Were U abused for being Atheist ?

My parents never preached religion or forced us to go to church even though they themselves are believers in God. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters and every one of them is an atheist. We never really talked about it much growing up and each of us was left to form our own opinions. I'm am glad that my parents did not feel it right to interfere with our 'spiritual ' development.

Because of this I firmly believe that kids, if left to their own devices, will chose atheism over religion in most cases. If given time without outside influence most people with half a brain will see the logic and sort things out. However I never experienced anything terribly traumatic or life altering, including death in the family, until I was much older and able to cope. I don't know why it is but some people become very religious after such an event occurs

So far, being an atheist has only cost me a good friend who after getting married went over to the other side when he found out he was sterile(see what I mean). I think he must have blamed it on his association with a known atheist(me)....I could never figure it out.
seekeroftheway said:
Amen to martial arts (strongly recommend Choy Li Fut kung fu [that being what I study], beautiful, but deadly).
Bah. A simple pocket knife or revolver gets the job done loads better.
I think being atheist is great, and that nobody should be abused for their belief. Why can't all religions just get along?
i just dont care about religion. if someone radically religious found out i was an atheist and tried to verbally or physically abuse me, i dont know what i would do. probably laugh in their face and walk away. how can belief in religion or lack of religion mean anything to anyone? its like hating someone because of their skin color. in the realm of debate its an interesting subject, but for me if a person i know is religious and acts like a semi-decent person and keeps their beliefs out of my way, i'm fine with that. if someone acts like a retard about it, i just write them off as part of the 200 million strong idiot population that lives in this country and go about my business of not giving a shit whether they live or die. i mean if you want to get technical about it, there's not really much you can do to change people's minds about it except maybe "religious cleansing" or something, but why stoop to their level, the way i see it, the worldview of religious people is so out of touch with reality, at some point they will have to admit that it is undeniably wrong or they will start to die off. either way its fine by me.
ellion said:
how has all that left you in the relationship with your mother?

how are intimate and secure personal relationships in general for you considering all this?

Thats the most painful thing to answer,

U want your Mom and Dad to love you because U love them,

but U also know that they hate U for what U believe in.
cool skill said:
So basically the excorxist beat you up with a broom, and you reported it to the poice, and he's in jail.

at age of 10 ?

I dont even remember how we got there by train or bus.
Hapsburg said:
Bah. A simple pocket knife or revolver gets the job done loads better.

Are U people crazy or what,

I was talking about treatment by family and friends, people who U want to be loved by.
Which is why martial arts is better. Tai Chi would be perfect in your case, the ability to defend yourself without ever harming your opponent(not to imply that you CAN'T harm them, just that you really don't have to, given the nature of the martial art's style).
Singularity said:
Thats the most painful thing to answer,

U want your Mom and Dad to love you because U love them,

but U also know that they hate U for what U believe in.

what was it you believed in at that age, that made your parents hate you?
ellion said:
what was it you believed in at that age, that made your parents hate you?

In biblical terms I failed them,

Its unfortunate to have a child thats not ready to bow down before the lord.

Clearly a folower fo satan
im an atheist hence the name, anyway i have never been abused for it my parents dont care but them again most people in britain dont give a fuck about anything to do with the church hence the huge drop in the amount of people who go to church
Jax is right, in Britain there are very few strictly religious people and the general view is someone is agnostic unless you learn otherwise. My parents would find it very odd if i became a christian, even though i am called christian
Singularity said:
In biblical terms I failed them,

Its unfortunate to have a child thats not ready to bow down before the lord.

Clearly a folower fo satan
is this why you think they hated you?

you where a child that was not ready to bow before the lord, so your parents hated you. i mean, i cant understand how that works. how were you not ready?

what does it mean to be ready to bow before the lord?

you use such a brutal lanuage you make it sound so evil, and you say this is demands your parents made of you.

were your parents evil as the impression you give of them?
Singularity said:
I was abused as a child and do get regular abuses.

They think I am with the devil, as if I believe in the devil.

I am talking about my Friends and Family members.
The worst I've gotten is some kid telling me I'm going to Hell. Which is like telling someone an evil unicorn is coming to impale you.

ellion said:
were your parents evil as the impression you give of them?
They got an exorcist to beat her with a broomstick, and for her lack of belief. That's vile.
athewulf said:
They got an exorcist to beat her with a broomstick, and for her lack of belief. That's vile.
i read what happened to her, she does not say her parents "got an exorcist to beat her with a stick" she says "her parent took her to an exorcist an the exorcist bear her with a stick" the presuppositions of the two statements are different and neither of describe what happened acurately.

singularity has expressed a need to talk about this but has said to me she finds it difficult to say how she has been scarred by this event.

by answering for her you are telling me what it was like for her: "vile"
everyone will have an opinion about what it felt like to experience that, but singularityt is the only person who does know what that was like.

how do you know what she feels about this? why do you need to answer for her?
Xerxes said:
I'm glad we FINALLY have an apostate on sciforums. Maybe you are better equipped to understand and refute DiamondHearts/Muslim?
anybody is better able to refute, islam it's evil plain and simple.
and more so than xianity, and that is not an under statement.
ellion said:
is this why you think they hated you?

you where a child that was not ready to bow before the lord, so your parents hated you. i mean, i cant understand how that works. how were you not ready?

what does it mean to be ready to bow before the lord?

you use such a brutal lanuage you make it sound so evil, and you say this is demands your parents made of you.

were your parents evil as the impression you give of them?

I just didnt see the point in praying god thats all, particularly when U r not supposed to questions the things that dont make sense or addup with reality.

eg. why should I follow a festive ritual when on the same day my friends had no such obligation and they wont goto hell for not doing same things.

The situation was brutal for me and evil for them,

whats there not to understand.