Was there a Holocaust?

Was there a Holocaust?

  • In a way, YES. But not as exaggerated as 6 million slaughtered jews.

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Proud_Muslim said:
This might help !


Estimated Jewish population of Europe in 1939.

If you add up the total in every state you wont even get 5 million !! IT PROVES THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST AND THE 6 MILLION FIGURE WAS INDEED HOLOHOAX !!


Without doing any math whatsoever, simply on the basis of a cursory examination, I can tell you that the totals are *well* over six million.

Repeating a previous question, DID you ever go to school?
talk2farley said:
Without doing any math whatsoever, simply on the basis of a cursory examination, I can tell you that the totals are *well* over six million.

Repeating a previous question, DID you ever go to school?

Yes you are right. The total comes up to 6,184,500. Not counting the jews of Russia.
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c20H25N3o said:
If one person dies unjustly at the hands of another it is a terrible thing. I think to argue about numbers is crass and i dont understand what is to be gained from the discussion. If someone can set me straight fair enough.

Of course:

It is the creation of hatred.

In this particular example this is accomplished by discrediting an historic event.

edit - some figures:

The exact number of people killed by the Nazi regime is still subject to further research. Recently declassified British and Soviet documents have indicated the total may be somewhat higher than previously believed. However, the following estimates are considered to be highly reliable.
5.6-6.1 million Jews
3.5-6 million Slavic civilians
2.5-4 million POWs
1-1.5 million political dissidents
200 000-800 000 Roma & Sinti
200 000-300 000 handicapped
10 000-250 000 homosexuals
2 000 Jehovah's Witnesses

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M*W: I have not only read extensively about the destruction of the European Jews, I have seen first hand the concentration camps (also known as "work centers" of Dachau, Thereisenstadt, Mauthausen, and Mainz-Kastel. There is no way that these dens of horror were fake. I walked from one end of Dachau to the other, crying the whole way. I've stood where so many died in the "showers," and I could sense the last hopeful thoughts of mothers and children. I've stood in the "bunks" and touched the cold hard wooden overcrowded sleeping quarters. I saw the crematoria. The smell of burning flesh was still in the air.

Dachau was built right in the middle of a residential area near Munich. However, the civilians on the outside never acknowledged what went on on the inside. They thought it was a work camp for displaced persons during the war. The Germans are STILL in denial that the Holocaust ever happened. It removes the "guilt" from their souls.

Mauthausen was a place of heinous medical interment where they performed such experiments as filling a woman's uterus with cement to see how far they could stretch it before it burst. No one came out alive from these "experiments." Mauthausen was one of the camps where they tried genetic engineering to create the Aryan race. Today it is simply a kindergarten in a rural area with pretty flowers in the windows and children playing unaware.

Mainz-Kastel was a work camp, not too far from where I lived and just across the Rhein. Although labeled a "work camp," it had its usual floor plan and infamous smoke stack. Guard posts were at every corner. The floor plans of the concentration camps were for the most part identical depending on the area. Dachau was one of the bigger ones. Mauthausen was quite small for the experimentation going on. Mainz-Kastel was somewhere in between. Today, it is owned by the US Army who have turned it into a post exchange. The crematorium is now a toy store.

Near the town of Marburg, I don't recall the name of the place, they did experiments on human fat. Traveling through this town, the air had a strong odor of Johnson's Baby Shampoo. When I studied about Holocaust, I learned that this particular place is where they cut out chunks of human fat to make soap and shampoo.

In Southern Bavaria, there is a town by the name of Haar. It's local industry was mattress making. This is where they shaved the Jew's hair to stuff mattresses with it. Haar means "hair" auf Deutsche.

I lived in Germany when the film The Holocaust aired. To the arrogant German, The Holocaust was deemed a lie perpetuated by the Americans. Even today, they don't admit the Holocaust ever happened. When that film aired, certain people recognized their relatives from the file footage--not the Jews but the SS. Some believed it was a lie, but some didn't. For those very few folks who believed the Holocaust did actually happen, it was devastating to learn the truth about members of their own family. Everything that was wrong with Germany, Americans got the blame. The first year I lived in Wiesbaden, I got spit on three times by older folks on the street. Then by the time I left Germany, I had become one of them but only outwardly. I dressed like them. I spoke like them. I lived among them, but I learned the truth about them. They are a country in denial still refusing to take responsibility for their war crimes.

When I see what our American soldiers have done taking photographs while abusing Iraqi prisoners," I find it to be un-American and very stupid, but there is NO comparison with that to what the Germans did to the Jews.

Most Germans say the Holocaust didn't happen. That's what they teach their children in school. They teach their children that everything that is wrong with their country is the fault of the Americans. (How many times did we save their asses in wars?) We occupy their country, they say, because they "are having to take care of the lazy Americans!"

So, for those of you who don't believe the Holocaust ever happened, I am sorry for your ignorance. Unless you've been there, you simply don't understand that it's the truth. It did happen. I've been there. I've seen what was left of this terrorism. I've sensed death. Thank God the Americans finally ended this tragedy and saved those they could. Thank God the Americans freed the Iraqis from their terrorist, Sadaam Hussein and his henchmen.

On the gates of the concentration camps are the words "Arbeit macht frei." "Work makes you free." That good old German "work ethic" still rings true. I've been there. Have you?
Thank you for your post medicine woman. I really feel that this is a subject that insensitive comments should stay away from.
Well said, Medicine Woman.

The holocaust did indeed happen, but it is not a Jewish tragedy but a global one for many. The Rroma (sinti) were almost completely wiped out as well. Hundreds of thousands of homosexuals, handicapped, political activists and mental patients also died at the hands of the Nazi regime. There were gross inhumanities commit against all people, and not just the Jewish. The Holocaust has long been seen as a Jewish suffering, and that's where people have a problem with it, and rightfully so. It affected all people in Europe, and the soliders who fought to free them.

I think what PM is very unelequently trying to state is that Jewish people carry the banner of the Holocaust as if they were the only ones affected, when it is simply not the case and it does dishonor others when the museums and history books only reflect the Jewish plight in WW2.
MW, thank you. So many people who've visited the camps say that you can still smell what happened there. In some camps that had lakes, the water is still gray because so much ash had fallen in them from the ovens that the water is still stained with the ash of the dead from the war. When I saw the photo of one such lake, I felt like crying. My friend who went there told me that the smell of the ash is almost sweet and sickening and that she found that the smell stayed in her nose for hours afterwards. I can't understand how anyone could deem such suffering and the amount of people who'd endured it to be a hoax. I find it reprehensible that anyone could dishonour what those people went through. My uncle's wife survived the camps, while her whole family perished. She still suffers from the effects of the pain she went through. She is in and out of hospital because of the beatings she'd endured during those years. Her kidneys suffered terribly from it and she's been in constant pain ever since the war ended. I think of her when I see the comments of the holocaust being a hoax and I can't help but feel repulsed by the dishonour that the victims of the war are still suffering from suh comments.
M*W: Thank you for your polite comment. I'm a passionate person whether I'm for you or against you! I'm not as "insensitive" as the members of this forum may think. I believe I have a duty toward humanity to impart my passion to others who may be more superficial in thought.

Yeah, but their motives have to be righteous. Are you such a Transformer? I'm sorry. ANyway. Yeah, there was a Holocaust
Opening Address for the United States by Robert Jackson

The conspiracy or common plan to exterminate the Jew was so methodically and thoroughly pursued that despite the German defeat and Nazi prostration, this Nazi aim largely has succeeded. Only remnants of the European Jewish population remain in Germany, in the countries which Germany occupied, and in those which were her satellites or collaborators. Of the 9,600,000 Jews who lived in Nazi dominated Europe, 60 percent are authoritatively estimated to have perished. 5,700,000 Jews are missing from the countries in which they formerly lived, and over 4,500,000 cannot be accounted for by the normal death rate nor by immigration; nor are they included among displaced persons. History does not record a crime ever perpetrated against so many victims or one ever carried out with such calculated cruelty. [Page 136]

- see Nuremberg Trials

These Holocaust Demographics sugest a death toll between 5.6 and 5.8 Million.

These Statistics on the Holocaust suggest a death toll of 5.8 Million.

