Was Paul Gay?

Originally posted by okinrus
And you don't think I can find a few threads where you spelled words wrong?
M*W: Sure, maybe I had one or two but not an excessive number like you consistently do. Sometimes its difficult to understand what you are really trying to say. I know you are young, but I give you good advice when I tell you to take more care in your spelling whether here on sciforums or elsewhere. If you can't type, then hunt-and-peck more slowly, or learn to type. Don't get ahead of your thoughts when you're writing. That's where mistakes occur. Just type one letter at a time, (spell out the word as you type), and don't type whole words at a time, and your accuracy should improve. Otherwise, your posts as a Christian make your religion look equally as sloppy.
Of course it appears relative to you. One who is in darkness cannot see the light thus needing a savior. The one in insanity cannot see his own insanity.
M*W: What makes you think I am the one in the darkness? That's where I see you! One who is in a false religion cannot see that he's in a false religion, because he chooses NOT to believe its a false religion--and THAT IS darkness. He who chooses to believe that everyone who doesn't believe what he believes are the ones who live in darkness and are insane. These people look for their "God" somewhere "out there" when all they need do is look within. Jesus said, "the kingdom of God is within." That is where the "Light" is.
But no, it's not a matter of me not being able to handle opposing views. You are losing your touch with reality and are repeating religious mantras. It's you presenting your filthy gutter talk on a public forum without the shred of proof. Either present your proof of what you say or shutup. My mind appears closed because I have looked at all alternatives and once searched closed my doors to them. Your mind, however, is open with worm holes. You time and again tell out right lies such as Christians believing in a demigod.
M*W: okinrus, admit it, you CANNOT handle opposition for fear of the truth! You are the one who has lost touch with reality, not the other 75% of all humanity! You're in the minority, and you're afraid.

Whatever "religious" mantras I may be repeating are at least my own. I copy no one. I may share the same views with others, but I don't seek them out to influence what I envision.

If you have sincerely looked at "all the alternatives," you would not still be Christian. You must have looked at "all the alternatives" with blinded eyes. Just because you choose not to believe what I believe doesn't mean that what I believe is a lie, and it doesn't mean what you believe is the truth! It's all in our perception of what we choose to believe the truth to be. I believed what you believe for a long time until I found out the truth, and my blind eyes were opened wide enough to see that there is no dying demigod savior and no reason for the false man-made religion of Christianity. Christianity in itself is the antichrist, and you are part of that evil. Fortunately, we are in the last days of Christianity. The past 2000 years has been a tribulation considering everyone who died in the name of Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church (Paul's mythological religion).

As for me, I want to learn more about Jesus, the Rabbi, to learn his TRUE prophetic message to the world without being blinded by those who didn't even know him.

What are YOU going to do when your false declining man-made religion disappears from the face of the Earth? What will you believe when your dying demigod savior is no more?
Whatever "religious" mantras I may be repeating are at least my own. I copy no one. I may share the same views with others, but I don't seek them out to influence what I envision.
I not sure if you are copying them or not but they all have been said before.

What makes you think I am the one in the darkness? That's where I see you! One who is in a false religion cannot see that he's in a false religion, because he chooses NOT to believe its a false religion--and THAT IS darkness.
Did I say that you were in darkness?

Christianity in itself is the antichrist, and you are part of that evil. Fortunately, we are in the last days of Christianity. The past 2000 years has been a tribulation considering everyone who died in the name of Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church (Paul's mythological religion).
Even your "last" days predictions are copied from saint Malachi.
Originally posted by okinrus
I not sure if you are copying them or not but they all have been said before.

