we have "evil" , now we need "good"

I'm only throwing out all these different ideas cause there's no real way we can fully accept one if we realize how valid they all are... It's a question as old as time...
hey- but what if we knew , what is good for the particular other person?
I would have to say that'd be the ultimate good...

Of course women are a huge flaw in this one... "You should know what I want by now, if you don't, I'm not telling" :D
Sometimes doing good to one person can hurt another. Then what is it you're doing? Good or evil? There are events in your life time which make you chose.

When you walk your path in life, it may happen that you take a different road at a certain moment, which fits best in your life. It may happen that in that proces you have to make choices. Not to do evil and live on against your feelings or do good to your life and that of others involved when you go the different road.

Then you do "good" to the latter but "evil" to the first.

What defines doing good then?

It would be cool when you can find a solution in which everyone is pleased, it doesn't work out that way all the time.

In general, doing good is seen as being helpful and open to all living beings on Earth.

Best you can do to achieve this is listen to your heart. Live and let live.

For people personally, there will always be events in which some see you as evil and others see you as good. I think this is rather black and white. You have to find a way in between and try to live your life from out your heart, it always leads you on the right path.

Listen to others, may it be human or nature. See what is happening and do what is right. Never turn away, face it and act the best way possible.
I'm chaotic good

and I like to think of myslef as sometimes being evil
probably because I strongly dislike those people who go around and help others by nothing getting themselves - I duno why
I seem to think that they are weak people

I'm chaotic good
Good and evil, as people have already posted here, don't exist as set definitions. They are your judgement at the time, and they are never a permanent label and thus cannot exist except for in the dimension of time.

This exceprt gives an nice example of it:
One must percieve each situation he enters as part of the flow, rather than investing personal significance in it, whether it is "good" or "bad". For instance, one might see a friend in the distance, and think it "good", but while running to meet him break his leg; breaking his leg, he might think is "bad"; but the person in the distance turns out to be a soldier coming to draft him for war, so the break is "good". Seeing his friend is both perceived as "bad" and "good"; breaking his leg is perceived as both "bad" and "good". One must quench inner conflicts and value judgments in order to "go with the flow" of the universe, which is tied together in one organic creature, and is neither intrinsically "good" nor "bad".

It came from a Taoism website, you can ignore that "go with the flow" part...but the example is a nice one.

You cannot generalize good and evil because there is no such thing except in your head...each person makes a unique decision.

If you were able to use logic and reasoning the moment you were born...what would you consider good and evil? I would say pain would be evil...and everything else is good. As you become aware of the world around you, your logic gets snagged by contradictions of your education (either formal education or self-taught...i.e. just living and learning). When your logic is messed, you then can realize good and evil can exist at the same time, same place, labeling the same object...and how can that happen?

I don't mean to insult your intelligence when I say your logic is messed up....it was meant to shorten saying everything that can cloud your reasoning.

Any concept of good and evil can only exist in the dimension of time. You might as well try to generalize and define right and wrong...it all depends on time.
and I like to think of myslef as sometimes being evil
probably because I strongly dislike those people who go around and help others by nothing getting themselves - I duno why
I seem to think that they are weak people

I agree. They seem like they are just on an ego trip, or they are trying to get into heaven, or whatever.

I don't think of myself as good or evil, although it's horridly fun to be "evil". I see myself as someone who acts and who wills.

I don't really have the desire to hurt people in any real sense. Thus, I might well be described as "good".
But I also don't think there's anything inherently wrong with harming other people in a real sense. So I am easily described as "evil". I don't accept "their" values or institutions, thus I am "evil" by their standards. But I also Will to protect and help those who need this from me.

I simply find the categories irrelevent...except when I have a little fun mocking them.

f you were able to use logic and reasoning the moment you were born...what would you consider good and evil? I would say pain would be evil...and everything else is good.

Pain is by no means evil. It can serve us, sometimes by amplifying passion, sometimes by teaching us.

