
I'm concerned... is everyone here smoking weed?

I think that is SICK... espacially for the her with the baby...

shame on you!

Whats wrong with weed?

Its a hell of alot better than cigerets

and as long as *strgrl* dosn't do it near her girl whats the problem there?
I still think its stupid...

and I can't understand how a person like you, who knows about the health-problems with weed, can defend someone who is smoking it...

+ it is illegal, but I guess you don't care!
First off
i don't smoke it (except for a short time where i was very self destructive) because it could give me skitsaferenia if i do

this dosn't make it evil
It has less negitive effects that tabaco

everyone WILL die of something
so we should look at quaility of life (not quantity)
In other words if it make someone happy and isn't harming someone else whats wrong with it?

The goverments of the world trying to "protect" us from something that no one wants to be protected from
So you think it is a life of good quality to get skitsaferenia...? Because it must have happened to more people than you!

You still have to agree that smoking weed is bad! You can't deny that!? And yes, I think cigaretts are bad too! Why I didn't mentioned that is because they are leagal... yet...

and at least I and I guess everyone I know, wants to be protected from weed! So I guess that last thing is wrong...

and it is harming people!
no im more likly to get skitsfrenia from weed because i have a history of it im my family

there are people who are alergic to cats (or cats trigger asma for them) so we kill all cats

I don't think it SHOULD be ilegle (athough i don't like smoking in public places where OTHERS inhale the smoke), what you do in your own home is YOUR problem

First of all I would like to say that YES - I do smoke weed. NO - I dont smoke it around my daughter and she doesnt even know what it is. What I do in my spare time, is my business. Its not like Im running around the house with a blunt hanging off my lip with a bottle of jack in my hands cursing up a storm. (That would be a different story). My daughter is in no way neglected (some consider her quite spoiled). I can assure you that she is very well taken care of, bathed, clothed and read to every night. I understand your concern, but I can assure you again, I put more time and energy into my daughter than my friends who DONT smoke pot.
How much time do you spend with your kid? Do you have crazy sex? Do you eat fatty fried foods? Do I care? No, so dont butt your nose into my business. And please dont put me down for something you dont know shit about! If I choose to toke on a doobie at 11:30 after Ive worked a full day, ran home and cooked dinner for my kid, went to school and then came home to bathe, read and put my kid to sleep, than hey, you can call me whatever you want to - but dont put me down in front of everyone - there is a thing called tact ya know. You should try using it sometime. You should also try tokin up sometime - you seem a little uptight and anal.:D

Oh, and toke on!
There are a few threads devoted to cannabis.

But back to the topic of this thread: weaknesses.

1) I always give people chances. Even after people disappoint me, I give them chances. And they always disappoint me again. And I still give them more chances...

2) I stick to my principles. This often ends up getting me in trouble, or earning me some pain or such.

I think it was stupid of me to judge you before I knew you and I apologize... my critisism was not ment to be aimed to you personaly but for the weed-smokers in general... now when I read what I wrote, it seems like a critisised you in particular which wasn't my intention... weed is not as common here as it is the states and I guess I've always seen people who smokes it as people who lives in the slums living on welfare... coz that picture of weed is what the media gives us and I guess I have bought it without much consideration... sorry

One thing I still don't understand is this "positive" look on drugs... weed in particular... why people don't think it is wrong to use it?


I think I know what you are talking about...
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Well thank you for the apology, I apoligize also :D

One thing I still don't understand is this "positive" look on drugs... weed in particular... why people don't think it is wrong to use it?

I dont think it is a bad drug. The only thing I see that is wrong - is it makes a person unmotivated. I believe it was Ann Landers who said "It turned a generation of doers into a generation of dreamers." I have read up on the effects of marijuana and the latest I have read is that it DOES NOT lower your IQ like once thought. I dont believe anyone has ever gotten cancer because of it - but I could be wrong. And to say it is a gateway drug - well what drug isnt a gateway drug. Its just called that because its the easiest to get so yes, its probably the first drug people try. I wouldnt recommend smoking on a regular basis, but I dont really see the harm in smoking once in a while

Groove on
It's fun...
It can make some people more creative...
It doesn't actually do much harm to your body...
It's not easily physically addictive...
It's impossible to overdose... (unless you smoke your body weight, like that's ever gonna happen)

The only knock on it here is taht it's too expensive!
Smoking cannabis may be harmful the sameway as cigarrette. For generations certain part in India, cannabis is grown and used internally by mostly laborers and farmers. Those who use it in moderation do not show any sign of physical and mental damage. It is against the law in US, so that the pharmaceutical companies and healthcare industry can make money from their version of the chemicals -
Oh, you know, I did hear once that since the people who grow weed, they usually do it mixed in with different crops, I think corn is one of them(?) but anyhoo, since they are grown with other crops and crops are sprayed with bug spray - the weed gets the spray on it and it is never washed off, we are actually inhaling the bug spray. Does anyone know if this is true? I think a teacher in high school told me this.
Well, I only buy hydro - so I guess Im safe
That is true. What you get in US may not be safe. If you must, use a vegetable wash liquid to strip the pesticide - just in case and then you can dry them...
I'm concerned... is everyone here smoking weed?

Not.....at.......this second....


Wanna know what you get for possession of an ounce in Ann Arbor, Michigan?

A $25 fine.

Actually, if memory serves, there is the problem of 'tar', which is even worse than in cigarretes.

You only live once, though.
Smoking is always bad whether it is Cannabis or Cigars. It is only bad because of Tar and other carcinogens. I am surprised why the Cigarrete companies did not come up with a super filter that takes out the Tar and stuff or even better a nicotine vapor system....