Did I say that you were in darkness?
M*W: Go back and read your previous post. If you weren't directing your statement about darkness to me, then to whom were you addressing it?
Even your "last" days predictions are copied from saint Malachi.
M*W: That's interesting. I haven't read anything by Saint Malachi. There may be generations of others who have said what I've stated. Unless I read it and become aware of it, I do not consciously seek these people out. That also means that I may not be the first person whom ever stated the concepts I believe to be true, I just haven't researched these people. Basically, I don't know who they are. I've learned more about my own beliefs from the folks right here on sciforums who've cited URLs, etc. I'm glad to know that there have been those who came before me to express what I believe, and I'm glad to hear from those whom I've met through sciforums who agree with what I believe. I've gotten PMs and personal emails from all over the world encouraging me to write more about my beliefs, so I know there are others out there in spirit with me. There is no way I could go back to the "darkness" that is Christianity. If Christianity works for you, I'm happy for you. It doesn't work for me or 75% of the planet. How many Christians out there in the remaining 25% really believe with all their hearts that Jesus died for them? For most of them I would suspect it is an afterthought at best. How many of the remaining Christians in the world really BELIEVE, and how many of the are just going through the motions because that's what they've always done? I believe this number would be greatly less than 25%. And why are there so many pedophile priests? Celibacy isn't really to blame, although they are sexually repressed, no doubt. Who knows what the true and original meaning of circumcision was. I wasn't the one who started that thread, but I did find it interesting and could see the probabilities of Paul being gay. I've always had a problem understanding why circumcision was necessary. Why didn't they just cut off the tip of their pinky finger or toe, or simply cut their hair (like the tonsured monks do). Why didn't they just sew up their belly buttons to seal the covenant? There were so many other body parts they could have used, why would God order them to cut off their foreskins? Because God is a female spirit, that's why. God wanted men to be more like women. That started the process (the covenant) for the human race to evolve toward androgyny. We're on our way toward human evolutionary perfection, savior or no savior, God or no God, religion or no religion. None of that matters. The only thing that does matter is the propagation of humanity toward Homo spiritus. And, please, if you know of other references that are similar to what I believe, please let me know so I can check them out.
M*W: Go back and read your previous post. If you weren't directing your statement about darkness to me, then to whom were you addressing it?
No one says such things in the light. As to whether this is a temporal thing or not I do not know. In the spirit of what I said before, you did not say such things from the light but from darkness. I did not say that you were always in darkness.

That's interesting. I haven't read anything by Saint Malachi. There may be generations of others who have said what I've stated
It's uncertain whether Malachi made the prediction or not. But from what I've heard from another prophet, there may be a split in Church.

I wasn't the one who started that thread, but I did find it interesting and could see the probabilities of Paul being gay. I've always had a problem understanding why circumcision was necessary.
Well M*W you don't see me insulting your faith on this forum. I hope that you see the difference between insulting and debating. You cannot really attack Paul's character. His portrayal in the bible and of the church father's is all we have.

