Was there a Holocaust?

Was there a Holocaust?

  • In a way, YES. But not as exaggerated as 6 million slaughtered jews.

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Ultra Electro Agnostic
Registered Senior Member
Proud_Muslim said:
Look bells !! I dont give a SHIT about Hitler nor about the Nazis, time to expose the HOLOHOAX scam and move on, hitler was evil bastard and he did terrible thing, but exploiting this tragedy by the jews has to stop...hell even famous JEW wrote a book about that:


A new, expanded edition of The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering


I did a little investigating on this matter about a year ago. So far I found that the antiholocaust argument hinges only on conspiracy theories. What do you think?
Look, Hitler was mad man, he was mass killer, he certainly killed millions of innocent people but to make the holocaust exculsively jewish is SCAM and an insult to all the victims of hitler nazi era !

The 6 million jewish figure is NONESENSE, illogical and LIE.
I think it is a disgrace that this putrid shit is allowed to be propagated on this forum which apparently should be attractive to scientific minded people.
I see, so the Jewish holocaust is HOLY UNTOUCHABLE SUBJECT, you cant even debate it !! make you wonder about the influence of the jews in our world today that make the holocaust UNTOUCHABLE subject.

Man !! it was HOLOHOAX.
Proud_Muslim said:
Look, Hitler was mad man, he was mass killer, he certainly killed millions of innocent people but to make the holocaust exculsively jewish is SCAM and an insult to all the victims of hitler nazi era !

The 6 million jewish figure is NONESENSE, illogical and LIE.
That's right you degenerate. 5.6 to 5.9 million Jews were exterminated during the holocaust, along with 5 million non Jewish individuals. It is you who have insulted all the victims of the Hitler Nazi era.
DoctorNO said:
I did a little investigating on this matter about a year ago. So far I found that the antiholocaust argument hinges only on conspiracy theories. What do you think?

In court, the preceding are called leading and complex questions.
My historical knowledge is terrible but all I know is that on my dad's side, they are all polish jews and they all had to flee to Britain so that they would not die. Many did die but I am not sure they were persecuted alone if you know what i mean. Hitlers ethnic cleansing program extended way beyond the Jews.
I do think its a mistake however to undermine something awful by calling it a holohoax. Even if the historical facts are incorrect and i am not saying they are cos i dont know, but it is quite a terrible thing that so many people were treated worse than animals in a slaughterhouse. The only thing we really should be agreeing on is never letting our politicians / leaders become bigotted and hateful enough to emulate the deeds of Hitler. However if we continue in our own bigotry how can the world ever unify. something to ponder on ...


Bells said:
That's right you degenerate. 5.6 to 5.9 million Jews were exterminated during the holocaust, along with 5 million non Jewish individuals. It is you who have insulted all the victims of the Hitler Nazi era.

Bullshit !! the figure about non jews is correct but the jewish figure is A LIE.

How many deaths at Auschwitz?

