Were U abused for being Atheist ?


I was abused as a child and do get regular abuses.

They think I am with the devil, as if I believe in the devil.

I am talking about my Friends and Family members.
what is that like for you?

people cannot accept me for who i am either, psychotic, satanist, weirdo, schizophrenic. i see it as ignorance, an inabilty to accpet that people interpret reality differently.

as for being abused as a child i cannot see how people can do that.

what are your thoughts about it?
Luckily I never went through such torment. Of course, my parents were never that fundie about their own personal beliefs and although they briefly tried, they swiftly got the message.
My parents seemed fairly neutral about religion but my Mom was pretty upset when I told her I didn't believe in any sort of god. I've been shunned by some christians with whom I've had conversations about it. Not all, but some.
The only normal person in my family is the one who didn't attend Jewish day school (not me..)

We are born athiest.
My parents are athiest, as are most of my family on my mom's side at that level (her cousins and siblings).

At school, it's "don't ask, don't tell" for my atheism. Unless someone asks, I won't get involved.
Singularity said:
I was abused as a child and do get regular abuses.

They think I am with the devil, as if I believe in the devil.

I am talking about my Friends and Family members.
tell them atheists dont believe in devils either.

if they persist in abusing you,maybe you should learn karate or kung fu,and hit back ;)

you could do what a many other atheists do; find some theists and abuse them.

start a war for peace, amen.
Well I've always been bitter about my catholic schooling. Just the nerve of those fuckers teaching you about Noah's ark as though it really happened. At an age when you will believe anything adults (especially teachers) tell you I think having lies forced down your throat when at a niave age is abuse.

If idiots want to believe this stuff, then let them choose when they are adults. Not all of us want to grow up to be idiots scarred by sectarian violence to boot.
I am lucky to have family and friends that simply don't care. My family is devout in their Christianity, but they never question why I don't go to church or I never pray, or the fact that I never talk about God. They either accept that I'm not religious, or they simply think I still believe but I choose not to wear my faith on my sleeve.

However, I don't go out of my way to make it known that I am a Deist, so that might be your problem. ;)
scorpius said:
tell them atheists dont believe in devils either.

if they persist in abusing you,maybe you should learn karate or kung fu,and hit back ;)

Amen to martial arts (strongly recommend Choy Li Fut kung fu [that being what I study], beautiful, but deadly).
No I was not abused for being atheist.

Singularity said:
I was abused as a child and do get regular abuses.

They think I am with the devil, as if I believe in the devil.

I am talking about my Friends and Family members.
How were you abused?
cool skill said:
How were you abused?

My Aunt and Mom took me to Exorsist when I was 9 or 10 years old,

He had a broom like things with which he beat me up,

I was screaming to leave but he was big,

This was my bloody Aunts plan,

I hate my aunt ever since,

As I grew up I took out my angst on her,
now she doesnt dare to be around me.

Thank GOD I wasnt raped by him.

U can Imagine the teatment from such Orthodox parents all the time,

force or make unhappy for questioning the rituals
Singularity said:
I was abused as a child and do get regular abuses.

They think I am with the devil, as if I believe in the devil.

I am talking about my Friends and Family members.

when my family found out then my brothers all disowned me, my mother and father have come around since, but only on the telephone, which is alright by me, because i'm under a sentence of death for my common sense.
so I keep out of the way.
Singularity said:
My Aunt and Mom took me to Exorsist when I was 9 or 10 years old,

He had a broom like things with which he beat me up,

I was screaming to leave but he was big,

This was my bloody Aunts plan,

I hate my aunt ever since,

As I grew up I took out my angst on her,
now she doesnt dare to be around me.

Thank GOD I wasnt raped by him.

U can Imagine the teatment from such Orthodox parents all the time,

force or make unhappy for questioning the rituals

how has all that left you in the relationship with your mother?

how are intimate and secure personal relationships in general for you considering all this?
Singularity said:
He had a broom like things with which he beat me up,
So basically the excorxist beat you up with a broom, and you reported it to the poice, and he's in jail.
my mum is a lapsed catholic and really doesnt care.my dad is a quaker but we have had many conversations about my beliefs and he accepts them.i guess they think my life is my business and as long as i have reasons they arent going to force me to do anything.
mustafhakofi said:
when my family found out then my brothers all disowned me, my mother and father have come around since, but only on the telephone, which is alright by me, because i'm under a sentence of death for my common sense.
so I keep out of the way.

I'm glad we FINALLY have an apostate on sciforums. Maybe you are better equipped to understand and refute DiamondHearts/Muslim?