
Just go organic and grow your own :bugeye: like me I feel pretty, oh so pretty, i feel pretty and witty and blah de blah de bleuauragh:eek:

Ben & Taylor *grin*
Jason's hair
Cheap plastic junk (Thanks to Jason for reminding me :p)
Monty Python
and..CUDDLES!!!! (Jason knows all about this :p)

tyler that is pathetic, all of those who think pot is cool is pathetic, it has just lowered my whole perception of you poeple. take it from someone who knows, DRUGS ARE FOR F****:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :bugeye:
tyler that is pathetic, all of those who think pot is cool is pathetic, it has just lowered my whole perception of you poeple. take it from someone who knows, DRUGS ARE FOR F****

Hmmm, somone who I'll never meet, who cannot spell or punctuate, thinks less of me.

I'm, like, sobbing my eyes out.
Awww Xev....
Did he hurt your feelings?
Want me to go Rusel Crowe.....er...someoen not gay....on him?

Need a shoulder to cry on?

"tyler that is pathetic, all of those who think pot is cool is pathetic, it has just lowered my whole perception of you poeple. take it from someone who knows, DRUGS ARE FOR F****"

Why? What's wrong with marijuana? I see no knock against marijuana? Some marijuana users, sure...but marijuana itself? What have you got against it?
No. There are very few people who affect my feelings.

Nor am I attacking, but responding to a poorly crafted 'flame'. Poorly crafted 'flames' do annoy me.

For the record, pot is not 'cool', it is a nice way to relax. And, unfortunatly, the good stuff is very expensive.
Tyler, first you start of on tobacco, then you graduate to weed, and then to the hard stuff eg. herroin, coccain, speed etc. soon you will be selling your family members stuff like watches and bikes to support your habbit and turn into a conmplete a** hole, who has a realy short fuse and is too proud to accept help form anyone. then after all that you will get deperessed and threaten to kill your self and so on.

it only takes about 3 years to recovere from all the deperession, your memory is hideously affected, and even then you fuse isnt as big as it used to be.

so there is is, thats what iv got againsed pot. because i saw my brother go through all that, and i have learnt by it



I was on the bus the other day with some friends, obviously high, when we started talking to this guy. Or rather, he started talking to us. We ended up finding out he was from Bangladesh and had only been speaking English for 6 months (which may or may not be bull, as like I said, we were quite high). Near the end of the conversation I inquired into how much weed cost over there....

He says; 'Well, like a dime costs $10 here, right?'


'Well in Bangladesh, $10 would get you like........'

holds up his knapsack.

I nearly fainted.
The first flaw is in the first sentance.

I don't smoke cigarettes. Tried them once, was repulsed and never touched one again.

"weed, and then to the hard stuff eg. herroin, coccain, speed etc. soon you will be selling your family members stuff like watches and bikes to support your habbit and turn into a conmplete a** hole, who has a realy short fuse and is too proud to accept help form anyone"

Hate to tell you this Hatred, but that does not happen to everyone. If it did, there would be a SIGNIFICANTLY larger suicide and OD rate. I tried cocaine once. Too expensive, too short, too useless. Never touch again. Speed I have no attraction to. Heroin, well, I HATE needles.

I'm not stupid enough to get involved in anything. Shrooms maybe.....but that's a long shot.
'Well in Bangladesh, $10 would get you like........'
holds up his knapsack.



Tyler, first you start of on tobacco, then you graduate to weed, and then to the hard stuff eg. herroin, coccain, speed etc.

Er, no. I've never smoked tobacco, never will. I have smoked pot, but I haven't got the money or the time to do so often, plus, the poor quality stuff gives me headaches. Never done anything more 'hard', although E sounds interesting and fairly safe.

Oh yeah, I should post this here:
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Originally posted by Tyler
The first flaw is in the first sentance.

I don't smoke cigarettes. Tried them once, was repulsed and never touched one again.

"weed, and then to the hard stuff eg. herroin, coccain, speed etc. soon you will be selling your family members stuff like watches and bikes to support your habbit and turn into a conmplete a** hole, who has a realy short fuse and is too proud to accept help form anyone"

Hate to tell you this Hatred, but that does not happen to everyone. If it did, there would be a SIGNIFICANTLY larger suicide and OD rate. I tried cocaine once. Too expensive, too short, too useless. Never touch again. Speed I have no attraction to. Heroin, well, I HATE needles.

I'm not stupid enough to get involved in anything. Shrooms maybe.....but that's a long shot.

I hope that was deliberate.
Poor Netiqitte, Adam.

What the hell is this, you all know each other?

Oh yes, and:
Lay off him!!
He know's what he's talking about, and he has every right to let his opinion be known

Really? If his story was a mark of validity, why am I not right? I can trade sob stories with HATRED, but I have a sense of privacy.

You think you are the only one here to lose somone close because they are addicted to drugs, HATRED? You think that gives your claims validity?

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Xev's mother's second husband was addicted to heroin and stole extensivly to get his fix and lost jobs constantly. Oh yeah, and her mother's third was a rather violent pothead who eventually left after Xev had to beat him up.

So Xev knows quite a bit about "addicts". They aren't good people turned bad, they are bad people who use drugs to justify their actions.

However, Xev has a certain sense of privacy that she dosen't easily violate except when she is pissed.

And she is now. HATRED makes vauge assertions and insults, does not back a single one up, and Xev is expected to be nice? Xev is not nice.
Originally posted by Xev
Poor Netiqitte, Adam.
I hope it was deliberate because if so it's quite clever and funny. Nothing poor about that. It's much like a joke I use EVERY time I use IRC: "I never make tpyos!"

Yes, I have a pathetic sense of humour. :p

Dude, we dont put you down for your bad habits, why do you have to call us names? Like i said in an earlier post, if I want to toke up late at night after everyone is in bed to relax a little, so what? Im not a crackhead, I dont steal or lie to anyone to support my habit and just because I smoke weed, doesnt make me a druggie. Im sorry about your brother but some people are more easily iffluenced and have more of an addictive personality than others. Which make us happy tokers (people who smoke just to relax and laugh) look bad. Just like some people can have wine everynight with dinner and some people cant have just one drink without getting totally blizted. Do you say everyone who drinks is a f****?:bugeye: