Weird Siht part 1: Green lights.

Ophiolite said:
(Coronal disharge and )green elves are both forms of lightning.
Ogmios said:
The what?
So, you have very limited knowledge of electrical phenomena, yet you are quite confident about rejecting suggestions from those who do.
You don't suppose that is a tad arrogant do you? No, I imagine you don't.
Ogmios said:
Originally Posted by Mr Anonymous
The only person ignoring facts here would be you,

As for that, I wasn't ignoring facts. Neither am I assuming facts I don't know for sure, and try to formulate alternate theories.

Unless you're also posting under the name of Meanwhile, Ogmios, the line you quote from me above was directed at her, not you in anyway. Thank you once again for sharing, but I honestly didn't ask.

I am beginning to ponder the question though: if you're having difficulty following a course of events taking place right in front of your nose in black and white - how accurately does this reflect your abilities to recollect the key events you relay from memory, clearly and accurately?

Earlier you accused me of talking about weather balloons when I have made so such statement except in query as to what the devil you're blathering on about - herein you seem of the belief that a statement addressed clearly to someone else is in someway directed at you.

You'll forgive me, but it's a fair question.
Mr Anonymous said:
.... Bored, now. :rolleyes:

Triple predictability.

(He had to arouse himself from his boredom in order to deliver it for all to take note—as if we cared. :‍rolleyes‍: )
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Ophiolite said:
Ophiolite said:
(Coronal disharge and) green elves are both forms of lightning.
So, you have very limited knowledge of electrical phenomena, yet you are quite confident about rejecting suggestions from those who do. You don't suppose that is a tad arrogant do you? No, I imagine you don't.
Ophiolite: Question. Green elves… how do they light up?
Meanwhile said:
Triple predictability.

(He had to arouse himself from his boredom in order to deliver it for all to take note—as if we cared. :‍rolleyes‍: )

And yet, still, you felt compelled to share....

Tell me. Is this inability of yours to comprehend the meaning of the words you use physiological in origin or we you just born simply duller than you sound?

Rhetorical question really, but curious minds and all that....
eburacum45 said:
One possibility that has not been properly explored is that of a green meteor or bolide. Green coloured meteors are reasonably common; this seems to be caused by the formation of a plasma around the meteor in the upper atmosphere, causing the oxygen to glow with the same wavelength as the ionised oxygen in auroral displays.

I understand that this is the so-called 'forbidden' line of emission by oxygen observed by Halliday in meteors during 1958 at a wavelength of 557nm.

Admittedly, all of these astro-phenomena are intriguing and plausible, yet seemingly exceptional… hence shouldn't such phenomena be better documented and heralded as prime examples of atypical occurrences? I don't know… shouldn't the story have gotten around in the village as well?
Mr Anonymous said:
And yet, still, you felt compelled to share....

Correction. Reacted

Mr Anonymous said:
Tell me. Is this inability of yours to comprehend the meaning of the words you use physiological in origin or we you just born simply duller than you sound?

Rhetorical question really, but curious minds and all that....

Come again?
Meanwhile said:
Come again?

Ah, were that but posted by anyone else - one could take it almost as a sign of wit. Alas....

Case closed.
Ogmios said:
Nor did I (if you read carefully) ask for any explanations or quotes on the subject, merely asked if anyone had similiar experiences.
Actually, Ogmios, I have had, not the same sort of experience, but similar in genre as far as "lights" are concerned—however, mine entailed actual lights observed. Not green, though. But the countryside.
Mr Anonymous said:
Ah, were that but posted by anyone else - one could take it almost as a sign of wit. Alas....

Case closed.

I'm trying to think of the image you inspire… bailing your sinking rowboat with an empty sardine can. I mean tin.
John99 said:
I see shadows often, and glimmers too. :confused: Smokey shadow's mostly.

When's the last time y'had your eyes tested John? Sounds like you've got "floaters"...
a green light
well on the power station level green is copper i think.

however on the weapons side...
plasma is said to be too technical for current science.
however a copper ball charged with some type of energy fired like a cannon ball at some electrical grid or sub station could also explain it.
Mr Anonymous said:
When's the last time y'had your eyes tested John? Sounds like you've got "floaters"...

Hey, ya i've got floater's too.The smokey shadow's though I dont even think about. All in all i suppose this guy has senn a natural phenomenon.

Doesn't everyone have floater"s?

Well it look's like your right then. :)
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Meanwhile said:
Ophiolite: Question. Green elves… how do they light up?
In the same way as other lightning. There colour, form, location, brightness and duration make them distinctive.
By the weather balloon I made a broad generializion. UFOs are weather balloons, weird lights are powerlines going boom. That is, generalization how people use any plausible explanation, even if hardly fitting, to explain anything they cannot explain.

As for observing what is right in front of me; Meh, I was more intrested in the phenomenon than this conversation. So quality drops.

As for the elves; I said, there were no powerlines in that direction. I did not say that any and all electrical activity was complitely exlcuded.

And to note, again, it is possible there were powerlines, though by my reckoning they would have had to be at least 100m, something not common in the area. I simply consider assuming that it was just a powerline going off a bit unreasonable, and asked for any OTHER options.

Now what the hell are the green elves!? Instead of insulting me, could you just inform me?

I apoligize if I insulted anyone.