I've always had a problem understanding why circumcision was necessary.
Most likely because the Isrealites were supposed to be set apart.
In particular, the Isrealites were not supposed to interbreed with the tribes surrounding that area.
Originally posted by okinrus
No one says such things in the light. As to whether this is a temporal thing or not I do not know. In the spirit of what I said before, you did not say such things from the light but from darkness. I did not say that you were always in darkness.
M*W: okinrus, from day one you have insulted my faith. Admit it. Anyone who is not a Christian, you tear down. What I say IS FROM THE LIGHT. I don't believe in Satan or darkness. I reject such philosophy! I'm a positive person who sees God as a positive force of energy. I don't dwell on the darkside.
It's uncertain whether Malachi made the prediction or not. But from what I've heard from another prophet, there may be a split in Church.
M*W: I will research Saint Malachi to see what he believed. You're not referring to Malachi Martin, are you? I've seen his books, but I haven't actually read them. I've had good Catholic friends that have read his books and believe in them.
Well M*W you don't see me insulting your faith on this forum. I hope that you see the difference between insulting and debating. You cannot really attack Paul's character. His portrayal in the bible and of the church father's is all we have.
M*W: okinrus, I don't find it necessary to insult your faith. I believed as you for many years, and it came to me that the faith lied. It was a terrible loss I felt. I fought it, but it was ever present in my life. Sometimes I wish I could be as blind as you and go back to simpler times. This just is not possible anymore. The truth has been shown. I don't need it anymore. I've reconciled myself to the truth, and it doesn't matter anymore. I see beyond what the Church teaches, and I know there is eternal life that doesn't require a savior. You can believe whatever you want to believe, because I believe it is an individual experience when the truth is revealed. Maybe you're not ready just yet. I was young like you when I believed. I was 22 when Jesus was my savior. Now I can look back and see the blindness where I wanted to believe I could see the truth. In the long run, it really doesn't matter what you believe. If you feel you need a savior, you have that belief. If you feel you don't need a savior, you tend to see the truth. Humanity goes on toward perfection regardless of what you believe today. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow you may see the light or maybe you won't.
Most likely because the Isrealites were supposed to be set apart.
In particular, the Isrealites were not supposed to interbreed with the tribes surrounding that area.
M*W: What does that have to do with the Spirit? Before we reach Homo spiritus, there will be total interbreeding among the nations. (I'm not saying I'm in favor of this--far be it, but I know this is the plan--what can I do about it? Nothing.) It's God's plan, not mine. I tend to be more Aryan in thought--not that I'm opposed to other cultures, it's just my upbringing that influences me. It's not my choice. Life will go on, evolution will continue, and our descendants will be Homo spiritus. That's the plan whether I agree with it or not!
Originally posted by Markx
But it would be horrible for devout christians to accept that he was a gay
Not so, if you read the Bible, you would see that even if Paul was gay, he felt that it was wrong. Read the First Letter to the Corinthians 6:18 to 20, were he says, "Flee from sexual immorality."

or he had gay urges etc etc. Don't you think?
your problem is that the only thing you think about, is that you hate Christianity so much it blinds you to the truth. Read the Second Letter to the Corinthians 12:7 to 10, were he says, "there was given to me a thorn in my flesh". So Paul had temptations, & admitted it.

Of course your prophet didn't, because he made all his weaknesses virtues; he liked little girls, then it's a hadith; liked plunder, then it's a hadith, liked slaves, then it's a hadith, liked world domination, then it's a hadith
Originally posted by Randolfo
Not so, if you read the Bible, you would see that even if Paul was gay, he felt that it was wrong. Read the First Letter to the Corinthians 6:18 to 20, were he says, "Flee from sexual immorality."

your problem is that the only thing you think about, is that you hate Christianity so much it blinds you to the truth. Read the Second Letter to the Corinthians 12:7 to 10, were he says, "there was given to me a thorn in my flesh". So Paul had temptations, & admitted it.

Of course your prophet didn't, because he made all his weaknesses virtues; he liked little girls, then it's a hadith; liked plunder, then it's a hadith, liked slaves, then it's a hadith, liked world domination, then it's a hadith
M*W: "Even if Paul was gay, he felt that it was wrong." Sadly, that's what a lot of homosexuals feel. It doesn't matter if Paul was gay. That's the direction evolution is going. Paul must have anguished over his homosexuality. Maybe he was ahead of his time. I'll give him credit for that! Christianity is based on homosexuality. Circumcision, sucking the blood out of a foreskin, worshipping the "body" and "blood" of Christ. Jesus gave up his foreskin for all humanity. Paul made this up, I didn't. The Essenes had semen-drinking rituals. Anyone who professes Christianity must be homosexual.
So everyone who circumsized someone else back then was gay?

That's an interesting theory. But actually it just sounds more like a typical argument from ignorance. You don't understand the customs of the time so you apply your own culture to theirs and end up with a very twisted view.