9,000,000 persons
according to the documentary film Nuit et Brouillard (Tr.'s Note: "Night and Fog", title used in the English-speaking world) (1955), whose historical advisers were the historian Henri Michel and the woman historian Olga Wormser-Migot (1)
8,000,000 persons
according to the French War Crime Research Office and the French War Crime Information Service) (1945) (2)
7,000,000 persons
according to Raphaël Feigelson (1945) (3)
6,000,000 Jews
according to Tibère Kremer, writer of a foreword for Miklos Nyiszli (1951) (4)
5,000,000 to 5,500,000 persons
according to Bernard Czardybon (1945), according to confessions attributed to some SS members and according to the newspaper Le Monde (1978), which was adding: "of whom 90% of Jews" (5)
4,500,000 persons
according to Henryk Mandelbaum (1945) (6)
4,000,000 persons
according to a Soviet document of which the Nuremberg tribunal took "judicial notice". This figure was inscribed nineteen times, with a commentary in as many different languages, on the Auschwitz-Birkenau monument. It was repeated by a sizable number of persons, including the Polish historian Franciszek Piper. It was to be declared false in 1990 and replaced, on the monument, in 1995, by the figure of 1,500,000 with the concurrence of the same F. Piper for whom this figure is a maximum while the minimum figure is of 1,100,000. According to Miriam Novitch (1967), of the 4,000,000 dead, 2,700,000 were Jewish. According to Rabbi Moshe Weiss (1991), more than 4,000,000 persons died at Auchwitz, of whom 3,000,000 were Jews. (7)
3,500,000 persons
according to the Dictionnaire de la langue française (Tr.'s Note: Dictionary of the French language) published by Hachette (1991). According to Claude Lanzmann (1980), there were 3,500,000 gassed of whom 95% of Jews as well as many other deaths (8)
3,000,000 persons
until December 1st, 1943, according to a confession extorted from Rudolf Höss, ex-Commander of Auschwitz (9)
3,000,000 Jews gassed
according to David Susskind (1986) and according to Heritage, the most inmportant Californian Jewish weekly (1993) (10)
2,500,000 persons
according to Rudolf Vrba for the Eichmann trial (1961) (11)
2,000,000 (?) to 4,000,000 (?)
according to the historian Yehuda Bauer (1982) (12)
2,000,000 to 3,000,000 Jews killed as well as thousands of non-Jews
according to a confession attributed to an SS in charge, Pery Broad (13)
2,000,000 to 2,500,000 persons killed
according to a confession attributed to an SS physician, Dr. Friedrich Entress (1945) (14)
2,000,000 persons
according to the historian Léon Poliakov (1951); according to the historian Georges Wellers (1973) and according to the woman historian Lucy Davidowicz (1975) (15)
1,600,000 persons
according to the historian Yehuda Bauer (1989), of whom 1,352,980 Jews (16) (the latter figure is from Georges Wellers, 1983)
1,500,000 persons
this figure, chosen by Lech Walesa, replaced, in 1995, on the Birkenau monument, that of 4,000,000 which had been withdrawn in 1990 (17)
1,471,595 persons
of whom 1,352,980 Jews, according to the historian Georges Wellers (1983) (18)
1,250,000 persons or so
of whom 1,000,000 Jews killed and more than 250,000 non-Jews dead, according to the historian Raul Hilberg (19)
1,100,000 to 1,500,000 persons
according to the historians Yisrael Gutman, Michael Berenbaum and Franciszek Piper (1994) (20)
1,000,000 persons
according to Jean-Claude Pressac (1989) and according to the Dictionnaire des noms propres (Tr.'s Note: Dictionary of proper nouns) published by Hachette (1992) (21)
800,000 to 900,000 persons
according to the historian Gerald Reitlinger (1953) (22)
775,000 to 800,000 persons
according to Jean-Claude Pressac (1993), of whom 630,000 were Jews gassed (23)
630,000 to 710,000 persons
according to Jean-Claude Pressac (1994), of whom from 470,000 to 550,000 were Jews gassed. (24)
To my knowledge, the latter appraisal (from 630,000 to 710,000 persons) is the lowest that those who believe in the physical extermination of the Jews ever provided. It is said sometimes that in 1946/1947, the Polish judicial authorities admitted the figure of 300,000 deaths. That is an error. Those authorities estimated the total of the dead at 300,000 persons registered on their arrival, but, to that figure, they added the figure of 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 unregistered persons (25).

During more than forty years, the Soviet, Polish and Federal Republic of Germany authorities showed themselves very discreet on the existence of mortuary registers (Sterbebücher) which had been kept during the war by the Auschwitz camp authorities. Under the pressure of the revisionists, at the two Zündel trials (Toronto, 1985 and 1988) in particular, those authorities at long last made revelations on those registers. They assert having retrieved registers but for the period from July 27, 1941 to December 31, 1943. Since the camp was opened May 20, 1940 and as the Germans evacuated it January 18, 1945, that period represents a little more than half the duration of the camp's existence under their authority. The registers retrieved are, it appears, in the number of 46 and would include 69,000 names (and not 74,000 as was said by certain journalists) (26).

