We need religion! (A better one.)

The problem is that the "work" you assign god is to establish this world as a place free from suffering. Given that its our desire (and even our requirement for an atmosphere to express such idiotic desire) that causes the suffering, you fail to recognize that a different sort of "work" is going on.
Like what?

Not at all

The only difference perhaps is that the atheists arguments are idiotic, since they have accepted an idiotic premise to start from.

The premise that there is no god is sound and not idiotic with the application of Acom's Razor. It is requires reason to accept, but not a lot. It might be wrong, but it is not idiotic. There are idiotic arguments, but the premise itself is not.

The premise that there is a god is in fact idiotic because it requires no reason at all to accept. All one needs is faith and belief. I mean you don't need to be wise, intelligent, or even enlightened to believe and have faith in god. The thing is, it's possible that the theist is right. At that point, it is not an idiotic premise and the atheist position becomes idiotic.
The premise that there is no god is sound
to be scientifically responsible one must also consider that the opposite may hold true.IE; The premise that there is a god is also sound.

All one needs is faith and belief. I mean you don't need to be wise, intelligent, or even enlightened to believe and have faith in god.

true, but those bolded help to understand how much your faith/beliefs are based on 'do as your told' rather than 'think for yourself'.
The premise that there is no god is sound and not idiotic with the application of Acom's Razor. It is requires reason to accept, but not a lot. It might be wrong, but it is not idiotic. There are idiotic arguments, but the premise itself is not.

The premise that there is a god is in fact idiotic because it requires no reason at all to accept. All one needs is faith and belief. I mean you don't need to be wise, intelligent, or even enlightened to believe and have faith in god. The thing is, it's possible that the theist is right. At that point, it is not an idiotic premise and the atheist position becomes idiotic.

*tsk tsk*

If you are going to go on a rationalist trip, at least learn to spell your tools right!

Like what?
Like addressing our requirement to express idiotic behavior of course

The premise that there is no god is sound and not idiotic with the application of Acom's Razor. It is requires reason to accept, but not a lot. It might be wrong, but it is not idiotic. There are idiotic arguments, but the premise itself is not.
I'm not sure you understand.

If you accept an idiots definition of key premise for an argument, the antithesis also suffers.

For instance if I accepted an idiot's definition of phrenology as the integral discipline to all the sciences, I could logically support the claim that the sciences are a crock ...

Similarly if I accept a definition of a god that functions like a gumball machine, any atheistic suppositions in opposition to it are similarly valueless.

The premise that there is a god is in fact idiotic because it requires no reason at all to accept. All one needs is faith and belief. I mean you don't need to be wise, intelligent, or even enlightened to believe and have faith in god. The thing is, it's possible that the theist is right. At that point, it is not an idiotic premise and the atheist position becomes idiotic.
Don't be daft.

Well over 75% of the world's philosophy is aimed at addressing key issues of transcendence.

When you are talking about theism making the requirement for faith alone and a complete absence of reason, you are talking about fideism, which, as a singular example, is hardly capable of speaking for the before mentioned 75% + of the world's philosophy
Like what?

The premise that there is no god is sound and not idiotic with the application of Acom's Razor. It is requires reason to accept, but not a lot. It might be wrong, but it is not idiotic. There are idiotic arguments, but the premise itself is not.

The premise that there is a god is in fact idiotic because it requires no reason at all to accept. All one needs is faith and belief. I mean you don't need to be wise, intelligent, or even enlightened to believe and have faith in god. The thing is, it's possible that the theist is right. At that point, it is not an idiotic premise and the atheist position becomes idiotic.

unless it is evident in your own microcosm of the universe. Then if you know because of it are you still an Idiot for believing? I will be the fool who believes then and have the last laugh , for to know for sure is an vantage point you may not have. Get in touch with your instinctive side and you might know for sure too. Touch Nature and find out the mysteries of creation on your own. Evolution is real for all you day dreamers of Christianity and what have you religions and the earth as I see it is 4 billion some odd years old like the scientist says , but as far as there being a force of nature that is above the animal human yes is my answer . Watch out I know your behavior pretty good by building your houses and seeing how you all live. Go dust your furniture you pig pens and clean that ring out of your toilet too.
Like addressing our requirement to express idiotic behavior of course
No, I meant like what different sort of "work" is going on.

I'm not sure you understand.

If you accept an idiots definition of key premise for an argument, the antithesis also suffers.

For instance if I accepted an idiot's definition of phrenology as the integral discipline to all the sciences, I could logically support the claim that the sciences are a crock ...

Similarly if I accept a definition of a god that functions like a gumball machine, any atheistic suppositions in opposition to it are similarly valueless.
I guess I don't understand. It sounds like you are saying that all arguments from an idiot can be similarly deemed as valueless.

Don't be daft.

Well over 75% of the world's philosophy is aimed at addressing key issues of transcendence.

When you are talking about theism making the requirement for faith alone and a complete absence of reason, you are talking about fideism, which, as a singular example, is hardly capable of speaking for the before mentioned 75% + of the world's philosophy

I am not talking about the requirement of theism is absence of reason. I don't believe all theists lack reasoning, although they may not be able to express the reasoning well, or perhaps don't understand the reason fully.

What I am talking about is that you don't need to have any ability to think to have faith in a god. It does require some capacity of thinking to suppose there is no god.

And yet you label atheists as idiotic and having an idiotic premise from the start. What you are not understanding is when you choose to believe and have faith in something that is not physical, you leave behind reason to make the choice relying on experience alone.

Back on topic, I think the last thing I was trying to express is that theists see nothing wrong with how the world is because they know their god is "at work". They want and hope for change, but do more praying than doing. Since we can't change the world without them on board, we can't change the world. That is why I propose a new religion. We need an organization, not so much as a religion. We need something where people are recruited to the common path of enlightenment. But, unlike religions like Taoism, something that is more marketable which is the offer of acceptance, love, and enlightenment. A free-thinking religion that accepts atheists and theists. There should be no propaganda from either camp pushed out. Only philosophy, study, and community and there's nothing wrong with some traditional rituals to enhance spirituality. Something more akin to meditation, but not as intense. Does anyone know of a religion that is dogma-free. There can be no other required philosophy save altruism.
What I am talking about is t
We need an organization, not so much as a religion. We need something where people are recruited to the common path of enlightenment. something that is more marketable which is the offer of acceptance, love, and enlightenment. A free-thinking religion that accepts atheists and theists.

doesn't this describe religion?
I've now realized that we can't fix the world until the current religions step aside or join us, because the theist is not interested necessarily in fixing the world. Their whole focus is on the plan of their god which is to build the kingdom and bring others to their god and let god do the fixing of the people. IT'S NOT WORKING!!! You've had how many years??? Give it a rest!

We need to adopt sound philosophy and spirituality to take the place of god. Religion would benefit humanity in this capacity to promote morality and thinking. The belief in god is getting in the way!

Don't wait for god to fail you or the ones you love. Act now. God fails all. It probably doesn't exist, but don't let that doubt stop you from moving forward and making a change.

Do you think you would feel or do you feel incomplete without god? All you need is your brothers and sisters. And your brothers and sisters just need to accept your needy friend. If every person swore fealty to each other, that would be billions to help the one person...and so on. This can't happen without teaching our children the path. I am suggesting a reformation of religion and governments and it has to start with teaching our children a better way.

Can't unscramble scrambled eggs. Have to clean the pan and start from scratch. Throw away the shells and then maybe, maybe then the change you are looking for will happen. We will all be dead by then, in any case.