As per the objection to circumcision it was the same reason he didn't do baptisms for some people. They were seeking to be baptized and circumcized out of ignorance.

you apply your own culture to theirs and end up with a very twisted view.
I agree with you KalvinB, in terms of methodology. The sociological impacts of history are very rarely noticed unless one is taught how to notice them. What I mean is things you have mentioned (such as applying ones culture to another) are so implicit to each society that they are rarely noticed. Historians notice things that are taken for granted, such as social responsibility, ethics, and customs (that you mentioned), and to be honest that is only because they look for them, but that doesn't mean they are wrong, or even misguided. In fact they surely must be even more guided to even search for the answers to their questions, not to mention the guidance they receive at the conclusion. So it is those who seek that find.
[some people]...baptized and circumcized out of ignorance.
Exactly! It is not a custom (any custom) that benefits the world, it is an understanding of it, even if the custom itself is rejected.
your problem is that the only thing you think about, is that you hate Christianity so much it blinds you to the truth. Read the Second Letter to the Corinthians 12:7 to 10, were he says, "there was given to me a thorn in my flesh". So Paul had temptations, & admitted it.
I do not think that the thorn in his flesh was the temptatation of homosexuality. Read this verse:

Galations 4:13-15

13.Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first.
14 And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, [even] as Christ Jesus.
15 Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if [it had been] possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.

If you read verse 15, he is saying that the church liked him so much that they would have plucked out their own eyes and given them to him. This would indicate from verse 14 that the temptation in his flesh was his poor eyesight.
From the context in 2 Corinthians, Most likely the Thorn was a physical ailment to keep him humble.
It could also be the fact that every time he turned around he was getting arrested and persecuted. This could be a thorn.
It could also be that he had a terrible past that continued to haunt him. He may have faced persecution from both the church and state at the time because of his past. Because of the limited writing regarding this "Thorn" no one is quite sure what he was referring to, but the text does not imply nor does it relate at all to homosexuality.
M*W: Devout Christians believe in the DEATH and RESURRECTION of their demigod. What's more, they believe this martyrism SAVED THEM from their OWN DEATH! So, there is NO WAY they would accept the belief that their great Apostle and Saint Paul (who never even new Jesus) was gay, regardless of the number of penises he sucked. He was a woman-hater. What does that say? Women were somehow "inferior" to Paul. They don't have a PENIS! Let's face it, Paul liked penises. We haven't even touched upon the subject of Paul being a transvestite or a pedophile. He was a pervert, no doubt. That's what I've been saying all along. Christianity was created by a pedophile pervert who liked to suck penises whether they were 8 day-old babies or 37 year-old grown men. "The body and the blood of Christ." "Take this all of you and eat it, it is my penis which shall be given up for you." "Take this all of you and drink from it, it is my bloody penis which I have given up for you." "Penis of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us." "Penis of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us." "Penis of God, you take away the sins of the world. Grant us Peace." "Amen."

Med. Women : Your vile words were both obscene and ignorant. It appears to be vantings of a perverted and vulgar individual. It is funny to me that you speak as if you are a believer of Peace and Love in one thread and than you turn into a bitter preacher of prejudice and hate in the next one. Which is it. Your claims above are both unbased and a portrayal of how pervert an imagination can be.
Originally posted by Quigly
Med. Women: Your vile words were both obscene and ignorant. It appears to be vantings of a perverted and vulgar individual. It is funny to me that you speak as if you are a believer of Peace and Love in one thread and than you turn into a bitter preacher of prejudice and hate in the next one. Which is it. Your claims above are both unbased and a portrayal of how pervert an imagination can be.
M*W: Perversion would exist in the mind of the one who recognizes it. Otherwise, would not be a perversion. Judge not!
M*W: Perversion would exist in the mind of the one who recognizes it. Otherwise, would not be a perversion. Judge not!

Actually the definition means to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right. Perversion is recognized by judging against what is right and good and causes progression of morality. By your definition, you couldn't recognize a murder unless you had murder in your mind. This is hog wash....
Ancient Judaic practices

Just curious about these ideas, so I sent an email to find out about these allegations to "Biblical Archaeology Review" , as follows:

”the reason I am sending this question is because several muslims have referenced two practices that imply various unfounded allegations against ancient Judaism. Their allegations are graphic, so forgive the adult content.
One is that during circumcision, centuries before sanitary practices, the mohel would suck the penis of the young child to staunch the bleeding. The other was that the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, practiced some ritual were they drank semen.
These allegations are meant to besmirch Judaism, and by association Christianity, by implying homosexual tendencies by early practitioners.
If you have access to any sources that would shed light on these questions, I would appreciate it. Thank you.”