The supporters of the official version of the "Holocaust" have experienced some discomfort facing the necessity, imposed by the revisionists, to revise downwards, in such proportions, the number of the Auschwitz deaths. How can it be explained that at the Nuremberg trial (1945-1946), such a deception had been taken straight off "judicial notice" of, thanks to Section 21 of that Tribunal's Charter? How can it be explained that, during official ceremonies, so many of this world's Greats, including Pope John Paul II, were asked to come and bow in front of such an invention of quacks? How can it be explained that in 1990, France equipped itself with an anti- revisionist law section forbidding any disputing of the "crimes against humanity" such as described and evaluated by the Nuremberg tribunal? And then, how can the figure of 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 Jews dead during the whole war be protected from any revision, if it was necessary to revise to that extent the figure of the deaths of Auschwitz?

Today, some Jews explain that the Poles, and they alone, would have invented the Auschwitz 4,000,000 lie. Actuated by antisemitism and nationalistic pride simultaneously, the Poles would have added to nearly 1,500,000 Jewish deaths about 2,500,000 Polish or other deaths! (27)

This explanation is but a contrivance. The truth is that, as early as by the war's end, not only the Communistic Jews, but also the judicial authorities of Poland had been repeating that the majority of the Auschwitz deaths was Jewish. At Cracow, in 1946-1947, about the case of Rudolf Höss, the investigating magistrate as well as the prosecution had concluded that, besides a few hundred thousand "recorded" deaths, there had been at Auschwitz either 4,000,000 or at least 2,500,000 deaths, "most of them Jewish" (28).

During the winter of 1963-1964, a specific monument was built in memory of the "millions of Jews, martyrs and fighters" exterminated in that camp; the inscription was in Polish, in Yiddish and in Hebrew. (29)

Let us add finally that, for the historians of the "Holocaust", most of the Auschwitz Jews would have been KILLED by means of an insecticide: Zyklon B. For Arthur R. Butz and for other revisionists, the total number of the Auschwitz deaths must have risen to some 150,000, of whom about 100,000 Jews (30).

Most of the Jews were not KILLED but DIED, above all because of the typhus epidemics. The revisionists point out that, if the Germans had had at their disposal greater quantities of the Zyklon B insecticide precisely in order to fight those epidemics, fewer people would have died in Auschwitz not only among the Jews, the Poles, the Russians and other detainees, but also among the German physicians, civil servants and warders.

Inscription on the Auschwitz-Birkenau monument until April 3, 1990


Inscription on the same monument in 1995


References and notes for the above numbers can be found below. It is suggested that it be printed out for easy reference.

The truth is easy to prove here. All we have to do get some authoritative STATISTICAL data. Lets compare the global jewish population before WWII, after, and presently.

Can anyone do this?
You degenerate. You are aware that Auschwitz was not the only concentration camp created by the Nazis don't you? There were concentration camps dotted throughout the occupied territories of Europe.

My God, you astound me. Actually no, you repulse me.
DoctorNO said:
The truth is easy to prove here. All we have to do get some authoritative STATISTICAL data. Lets compare the global jewish population before WWII, after, and presently.

Can anyone do this?

Did you people ever go to school?
spuriousmonkey said:
Did you people ever go to school?

Yeah but I dont remember anybody showing me the statistics before WWII. So far I trust the authorities on world history that the holocaust did occur. But I will keep an open mind.
We were brought up with the consequences of the WWII because we were under occupation. To even deny to what happened to the jews in holland is in my mind bordering on being perverse.

Asking for statistics is similar in nature.

Read Anne Franks diary.

edit- and this is the last I will say on this topic.
DoctorNO said:
Yeah but I dont remember anybody showing me the statistics before WWII. So far I trust the authorities on world history that the holocaust did occur. But I will keep an open mind.

This might help !


Estimated Jewish population of Europe in 1939.

If you add up the total in every state you wont even get 5 million !! IT PROVES THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST AND THE 6 MILLION FIGURE WAS INDEED HOLOHOAX !!

I think you haven't earned that Autobot symbol. You can't just go around flashing meaningful icons because you feel like it.
Walker said:
I think you haven't earned that Autobot symbol. You can't just go around flashing meaningful icons because you feel like it.

How does one earn the Autobot symbol? Even Decepticons are allowed to wear Autobot symbols on the promise that they will truly switch sides.
If one person dies unjustly at the hands of another it is a terrible thing. I think to argue about numbers is crass and i dont understand what is to be gained from the discussion. If someone can set me straight fair enough.
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