Proud_Muslim is little more than rabid, antisemitic scum. Those like DoctorNO, who play with the topic for their own amusement, and who could care less about the reality underlying such crimes, are not much better.
ConsequentAtheist said:
Those like DoctorNO, who play with the topic for their own amusement, and who could care less about the reality underlying such crimes, are not much better.

Play with the topic??? How on Earth did you get that idea? I only wanted to get everyone's opinion because ever since 9/11 this ridiculous conspiracy theory had been blown out of proportion. PM ignited this issue here in sciforums so I wanted to settle it in a dedicated thread. :bugeye:
Arditezza said:
Well said, Medicine Woman.

The holocaust did indeed happen, but it is not a Jewish tragedy but a global one for many. The Rroma (sinti) were almost completely wiped out as well. Hundreds of thousands of homosexuals, handicapped, political activists and mental patients also died at the hands of the Nazi regime. There were gross inhumanities commit against all people, and not just the Jewish. The Holocaust has long been seen as a Jewish suffering, and that's where people have a problem with it, and rightfully so. It affected all people in Europe, and the soliders who fought to free them.

I think what PM is very unelequently trying to state is that Jewish people carry the banner of the Holocaust as if they were the only ones affected, when it is simply not the case and it does dishonor others when the museums and history books only reflect the Jewish plight in WW2.
M*W: You are right, Ard, I knew about the mentally retarded, the Roms, homosexuals and others, including some Catholic priests and nuns. It was a tragedy not just to the Jews but to all humanity--anyone NOT Aryan was endangered. The Dutch Jews were the most heinously targeted because they made the majority of their wealth in the spice industry. Hitler especially hated the wealthier Jews, but Nazism didn't discriminate between the two.

We must not forget the Inquisition either, where 9 million women died at the hands of Christians.
Walker said:
Yeah, but their motives have to be righteous. Are you such a Transformer? I'm sorry. ANyway. Yeah, there was a Holocaust

SHIT, do you also think Im denying the holocaust??? Is that why you think I couldnt earn my symbol?
No, didn't. I was kidding about the symbol because I was groggy, and it amused me at the moment. It was an unrelated comment. Sorry I was so far off-topic.
DoctorNO said:
If that map is anywhere near accurate then the holocaust at best is an exaggeration.

Indeed, the holocaust is an exaggeration, no one dispute the fact that Jews AS WELL as non jews were killed by the nazis but the 6 million figure is A LIE.
c20H25N3o said:
If one person dies unjustly at the hands of another it is a terrible thing. I think to argue about numbers is crass and i dont understand what is to be gained from the discussion. If someone can set me straight fair enough.

I totally understand your point, we are debating the Jewish myth of the 6 million jewish dead ! it is a lie.
talk2farley said:
Without doing any math whatsoever, simply on the basis of a cursory examination, I can tell you that the totals are *well* over six million.

Repeating a previous question, DID you ever go to school?

Dont forget these are ESTIMATED figures !! so even if the add up is little over 6 million, the 6 million figure still is a lie otherwise how do you explain the mass immigration of Jews to Palestine after the WW2 ? :rolleyes:

You guys are breast feed the holocaust bullshit since an early stage, the jews make the topic ' untouchable' and ' beyond even questioning ' ! pathetic.
Arditezza said:
The holocaust did indeed happen, but it is not a Jewish tragedy but a global one for many. The Rroma (sinti) were almost completely wiped out as well. Hundreds of thousands of homosexuals, handicapped, political activists and mental patients also died at the hands of the Nazi regime. There were gross inhumanities commit against all people, and not just the Jewish.


The Holocaust has long been seen as a Jewish suffering, and that's where people have a problem with it, and rightfully so. It affected all people in Europe, and the soliders who fought to free them.

Very well said, the holocaust also helped created the terrorist state of ISRAEL, The Europeans dumped their jews on our land in Palestine to get rid of the jewish problem ' humanely ' !

I think what PM is very unelequently trying to state is that Jewish people carry the banner of the Holocaust as if they were the only ones affected, when it is simply not the case and it does dishonor others when the museums and history books only reflect the Jewish plight in WW2.

Well said !! this is what I was trying to say, thank you.
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