Was Paul Gay?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Was Paul Gay?

Originally posted by Randolfo
Hmmm? you believe this about Paul, what about your hero Mohammad? Did he create a new religion from his epilesy? or does only Paul qualify for your wrath & scorn?

Why do you Believe in Paul? Why not believe in old testaments??

Did jesus came to replace the old laws?

Did Jesus told you that Paul will come and Change every law ?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Was Paul Gay?

Originally posted by Randolfo
Hmmm? you believe this about Paul, what about your hero Mohammad? Did he create a new religion from his epilesy? or does only Paul qualify for your wrath & scorn?
M*W: Since I've never been a Muslim, I cannot comment about Mohammad or Islam other than to say I know people who share this belief, and I admire them for the quiet, peaceful way in which they practice their faith. They are truly an enriching example to the rest of the world.

OTOH, I have been a Christian, a devout one at that. I believed in it, I taught it, I lived it. Then I found out the truth about the lies of Paul, and he, personally, destroyed my faith in Christianity. It was something I truly believed in, worshipped, and gave it my very Soul. Then the evil acts of Paul became quite clear to me. Paul and his Christian mythology raped me of my faith. Once the veil of myth was gone, I began to experience the efficacy the power of God in my life for the first time. My faith wasn't gone after all. It was just redirected to the source of all creation. I acquired a new understanding of Jesus the Rabbi and his mission as a teacher and not a savior. Christianity doesn't exist for me nor does it exist for you. Why believe a lie when the truth will set you free? Salvation is not needed. We're already here. There's nothing lost about us. The One Spirit of God dwells within. When you find the Spirit where it lives, you will understand the meaning of everlasting life. Those who follow Paul and HIS Jesus myth are lost. Paul perverted everything about Jesus. Paul is the Antichrist.
Not only Gay but More..............

Since we are talking about creater of Christianity, the man who created a greatest Hoax in the history of mankind, that is Christianty and let me present our beloved PAUL.

Why not see his character and see how Dishonest he was,


Paul’s Confession of Ignorance


Paul’s Mystery: One Lie After Another

Paul’s Schism

Paul's Mythology

Paul’s Sin: Dulism

Please read. Randolfo it is not fabricated information, these are the facts, you can't deny. Admit it please, that you have been fooled by Paul and Infact Paul was the Anti Christ. :(
Re: Not only Gay but More..............

Originally posted by Markx
Since we are talking about creater of Christianity, the man who created a greatest Hoax in the history of mankind, that is Christianty and let me present our beloved PAUL.

Why not see his character and see how Dishonest he was,


Paul’s Confession of Ignorance


Paul’s Mystery: One Lie After Another

Paul’s Schism

Paul's Mythology

Paul’s Sin: Dulism

Please read. Randolfo it is not fabricated information, these are the facts, you can't deny. Admit it please, that you have been fooled by Paul and Infact Paul was the Anti Christ. :(
M*W: Markx, these are excellent sites. We know these facts are true, but I'm afraid Christians will continue to make excuses for their co-dependency on their false demigod. Let's look at it this way: Their numbers are decreasing by the day. 75% of the planet doesn't believe Christianity doctrine. Those measly 25% are on their last leg. We've come a long way, baby!
I don't think Paul was gay. However I do think that the one that invented the technique to put the penis into the mouth after circumsition was gay...did they really do that??

If it was a common practise then there is no reason to assume that Paul was gay, if that must be true according to the premises then everyone that is circumsised must be gay also.
Ok I have to ask, does it matter IF he were gay? I'm sure homosexuality existed back then so what's the big deal?

IF he was gay, does it prove the hypocrisy of the Christian churches in their treatment of gays? I'd have thought that the hypocrisy was well established within Christian entities. So what's the big deal if he was gay? Does it make him any less of a man or person?

Originally posted by Bells
Ok I have to ask, does it matter IF he were gay? I'm sure homosexuality existed back then so what's the big deal?

IF he was gay, does it prove the hypocrisy of the Christian churches in their treatment of gays? I'd have thought that the hypocrisy was well established within Christian entities. So what's the big deal if he was gay? Does it make him any less of a man or person?:eek:

Did any one imply in all of the above posts tha he was less of a person?

Originally posted by Markx
Did any one imply in all of the above posts tha he was less of a person?


That's what I'm asking though. Why the horror at the thought he might be gay? Why the ridicule at the thought of it? All I'm saying that if he were in fact gay, it would only go to show the hypocrisy of the Christian based religions in their treatment of homosexuals.

It could also be that he was straight. And that the interpretation of the bible was incorrect, after all we have all seen the different meanings and interpretations of the bible by society through the ages.

Originally posted by Bells
That's what I'm asking though. Why the horror at the thought he might be gay? Why the ridicule at the thought of it? All I'm saying that if he were in fact gay, it would only go to show the hypocrisy of the Christian based religions in their treatment of homosexuals.

It could also be that he was straight. And that the interpretation of the bible was incorrect, after all we have all seen the different meanings and interpretations of the bible by society through the ages.