Here is an article about Jesus & the Essenes from that magazine:


”What Jesus Learned from the Essenes”
Randolfo said:
Just curious about these ideas, so I sent an email to find out about these allegations to "Biblical Archaeology Review" , as follows:

”the reason I am sending this question is because several muslims have referenced two practices that imply various unfounded allegations against ancient Judaism. Their allegations are graphic, so forgive the adult content.
One is that during circumcision, centuries before sanitary practices, the mohel would suck the penis of the young child to staunch the bleeding. The other was that the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, practiced some ritual were they drank semen.
These allegations are meant to besmirch Judaism, and by association Christianity, by implying homosexual tendencies by early practitioners.
If you have access to any sources that would shed light on these questions, I would appreciate it. Thank you.”

Here is an article about Jesus & the Essenes from that magazine:


”What Jesus Learned from the Essenes”

Excuses, excuses...*sigh*.
Markx said:
Excuses, excuses...*sigh*.
you want it to be true, huh? anyway, how come the original idea was spread only by muslims? was this the use of 'al-taqiyya'? how come jewish sources never mention it? why didn't gay groups extol this as a hypocritical act by homophobic jews & christians?

use this to google & voila, you get muslim sites:

"A. N. Wilson, Paul The Mind Of The Apostle, Pimlico. 1998. ISBN 0-7126-6663-X p. 128"

why? because it must be lies, hi 'al-taqiyya'!! as you rear your ugly head :p

is this guy a Biblical scholar? an unbiased researcher? here's a little about A.N. Wilson
Wilson is a prolific novelist, biographer and journalist, and the literary editor of the Evening Standard in London. His biographies include the best-selling Jesus, which created something of a stir when it was first published several years ago. It is clear that Wilson has brought to both books (Jesus and Paul) considerable research and reflection, as a competent and conscientious biographer or historical novelist would do. He draws on a wide array of scholarly and historical sources, and demonstrates a mix of viewpoints and conclusions, from the radical to the conservative (such as the now outdated view that the Gospel of Mark was written in Rome). The total product is clearly a personal one. From New Testament scholars he has drawn mixed reactions, and some of them have called his reconstructions "fanciful". This from a discipline which itself has never been a stranger to 'fancy'.

Wilson's own view emerges only obliquely from this lengthy book. He agrees with the Victorians that increase in our knowledge of scientific facts has rendered certain older religious attitudes untenable by anyone who is intellectually honest. For example, it is impossible to regard the Earth as at the centre of the universe, or to believe that it is only about 6000 years old. A more serious problem is that, since Darwin, it is difficult to believe in the benevolence of the universe or to maintain that it exists for the benefit of human beings. Nor could it be claimed that the New Testament is a biography of Jesus or can be relied on to have reproduced his actual words.

a "novelist, biographer and journalist, and the literary editor", that's not the kind of so-called 'researcher' I would quote, in a profound change in the view of early Christianity, my question then: is A.N. Wilson gay?
Randolfo said:

a "novelist, biographer and journalist, and the literary editor", that's not the kind of so-called 'researcher' I would quote, in a profound change in the view of early Christianity, my question then: is A.N. Wilson gay?

I think I found the answer, why do you think this guy wants Paul to be soo gay? could be bias or wishful thinking? :)

My life had been supposedly a success. I had written books, and newspaper articles. I had made, by the standards of an Anglican clergyman, lots of money. As I had grown older, my bisexuality had disappeared and I had become wholly heterosexual and agnostic.

Maybe my friend Colin Haycraft was right to say that religion is for women and for queers. When I look back on my years as a Staggers Bag (a student at St Stephen's) with Bobo, Plum Tart, Tawdry Audrey and the rest, I think of a time that was, first, hilariously funny and second, deeply serious. Apart from the handful of psychopaths, saddoes who kept being arrested in public lavatories, and so on, they were in fact an extraordinarily dedicated group of men.

I have lost my religion - their religion - but I do not feel that this is a good thing.