We need religion

I swear to God, it is so much fun to have this bigot on ignore. You guys should join me. If he was on ignore, he'd go away, and we wouldn't have to listen to his bigoted bullcrap.

Join me.
As in, we need, or could really benefit from, what it is that a "religion" might offer, namely guidelines, common ground, and standards

Standards by which all people can seek to live up to, providing them with goals, and common goals leads to common grounds, which leads to unity; guidelines, providing a true necessary conformity for society, etc

Now, we don't require a religion that has belief in the supernatural or anything of the sort; it could be more of a philosophy-religion, namely something, as I've suggested, that praises, epitomizes, and worships the Human species

um, i hate to break this to you but that doesnt make sense. It is not a religion then, is it?
um, i hate to break this to you but that doesnt make sense. It is not a religion then, is it?

You sir, are correct.

That would be a system of laws.

We need a religion... like we need a hole in the head. (Which, interestingly enough, would explain religious behaviour...)
You sir, are correct.

That would be a system of laws.

We need a religion... like we need a hole in the head. (Which, interestingly enough, would explain religious behaviour...)

We need some holes in our heads.
Not any new ones, though.
As in, we need, or could really benefit from, what it is that a "religion" might offer, namely guidelines, common ground, and standards

Standards by which all people can seek to live up to, providing them with goals, and common goals leads to common grounds, which leads to unity; guidelines, providing a true necessary conformity for society, etc

Now, we don't require a religion that has belief in the supernatural or anything of the sort; it could be more of a philosophy-religion, namely something, as I've suggested, that praises, epitomizes, and worships the Human species

What? That's silly. We don't need religion. Get your facts straight. You and they need religion. I have faith in christianity, but I'm not going to get diarhhea if I don't have it. You, sir, get no jellybeans.
As in, we need, or could really benefit from, what it is that a "religion" might offer, namely guidelines, common ground, and standards

Standards by which all people can seek to live up to, providing them with goals, and common goals leads to common grounds, which leads to unity; guidelines, providing a true necessary conformity for society, etc

Now, we don't require a religion that has belief in the supernatural or anything of the sort; it could be more of a philosophy-religion, namely something, as I've suggested, that praises, epitomizes, and worships the Human species

Lets call the new god man the Arian race and the rest sub-humans, Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil.........

Why not change your revolution fist avatar with something more appropriate, a swastika maybe.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
As in, we need, or could really benefit from, what it is that a "religion" might offer, namely guidelines, common ground, and standards

Standards by which all people can seek to live up to, providing them with goals, and common goals leads to common grounds, which leads to unity; guidelines, providing a true necessary conformity for society, etc

Now, we don't require a religion that has belief in the supernatural or anything of the sort; it could be more of a philosophy-religion, namely something, as I've suggested, that praises, epitomizes, and worships the Human species

All the things you want would be better achieved without religion.
I swear to God, it is so much fun to have this bigot on ignore. You guys should join me. If he was on ignore, he'd go away, and we wouldn't have to listen to his bigoted bullcrap.

Join me.

I'm very close to joining you.
It does require a socially adopted policy...which we could call a religion..
What you are describing could be called principles, standards, ethics or even a philosophy. These would be a more accurate description than 'religion'.
Ok, well we need these standards and philosophies

I'd call this a religion however because it involves worship (of the Human species)
Standards by which all people can seek to live up to, providing them with goals, and common goals leads to common grounds, which leads to unity; guidelines, providing a true necessary conformity for society, etc

Communism is already an ideology.

Now, we don't require a religion that has belief in the supernatural or anything of the sort; it could be more of a philosophy-religion, namely something, as I've suggested, that praises, epitomizes, and worships the Human species

Worship is not required. But, if you really want to worship something, then worship an education.
Communism is already an ideology.
Communism is atheist anyway and I disagree vehemently with that ideology

Worship is not required. But, if you really want to worship something, then worship an education.

Nothing is really "required", but it'd be better as it boosts Human value, morale, and hey, we can praise Humanity and its perfection. Why not?

Better than praising a being we can't see, hear, taste, smell, or touch in any way.
Communism is atheist anyway and I disagree vehemently with that ideology

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Nothing is really "required", but it'd be better as it boosts Human value, morale, and hey, we can praise Humanity and its perfection.

Praising and worshiping are irrelevant. Recognition for achievement is another matter.

Better than praising a being we can't see, hear, taste, smell, or touch in any way.

Why waste time on medieval rituals?
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Repeat what? I'm pro secular. I come from a secular country, for the most part (Syria).

And it is secular especially for the region; political parties based on religion are strictly banned, and Hafez Assad was extremely strict about keeping religion out of politics. religious-based movements are executable offenses

The only thing they need to change for us to be TRULY secular is to make it so that a non Muslim can become president. Hafez was going to do this, make it "Syrian" instead of specify religion, but the people didn't want him to, so he made it "Muslim" instead of "sunni"

Praising and worshiping are irrelevant. Recognition for achievement is another matter.
They wouldn't hurt anyway.

Imagine, declaring Humanity the epitome of all life; praising and worshipping the Human species; with giant temples and statues of Human perfection by which we live by and live up to.

Such a religion would reject the supernatural as the supernatural threatens Human ability.
Oh yes, as I said there are things to be worked out, but we are secular compared to the rest of the region and we're getting there

It's mainly the god damn sunnis that want a theocracy. Even my family over there say this, and they are also secular ( as they are alawi and that is a minority anyway)

Assad is also a minority religion, I'm sure he'll make improvements to promote secularism

It's the sunnis that make demands and seriously they are so annoying, but we have to cater to them because they are the majority.

Sounds more like a complete waste of time, energy and resources.
No, it fulfills social and psychological functions, and gives pride to Humanity and divinity to our species.
We don't need to be individualists; we need to all be unique, yes, but we also need something that we all live up to, that we all desire, that we all are united by. We need perfection.

Humanity can make no accomplishments when we still allow the ignorant and weakminded to live freely.

You appear to have somewhat of a Hitler complex. Freedom is the basis of any religion and the human refusal of that freedom, the hypocrisy and blasphemy of them all. It's a weak mind that refuses another the freedom to find their way and to pursue their dreams. Your dream seems to be a dictatorship where you would tell another who and what they would be, never allowing a weaker person to become strong. If you have this superior knowledge and divine power why don't you put it into practice by solving world conflicts, ending world hunger, and restoring the global economic uncertainty? At least I make suggestions to our government leaders and point out the errors of their policies, suggesting alternatives, what is it that you do besides blurt your nonsense on this site? Greed, selfishness, and superiority complexes are the cause of all the dissention and your suggested solution is more of the same. It didn't work for Hitler, Napoleon, or Alexander and each of them was 10 times the man you'll ever be (at least) so how will it work for you?