But it would be horrible for devout christians to accept that he was a gay or he had gay urges etc etc. Don't you think?
Originally posted by Markx
But it would be horrible for devout christians to accept that he was a gay or he had gay urges etc etc. Don't you think?

You're asking the wrong person. I'm not a homophobe and even though my parents brought me up in a Christian household, what they taught me more was NOT to be a bigot against people, regardless of sex, colour, race, religion or sexuality. I asked my motherthis morning and she's a devout christian and her reply was "so what if he was gay". So I guess I asked the wrong person again since as she's not a homophobe either.

That isn't true!

1. Just because one asks a question with a serious face does not mean one beleives it! I have warned of his errors but he is ignorant to his ways. He can say things that are perfectly reasonable, and not in the slightest bit ludicrous, so one might as well assume everything he says is a lie, like the boy who cried wolf. I am not unaware of these things, and girls are the biggest culprits, so I take the approach that if they have told me something I will hold them to it. I constantly refer to such things, and ask them questions, and some people get the message, but he takes it that his 'folly' has been successful.

2. I didn't create the religion, I am merely a follower.

3. I beleive one thing that defines religion from other things is faith, and so far I can't see anything fake about it!
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But it would be horrible for devout christians to accept that he was a gay or he had gay urges etc etc. Don't you think?
Saint Augustine writes somewhat about this.

I don't see any evidence, however, for Paul being gay. Considering that Paul was celebrate it wouldn't have mattered much. The Paul presented in the bible appears to be quite old because he is losing his eyesight.
Originally posted by Markx
But it would be horrible for devout christians to accept that he was a gay or he had gay urges etc etc. Don't you think?
M*W: Devout Christians believe in the DEATH and RESURRECTION of their demigod. What's more, they believe this martyrism SAVED THEM from their OWN DEATH! So, there is NO WAY they would accept the belief that their great Apostle and Saint Paul (who never even new Jesus) was gay, regardless of the number of penises he sucked. He was a woman-hater. What does that say? Women were somehow "inferior" to Paul. They don't have a PENIS! Let's face it, Paul liked penises. We haven't even touched upon the subject of Paul being a transvestite or a pedophile. He was a pervert, no doubt. That's what I've been saying all along. Christianity was created by a pedophile pervert who liked to suck penises whether they were 8 day-old babies or 37 year-old grown men. "The body and the blood of Christ." "Take this all of you and eat it, it is my penis which shall be given up for you." "Take this all of you and drink from it, it is my bloody penis which I have given up for you." "Penis of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us." "Penis of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us." "Penis of God, you take away the sins of the world. Grant us Peace." "Amen."
M*W, the extend of your blasphemy is far too great. You are one sick individual and any fair minded person would accept that your ramblings is of the devil.
Originally posted by okinrus
M*W, the extend of your blasphemy is far too great. You are one sick individual and any fair minded person would accept that your ramblings is of the devil.
M*W: okinrus, only YOU know of the devil. How many penises have YOU sucked? Take some advise, young man. LEARN TO SPELL!!! You try to defend your false religion, but your ignorance does it for you!
M*W my spelling is of no concern to you. So what? I spelled extent wrong. It is better to spell a few words wrong spoken in truth than your blasphemy and slander. You've quite lost your mind with your blasphemy and slander. Take note of that.
Originally posted by okinrus
M*W my spelling is of no concern to you. So what? I spelled extent wrong. It is better to spell a few words wrong spoken in truth than your blasphemy and slander. You've quite lost your mind with your blasphemy and slander. Take note of that.
M*W: Your continuing spelling errors are offensive, and NO, it is NOT better to spell a few words incorrectly no matter whether they are truth OR lies. What one considers blasphemy and slander to be is relative. If you cannot handle opposing views to what you believe to be true, then you shouldn't be on the religion forum. You have a closed mind. I'm not afraid to speak my mind about what I believe to be true, because there is no dying demigod savior out there who gives a rat's ass about YOU and the rest of your false dying man-made religion.
Your continuing spelling errors are offensive, and NO, it is NOT better to spell a few words incorrectly no matter whether they are truth OR lies
And you don't think I can find a few threads where you spelled words wrong?

What one considers blasphemy and slander to be is relative. If you cannot handle opposing views to what you believe to be true, then you shouldn't be on the religion forum. You have a closed mind. I'm not afraid to speak my mind about what I believe to be true, because there is no dying demigod savior out there who gives a rat's ass about YOU and the rest of your false dying man-made religion.
Of course it appears relative to you. One who is in darkness cannot see the light thus needing a savior. The one in insanity cannot see his own insanity. But no, it's not a matter of me not being able to handle opposing views. You are losing your touch with reality and are repeating religious mantras. It's you presenting your filthy gutter talk on a public forum without the shred of proof. Either present your proof of what you say or shutup. My mind appears closed because I have looked at all alternatives and once searched closed my doors to them. Your mind, however, is open with worm holes. You time and again tell out right lies such as Christians believing in a demigod.