We need religion! (A better one.)


Who Cares
Valued Senior Member
I've now realized that we can't fix the world until the current religions step aside or join us, because the theist is not interested necessarily in fixing the world. Their whole focus is on the plan of their god which is to build the kingdom and bring others to their god and let god do the fixing of the people. IT'S NOT WORKING!!! You've had how many years??? Give it a rest!

We need to adopt sound philosophy and spirituality to take the place of god. Religion would benefit humanity in this capacity to promote morality and thinking. The belief in god is getting in the way!

Don't wait for god to fail you or the ones you love. Act now. God fails all. It probably doesn't exist, but don't let that doubt stop you from moving forward and making a change.

Do you think you would feel or do you feel incomplete without god? All you need is your brothers and sisters. And your brothers and sisters just need to accept your needy friend. If every person swore fealty to each other, that would be billions to help the one person...and so on. This can't happen without teaching our children the path. I am suggesting a reformation of religion and governments and it has to start with teaching our children a better way.
The number of believers is already declining. It's not so much that they change, for many of them cannot; it's that they die off, each new generation learning more and more about science and reality. And it's about time, for myth will not save the world, but only keep it in the mythic stone age and also cause many of the continuing wars and conflicts.

Pandora's box of truth continues to open, no matter who tries to put a lid on it.
We need a religion that is a non religion for the non believers. Just a respect for fellow man and be a good person type religion. No rules no books NO FAIRY TALES
A path of enlightenment of some sort is in order. I think people need to believe that life continues after death. When someone offers that hope, people listen. How can you compete with such a promise? People are not satisfied with the here-and-now. They want more.
we don't need religion, and religion isn't god. we do need god.
Taoism is a good one. It's consistent with known science and it's non-theistic. The problem is that religions that emphasize realism aren't appealing. That's not what people want to believe in.
So, you believe in god, but you don't have a religion? How does that work?

come on now...

religion is an institution.

god is an entity.

religion is what men decide to do with thoughts about god, or testimonies about an interaction with god, or a revelation, for a myriad of reasons good and not so good.

but god is something.
I thought that Buddhism was a religion based on realism. They don't even believe ib the human soul.
come on now...

religion is an institution.

god is an entity.

religion is what men decide to do with thoughts about god, or testimonies about an interaction with god, or a revelation, for a myriad of reasons good and not so good.

but god is something.

If you had some kind of spiritual interaction with a god, wouldn't that provoke you to form some religious ideas? I could be wrong, but don't most people who experience such an event go searching for relevant insights? I understand what you're saying. I'm just saying that one would naturally follow the other, or, in most probable cases, religion aspires towards a god.
Taoism is a good one. It's consistent with known science and it's non-theistic. The problem is that religions that emphasize realism aren't appealing. That's not what people want to believe in.

it's probably been 20 years since i read up on some taoism, but i will comment that what you're saying is so true. people are so attached to what hurts us, which can be and is religion for some.

say to someone, "now all you have to do is truly desire to love everyone all the time. always act in accordance with the greater good, and desire what's best for the whole even if it means you sacrifice." and see if they don't look at you like you're an alien.
Never mind. I'm not looking to open a can of worms. It just seems that if you have a god, you will most likely make efforts to worship it.

consider separating religion from god, the two are not mutually inclusive.
then we get into the arguments of what constitutes worship.
then who/what/how one determines what god wants.
and what constitutes religion...

lori summed it up pretty well..
consider separating religion from god, the two are not mutually inclusive.
then we get into the arguments of what constitutes worship.
then who/what/how one determines what god wants.
and what constitutes religion...

lori summed it up pretty well..

Even if your belief in a god influences your interaction with the world? You're probably paying homage in one way or another, following some internal system of right and wrong actions. I'm speculating, of course.
Even if your belief in a god influences your interaction with the world? You're probably paying homage in one way or another, following some internal system of right and wrong actions. I'm speculating, of course.

wouldn't that be considered a form of worship?
If you had some kind of spiritual interaction with a god, wouldn't that provoke you to form some religious ideas? I could be wrong, but don't most people who experience such an event go searching for relevant insights? I understand what you're saying. I'm just saying that one would naturally follow the other, or, in most probable cases, religion aspires towards a god.

i have had spiritual interaction with god, i have searched for relevant insights, and i have been told to search for relevant insights by god, and been given chapter and verse out of the bible. i have always been able to relate according to personal experience though, and god has used lots of things to teach, and communicate with me, including art and music and other people, not just religion. god's mostly had me just looking in the mirror.