believe what I believed. And now that I'm not an atheist they still stand behind me. I wish everyone had friends and family like that. I wish you all the best.
you sir are a lier, if you say you were an atheist, you could never have been an atheist, and not remained so.
however welcome to sciforums.
ellion said:
but one is answering for someone when for expamle someone is asked "what was that like?" and one says "it was vile." to me that is answering for someone else.
That must be you then. I did not give that thought to answer anyone's question. I wasn't even aware of that question until you pointed it out. I tend to skim threads when there's not a lot of essential material in it. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding, but I was not answering for her, nor did I ever claim to be. And whether or not you think the argument is futile, I'm the one most aware of my own intentions.