We need religion! (A better one.)

Alien souls? Isn't that the pinnacle of their belief? Correct me if I am wrong.

dunno the religion of scientology, i have read dianetics, it help me to understand a few things..but i have never been interested in attending any scientology meetings.

but factor in gods cosmic influence and one cannot discount beginnings out side of our bubble we call earth..(space borne elements/proteins/events and such contributing to life on this planet)

so technically we are aliens..
dunno the religion of scientology, i have read dianetics, it help me to understand a few things..but i have never been interested in attending any scientology meetings.

but factor in gods cosmic influence and one cannot discount beginnings out side of our bubble we call earth..(space borne elements/proteins/events and such contributing to life on this planet)

so technically we are aliens..

if you have to pay the institution money, in order to supposedly get to the next level of enlightenment, it's a sure sign people. FAIL.
Main problem with any religion is they need money "money is root of all evil" if you could find me a religion that never asked it's members for a dollar. Believed more in facts than fairy tales. Then I might go for it. I see god as an ultimate energy with no conscience no knowledge so to speak. Not as this made up guy on a cloud that I was created in his images so I can somehow feel god-like. God is an energy kind of like electricity. Electricity doesn't want praise for working when you flip a switch it wants to do it's job get things done move live. I see god much as the same thing only much more powerful. Something that not only gave life to man but to a universe. I see got as awesome. A great provider of both space and matter that is powering this universe and creating platforms for things to create themselves. Imagine the energy involved running las Vegas. Not imagine the energy it is needed to run a universe. God doesn't want praise like any energy he has no brain or conscience. God as every other living thing wants but one thing ... To continue to survive.
if you have to pay the institution money, in order to supposedly get to the next level of enlightenment, it's a sure sign people. FAIL.

if you have to 'do as your told' instead of 'thinking for yourself'.. its a sure sign, Fail
i have had spiritual interaction with god, i have searched for relevant insights, and i have been told to search for relevant insights by god, and been given chapter and verse out of the bible. i have always been able to relate according to personal experience though, and god has used lots of things to teach, and communicate with me, including art and music and other people, not just religion. god's mostly had me just looking in the mirror.

I think that religion is an assortment of beliefs that, whether internally devised or borrowed from elsewhere, people cling to in an effort to be closer to their god. I'm saying that religion is the natural bi-product of believing in a god--even if it's the religion of one. I don't know your leanings, Lori, but I bet you could tell us some things about God, because you believe.
One must simply serve the task, even if no one is looking, for there can still be good (or bad) logical and natural consequences. The wall of life is there to crash into repeatedly or to just gracefully bounce off of and learn; however, if there is a resistance to learning or some real learning disability, then they are most likely sunk forever.
dunno the religion of scientology, i have read dianetics, it help me to understand a few things..but i have never been interested in attending any scientology meetings.

but factor in gods cosmic influence and one cannot discount beginnings out side of our bubble we call earth..(space borne elements/proteins/events and such contributing to life on this planet)

so technically we are aliens..

I don't think that is their angle. Anyway, I have never had much interest in Scientology, and I can't say much about it.
I think that religion is an assortment of beliefs that, whether internally devised or borrowed from elsewhere, people cling to in an effort to be closer to their god. I'm saying that religion is the natural bi-product of believing in a god--even if it's the religion of one. I don't know your leanings, Lori, but I bet you could tell us some things about God, because you believe.

because i've experienced, i could tell you some things about a religion of one, yes. one that resulted in isolation and frustration and one that i rejected in order to live.

having something happen to you that shapes you and changes you is one thing, but turning that into a religion is quite another. and that it should be.
that assumes there is a religion that has no need for money..
There is a religion that needs no money a non belief religion. One which members don't participate in church studies worship or praise. Nor do they go to church or give a church money. I think you'll find "non religious" to be one of biggest branches of religion there is.
There is a religion that needs no money a non belief religion. One which members don't participate in church studies worship or praise. Nor do they go to church or give a church money. I think you'll find "non religious" to be one of biggest branches of religion there is.

It would be interesting to see the numbers. I think a lot of people believe in a god even though they are not part of any established religion. Add that to the number of people who actually belong to a religious body--I think you would be surprised by how many people are actual believers. For what it's worth...

Please not another religion, have you read the Registered Religion Database's?. Yours will be like entry 5 billion and six. I think we have more religions than people on earth.

Peace and Guidance
The way I live resembles Jasinism heh it's a very strict lifestyle dont make things too hard for yourself unless you can do it happily.

La ilaha ilallah


I read that their respect for life even extends to bugs. You have to admire that kind of devotion towards life.
I read that their respect for life even extends to bugs. You have to admire that kind of devotion towards life.

I don't just Admire it I live it lol, t's not just insects they are an obvious no-no. even blades of grass or a single leaf on a tree unless you have to.

I don't just Admire it I live it lol, t's not just insects they are an obvious no-no. even blades of grass or a single leaf on a tree unless you have to.


I wont indiscriminately squish a bug, but I still enjoy a good steak now and again. I suppose that if I can't eat it, I wont kill it. That's about as far as my conscience will carry me. Oh, I'm going to hell.