

Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Okay, I cant remember if I already started this thread before or not:confused: Anyhoo,
What are your weaknesses???
Ill go first...

1) My kid
2) Nicotine
3) Pot!!!!!
4) Alcohol
5) Men
6) Saying no (and no not to that - just in general):D
7) Ooooh, and credit cards!!!!

Okay, your turn
Well this is going to tie in with a great universal consciousness theory, I guess I know what no you were on about not being the no that you say.

As for weakness...

Silly half ascii'd comments that some find amusing
women :eek:
Saying, "And just to make a point, the same as above".
these computer gadgety gizmo's (Although we should all release our hamsters from the wheel that powers them)
Late nights
Mixing coffee and late nights
Memory is a weakness
Did I mention women?
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Well I know, that the no you mentioned was probably the exact thought that crossed my mind, although there was only 5 words,... I knew the meaning. (Thats what occured as "telepathy" lol)

Still you might of noticed I edited a little :D
My only weakness at the moment is spending too much time on sciforums.
The fact that it takes me like 8 times as much weed as it takes most people to get high.
and women
kmguru ...

Saying NO to smart, great looking true blondes...

You mean you've got a thing for Dolph Lundgren too?

Take care :D

(1) Nicotine
(2) coffee
Can't think of any more at the mo but there must be lots!

Hmm, in Toronto, you almost qualify as 'unavailable'.

Only almost, thank Cthulhu!;)

Could I have your bodyguard's autograph, it doesn't have to be on that little book they print from banks.
Yeah Xev, I dunno if it's gonna work though....

I mean, Detroit fans booed the Canadian anthem at the Pistons game......

bah, I cant let that get in the way of true love!
I mean, Detroit fans booed the Canadian anthem at the Pistons game......

Did they?! Pistons fans are such morons. Canada has been our friend throughout the 9/11 attacks and retaliation....

And, after we accidentally bombed your troops, (oops!) they really have no right. Shall I feed them to the Great Cthulhu?
Haha, yes!

This one sure does confuse the hell out of me. How do you accidentally bomb an ally? Is our technology not advanced enough to prevent this?
I would not speak ill of our troops....oh hell, I would.

Incompetence. I heard one soldier describing it as 'well, when you play around with these things...'

PLAY! :bugeye:
Bloody stupid if you ask me

But my weeknesses

a good book
im a little lasy
and this place