We need religion

I know when I say this you're going to start crying because that's what you people do and It's important that you understand that I make no judgement based on colour. Still now that I know what colour your skin is, it's easy to understand why your such an idiot.
Azriel, I'm not black, if that is what you are implying; anyway, I'm going to go ahead and put you on ignore. Your posts aren't even on topic

Anyway, so like I said a religion that worships Humanity is best; we get to keep religion AND it isn't with the supernatural.
Azriel, I'm not black, if that is what you are implying; anyway, I'm going to go ahead and put you on ignore. Your posts aren't even on topic

Anyway, so like I said a religion that worships Humanity is best; we get to keep religion AND it isn't with the supernatural.

Oh I thought being from Syria you would be of a darker compexion but if you're caucasion, that's even worse. I worship the only true God and he has nothing to do with christianity, islam or any other false religion. All religion is horseshit and a religion that worships the creation rather than the creator isn't a religion that I would want any part of. I don't care if you ignore me, quite frankly I'm getting bored with this crap anyway. I think I'll go try to find someone with an ounze of grey matter between their ears.