Weird Siht part 1: Green lights.


Must. learn. to. punctuate!
Registered Senior Member
This happened about 11 months ago. I was at an army base (on military service), spending a dark afternoon with my buddies. It gets dark pretty early in the winters. Anyways..
We were playing cards, or something, listening music, spending time when suddenly a bright green light emanated from the sky. From... East, I think (general direction, we were not really measuring it..). We weren't really paying any attention to the nightsky, so the light was over before we really had a good look at it. We just shrugged and thought it was a flare, shot during some or other exercise. But pretty soon (some seconds maybe? ten?) all power was cut from our unit, and streetlights on the road. We ran around, looking at stuff like "wheter emergency lights were up" (emergency lighting only kicked in after a while..).

Then there was a second light, which we had a brief look at. At least it illuminated the whole room ghastly, until after 1-3 seconds disappearing sharply.

The power was up eventually, nothing really happened etc. We joked about how it had been some russian EMP experiment (or maybe our own, who knows..), but it was quickly forgotten between getting up early and running around and stuff. Just sort of remembered it again.

And I have no idea what it was, or if the power outage had NOTHING to do with it. We never really asked around. The only green lights and power outage, though. Also, I know what flares look like, and it did not look like a flare. Or a light-grenade. It was more like a light switched on and off, sharply cut.

Has anyone experienced something like this?
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When transformers and substations short out, they can create large dazzling light displays, that's probably what happened.

When a substation went out in the western chicago area, it lit up the night sky green and purple for about 5-10 seconds for miles and miles around.
Indeed, indeed they do.

Ogmios said:
This happened about 11 months ago. I was at an army base (on military service), spending a dark afternoon with my buddies. It gets dark pretty early in the winters. Anyways..
We were playing cards, or something, listening music, spending time when suddenly a bright green light emanated from the sky. From... East, I think (general direction, we were not really measuring it..). We weren't really paying any attention to the nightsky, so the light was over before we really had a good look at it. We just shrugged and thought it was a flare, shot during some or other exercise. But pretty soon (some seconds maybe? ten?) all power was cut from our unit, and streetlights on the road. We ran around, looking at stuff like "wheter emergency lights were up" (emergency lighting only kicked in after a while..).

Then there was a second light, which we had a brief look at. At least it illuminated the whole room ghastly, until after 1-3 seconds disappearing sharply.

The power was up eventually, nothing really happened etc. We joked about how it had been some russian EMP experiment (or maybe our own, who knows..), but it was quickly forgotten between getting up early and running around and stuff. Just sort of remembered it again.

And I have no idea what it was, or if the power outage had NOTHING to do with it. We never really asked around. The only green lights and power outage, though. Also, I know what flares look like, and it did not look like a flare. Or a light-grenade. It was more like a light switched on and off, sharply cut.

Has anyone experienced something like this?

Yea that's is some wierd siht......What is 'siht' by the way? :D
Another thing it could be is Ionized particles hitting the ionosphere from a solar wind.
The more famous occurance is Aurora Borealis ("The Northern Lights")

The type of occurance is rare, however it is enough to knock out electronics equipment in the area. I saw one occurance out my way, the entire sky went completely black (I mean the abscence of everything not even shadows) for what felt a few seconds, when everything reappeared the streetlights started blinking on like they'd been knocked out and Car/House alarms were sounding.

These natural events are one of the reasons why most of the computers that store sophisticated data (usually classified) are kept both Faraday Caged and potentially under the ground in a bunker.
uh.. I've seen northern lights, believe me. I live here, remember? They are slow to start and slow to stop. Not the kind that just goes *BLINK BLINK*. Although it is possible that it was some type of big impulse of ions. Still, not likely. And I have seen northern lights, I do live in Finland. (Like I said, it was very sharp and momentual)

As for (transformer) lightning, I've never seen a green flash of lightning. The color is based (I think?) on the conducting matter. Oxygen produces blue/white flash. Unless we assume there was some weird gas between powerlines and the ground. Besides, this happened on a small army base, surrounded by immense area designated as a artillery shooting range. There was a small village close by, and nothing more. The odds of there being major powerlines is very small.

Siht is a censored version of shit. I don't know all the rules, I thought it would be more polite or something.

Asides, it seems to me more skeptics browse the para-science section, and can't but wonder why? Why do people waste time talking about something they don't believe in?

Having read links I'm not complitely throwing ionized particles out the window, but it's not enough. The occurence was very rapid and centralized, like it came directly from a single source, and massive amounts of ions were suddenly launched, then stopped. (I'm not saying I know something, this is just what I saw.)

And appearently no one has had any similiar experiences, WHICH WAS MY QUESTION. Thanks anyway...
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Ogmios said:
As for (transformer) lightning, I've never seen a green flash of lightning...




And this would be a photograph of what, mint sauce? It's a still taken from training footage of a substation electrical short. Note the distinctly not blue colour....?

Y'say you've "never seen a green flash of lightning" - yet here's a photograph of exactly that and you open by writing an account describing it and the after effects.

What do you want us to do, Ogmios, tell you you saw something extraordinary and unaccountable? Y'saw something relatively unusual and infrequent, given what you describe this best accounts for what you observed witnessing. Dull, I know, but most shit is.​
...and notice the distinctly muddy-colored sky? -- in fact, the entire picture has a distinctly yellow overcast (lousy pic: the poles have a bluish-grey tint halo). By mitigating the overcast, the flame becomes whiter, brighter but very far from appearing green.
A picture of what? Never mind, we know of what -- but what are you insinuating? that Ogmios saw what you posted?

Ogmios: were you or were you not wearing yellow-tinted glasses at the time?
ugh. Lightning is yellow of course. How silly.

And the lighteffect was clearly on the sky (as in, above trees), and as I said, there were no powerlines as far as I know.

And still, lightning does not come in green, not in our atmoshperic conditions. Also,
Ogmios said:
At least it illuminated the whole room ghastly
So I think it's safe to say the background did not alter our perception of it (yes the room was illuminated in green...).

And, yes, nitrogen, of course...

Mr anonymous, why are you be the hate? I'm trying to have a conversation here and you come frothing about science and weather balloons. I appreciate new views, and it's possible it was just a powerline going berserk, but there is no more convincing proof of this than any other explanation, and it does not match description given. Give us some actual input or wash your hands and walk away in disgust.

This is not a thread about whether supernatural exists or not.
(Teh siht parts two in the making once I get the time and nerve. I just put no1 so that any new input I might or might not have would be categoriazied properly. It's easier to start accounting when you begin than at no 52. I don't really have so much input that this would actually be necessary at this point blah.)
Ogmios said:
I'm trying to have a conversation here and you come frothing about science and weather balloons....

I haven't mentioned the subject of weather balloons. Once. Anywhere. At all.

Ogmios said:
Mr anonymous, why are you be the hate?

And, WTF?!
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I once saw lights once…..then, when I recovered, I only saw one light.

It must have been God…or something.

Because, of course, anything unknown or baffling must be due to supernatural forces.
Then when it becomes known it can be explained with natural forces.