Any concept of good and evil can only exist in the dimension of time.

What's your point? Everything exists in a universe that includes the dimension of time.

""I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people."

- Mother Teresa

This, to me, is very evil.
my point was that it can't be defined because it doesn't exist in a dimension that we can comprehend with our minds. The labels (words) exist but you can't generalize and define it. It's just my opinion though.
Pain is by no means evil. It can serve us, sometimes by amplifying passion, sometimes by teaching us.
But as a new born you will have no knowledge that it can amplify passion, that it can teach you something....until you experience it.
Here's another example that almost everyone can relate to. When your at a toy store and you want a toy really bad, but no one will buy it for you, you consider them evil...bad...unfair...harmful to yourself. Yet you do not know that this pain your feeling will teach you a lesson, it all depends on time till you realize it. Then that (emotional) pain and aguish you felt is no longer considered evil.

When your logic is not clouded, evil registers to what your instincts tell you.
Do you suppose Hitler thought he was evil? What do you think he thought of everyone who concidered him evil? He must have been pretty sure of what good and evil was to go that far with it... That is the same certainty we have when we say anything else is good... Leading me to believe it's all subjective.
I just think that the idea of good and evil as objective absolutes is completely rediculous :p
What is good?

I think that the 'good' is any action which increases welfare of all human beings and does not harm anybody simultaneously. Whis 'welfare' I mean all the possible aspects of human welfare - intellectual, psychological, emotional, social and finansial. The synonymos of 'good' is the word 'love'.
Welcome, welcome, XPEH BAM!
I'm glad you are here, hope you stay here for a bit longer than this thread.

XPEH BAM is my pal from one Latvian forum. We stand in one entrenchments against our common "enemy" :D

(tu man laikam neticesi , bet es vakar biju nokluvis tava lapa pavisam nejausi, tikai nezinaju, ka ta ir taveja (man paradija uzreiz saturu) - es biju iegajis viena lapa ( http://www.cs.llu.lv/Msppersml/studenti/9817060/index.htm ) , kur bija links uz klubu415 , bet adrese nestradaja- googlis man uz 415 atrada tavu lapu :p )
Welcome to Sciforums XPEH BAM! "good" to have you here!

peace be with you
Tanan vaga for greetings here!
In fact I disagree with Avatar thesis that we are standing in one foritification ring against our enemy (christhians). It is not so, because we cann't consider christhians as enemies, they simply are people little bit different from non-theists and non-believers. Yes, they are sometimes agressive and say threats, but non-believers are also doing so. We all are human beings!!!
And also in accordance with topic - 'good' also is any action, that helps to develop a constructive identity of any human being.

Nu, un kâ mâjaslapa? :)) Tiesa, viòa ir drusku novecojusi, bet man vienkârði ir baigais slinkums viòu papildinât, kâ arî zemâ apmeklçjuma dçï neredzu jçgu ðâdam pasâkumam.

Interesanti, latvieshu burti parâdîsies vai ne? :)
Nu, un ka majaslapa?
orìinâli, bet bûtu mazliet pie dizaina jâpiestrâdâ
Interesanti, latvieshu burti paradisies vai ne?
uz Operas paradas, pameginaju uz IE, bet uz ta bija keburi.
In fact I disagree with Avatar thesis that we are standing in one foritification ring against our enemy (christhians).
I put "christians" in quotation-marks ;) and a laughing smiley beside
ok- so I propose that we label "good" and "evil" as subjective ethical concepts of our specie.

what do you think?

urious. What language are you guys speaking?
Originally posted by Avatar
ok- so I propose that we label "good" and "evil" as subjective ethical concepts of our specie.

what do you think?


Why label them at all? Everything Zen! Now go fetch me a cup of tea.

First of all, anything can't be good unless something is defined as evil. One exists because of the other. They are complements. If everything was good, there would be no evil, and there would be no good because good exists because of evil. You cant have one without the other. Both of there meanings complement each other.