Personally, I think your new design, for all the neat little ad-ons you've slung into it, is hellish. You had something that was verging on intuitive and you threw it away. On top of that, everytime I log on now, I notice something else that is not there and think "Man, (insert name here) must be having a fit without that."
Let's cut the bullshit.
Get your head out of your ass dave.Everyone else might be tiptoeing around you with reguards to the Gendanken banning, but I'm not going to.
You want criticism of your work, you got it, and then you threw a fit when you didn't like what you heard.
In case you haven't noticed, running sciforums is a thankless job. It's generally a waste of my time and a waste of my money. After spending many hours of my holiday time upgrading the site, gendaken has the gall to call my work "rape". Perhaps she has been raped and is qualified to make such a statement. More likely, she's just making inflammatory comments. However, my patience only stretches so thin, and being accused of a crime equivalent to rape is just somewhat over the line.
You know what I see, Dave?
A whiney little bitch.
It's a waste of your time and money, and oh so fucking thankless.
Then fucking stop.
Yeah, people will throw a fit and whine and complain, but that isn't really your problem, is it? The truth is that you had an idea. You had this little dream i your head and, in some ways, have made that a reality.
For that I say good job. Great work. Kudos. Bravo.
However, your dream came with a price tag. I'm not talking about the dollars and time spent, Dave. I'm talking about having to put up with some people not liking what you do here or how you do it. Read between the lines.
If they didn't like it, they wouldn't be here.
But, I am running away with this and getting farther from the point.
What is the point?
Little davey doesn't like someone's word choice.
Grow the fuck up, man.
You, being the oh so wise muthafucka you are, dave, should know that that little word has alot of meanings, not all of them criminal. It looks to me like you've got some issues about something. Some one you know raped Dave?
Boo fucking hoo.
I known a few people who have been. Friends, lovers and family. Yet you are the one flying off the handle. What you did, Dave, is fucking retarded.
You banned someone that has posted over 1500 posts in less than a year and has managed to quickly make herself one of the more well know names around this place over what, essentually, boils down to a personal dislike for their word choice??
You know, if you want to go on pretending like you don't get any respect around this place, that's fine. I've seen you called many a name and in the next breath 10 people jump to your defense. Hell, look at the way your recent target licks your heels in her first entrance into this thread.
Basically, Dave, it boils down to this:
If you are going to let Mods start flinging names and insults at someone their first day here (ask wraith about it), throw your "guidlines" to the wayside when ever comvienent, and have a total lack of respect for the people that love this place adn come here because of it, you can take your forums, your lines of code, and all your little software projects (I see now why you like the name inquisitor), and shove them up your ass, Dave.
Personally, if you want to waste your time banning people, do it to those who haven't posted in a few months. Do it to people that that do nothing but go on about the world blowing up in a supernova. Do it to people that cause problems for those of us that want to actually have fun here. Don't do it to people that come here damn near daily and profess their love for the place.
Fully expecting the ss to come and ban me away,
Zeig Heil, Dave.
Zeig Heil.