Welcome to sciforums 3.0!

Wraith said:
you telling me everytime I want to search I have to type:
into my browser???
just tell what I click from the homepage...there has to a link...I can't see it.

Yes, you have to type it in. No link.
Like dave said, it's incomplete.

However, if you are like me and just use it to see what particualar people have posted recently, it works pretty good.

If it's only 20% complete, then it probably won't be much good for looking up old posts yet.

Looks alright though. All the important stuff is still there.
Yes, you have to type it in. No link.
Like dave said, it's incomplete.

malicious whore, yet you encourage use of link? would it not be more prudent and good mannered to wait until fully indexed and link posted? (i see deliberate sabotage)

However, if you are like me....

a whore? a spiteful and despicable little shithead?

..and just use it to see what particualar people have posted recently, it works pretty good.

new posts
Well spookz, the new posts link works if you want the newest posts, hence the name, however; If you want new posts from a particular person, it's mostly useless unless you monitor it every 30 seconds 24/7.
Just click on their name and you'll have the option of searching for their posts. Otherwise, just type in search.php (or wait until Dave figures out how to fit everything in)
Mephura said:
Well spookz, the new posts link works if you want the newest posts, hence the name, however; If you want new posts from a particular person, it's mostly useless unless you monitor it every 30 seconds 24/7.

understand an effort is required here

and just use it to see what particualar people have posted recently

a listing is provided with particular emphasis given to the most recent contributions of individual posters within a set period of time.

you do not indicate the search is for an individual poster. instead you...i will not repeat this again....."...to see what particualar people have posted recently"

that is a frikkin plurality

if you intend to convey a different meaning, i would suggest you venture out from the netherhole that you are currently residing in and gulp some air
Main Entry: 1par·tic·u·lar
Pronunciation: p&(r)-'ti-ky&-l&r, -k(&-)l&r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English particuler, from Middle French, from Late Latin particularis, from Latin particula small part
Date: 14th century
1 : of, relating to, or being a single person or thing <the particular person I had in mind>
2 obsolete : PARTIAL
3 : of, relating to, or concerned with details <gave us a very particular account of the trip>
4 a : distinctive among other examples or cases of the same general category : notably unusual <suffered from measles of particular severity> b : being one unit or element among others <particular incidents in a story>
5 a : denoting an individual member or subclass in logic b : affirming or denying a predicate to a part of the subject -- used of a proposition in logic <"some men are wise" is a particular affirmative>
6 a : concerned over or attentive to details : METICULOUS <a very particular gardener> b : nice in taste : FASTIDIOUS c : hard to please : EXACTING
Synonyms SPECIAL 1, especial, individual, specific

So, to translate for you, you would use the search to find what a specific (particular) individual has posted. You can do this multiple times to find out what multiple specific individuals (particular people) have posted.

Again, as dave said, it doesn't work great yet as it is still imcomplete. The method that Persol sugested, however, works perfectly.
(thanks persol. very useful)

Now, since I just remembered something, I'm resuming your previous status.
Welcome Back Gendy Girl :D

This place wouldn't have been the same without you :p

Porf, thanks for reinstating her :D

Oh calm down. I've never used the colour function on this thing since it's been ungraded. It was my first time.. sigh... :D

And don't worry it probably won't happen again :p

So stop fretting :D
And don't worry it probably won't happen again
Thank you, thank you
*kisses bells feet*
Just not the light colors:)
Haven't we all been suffering from a negativity attack. It is just the skin of sciforums and not the heart.

Now that I am used to the new style I like it. I know now where everything is and can go back to the object of being a sciforumer: posting and reading.
ooohhh welcome back gendy.....



oooooh thanks profiry........



i fight the stupid schoolgirl's corner....do I get a lill appreciation??
do I heck.


and persol:
get away from bells feet, that's my job nucca.

*wraith goes away in a huff*
Sorry wraith. There were 'rumors' that you weren't performing your duties all that well.
I'll be the first to admit it.
I come home from a hard days work, tired, shattered from the rush hour traffic. I walk in and there is Bells,sprawled on the couch wearing her victoria secrets g-string and lace push up bra, with come to bed eyes...

"wrrrrrraithy boy.....take me...take me like only you can, in the way you know I like it....grrrrrr"

then she starts licking me in all sorts of places....

but all i wanna do is get some food, and watch the football.

But I still got it,.......just too tired to use it...

I really must remind myself to buy some steel capped boots :rolleyes:

And errr Wraithy.. dear sweet Wraithy.. I'm speechless. It's a first I know. And please don't tell all about our sex lives dear boy. Or else I'll be forced to tell all about how you like it when I woop your ass with the shovel.

I really must keep reminding myself that I should never drink anything while reading this forum. Second time today the damn cola came out of my nose from choking laughter. Last time was reading about boombox's animal fetishes and second time has been just now while reading this thread... It was painful :( As cola always is when expelled from the nasal passages.

strewth woman!
get off the flamin' computer and go make me some tucca!!

ruddy sheilas!!!


I like it with the shovel!!
I cook for NO man! If you want I can make you a vegemite sandwich though :D. hehehe.. see I can be nice..

And you also like it with the pitchfork, however the 'incident' put paid to that little adventure. :p

show a lill appreciation this way senoritta.....no on second thought do not.

I don't like it when you go all soft.
he bit once
i fight the stupid schoolgirl's corner....do I get a lill appreciation??
he bit twice.

Congratulations. You, leperous shithole, have just confused my friendships with my politics. Know what? 100 bucks says you’d buy every last fucking lemon on the lot if this “stupid schoolgirl” was a saleswoman.


And you sir are just dying to wip out your cheeto for a pissing contest with Mephura. Why? You some kind of diseased homosexual with a thing for dark haired loners? or the spiteful brand of slutt I’ve been wanting to slap since I met you?

Welcome Back Gendy Girl
Like, fer sure.

To think everyone of you in here except Meph would've finally known what I looked if he got kicked out. Aha.........too bad.
gendanken said:
To think everyone of you in here except Meph would've finally known what I looked if he got kicked out. Aha.........too bad.

lucky me..