Was God Wrong...?

Now Let me explain something to you

The truth doesn't mean "human confidence in something"

The truth means the ways things actually are, the way reality really is, the true nature of things

Before it was proven that the Earth revolved around the Sun it was the truth, it did not become the truth after it was proven

You seem to be suffering from the same illogical fallacies most atheists have
You are wrong on all counts.

Did you argue for the existence of stable hexagonal features in saturn's polar regions before they were discovered?
Exactly. It therefore remains in the realm of opinion since it cannot be examined objectively.
Nah, its not a subjective opinion, its a view

It would be a subjective opinion if the truth of it depended upon personal emotions, feelings, prejudices, etc....but the truth of this subject does not depend upon those things

superluminal said:
That is absurd. Whether things exist that we have no knowledge of is completely irrelevant. Would you start a discussion of P+2 particle pairs? Would you assert that they exist? Do they? Pointless, right?

Before you knew of quarks did you argue for their existence? If not, why not?

Right...so you agree with me then, the truth is objective and that the truth exists with or WITHOUT evidence
You are wrong on all counts.

Did you argue for the existence of stable hexagonal features in saturn's polar regions before they were discovered?

Man, why don't you explain anything or have any type of substance in anything you say?

"oh you're wrong, case closed"

No, I didn't argue the existence of stable hexagonal features in Saturn's polar regions before discovered...but that doesn't refute ANYTHING that I said

I'm right on all counts, every statement I made is true
Nah, its not a subjective opinion, its a view

It would be a subjective opinion if the truth of it depended upon personal emotions, feelings, prejudices, etc....but the truth of this subject does not depend upon those things

Right...so you agree with me then, the truth is objective and that the truth exists with or WITHOUT evidence
Answer my questions, or are you a coward?

Before you knew of quarks did you argue for their existence? If not, why not?

Did you argue for the existence of stable hexagonal features in saturn's polar regions before they were discovered?
Answer my questions, or are you a coward?

Before you knew of quarks did you argue for their existence? If not, why not?

Did you argue for the existence of stable hexagonal features in saturn's polar regions before they were discovered?

I already answered them you idiot

The answer is "no", but this doesn't refute statements I made to any extent...
No, I didn't argue the existence of stable hexagonal features in Saturn's polar regions before discovered...but that doesn't refute ANYTHING that I said
Why not? If you didn't know about them (i.e. had no objective evidence for them), why would you have insisted they were ture?

So, in like fashion, If you have no objective evidence for god, why do you insist god is "true"?
Why not? If you didn't know about them (i.e. had no objective evidence for them), why would you have insisted they were ture?
Uhm...I'm not sure I would or would not have...I'm not really interested in Saturn so I probably wouldn't have made any claims regarding the truth of the subject

superluminal said:
So, in like fashion, If you have no objective evidence for god, why do you insist god is "true"?
I already answered this a million times....

I insist God exists based upon personal observations, experiences, meditation (as in high sustained concentration)

Since the existence of God is an untestable hypothesis, objective evidence cannot be gathered
Uhm...I'm not sure I would or would not have...I'm not really interested in Saturn so I probably wouldn't have made any claims regarding the truth of the subject

I already answered this a million times....

I insist God exists based upon personal observations, experiences, meditation (as in high sustained concentration)

Since the existence of God is an untestable hypothesis, objective evidence cannot be gathered

and ... Is therefore a subjective OPINION or VIEW!

Christ on a fucking stick! How stupid can one person be?
and ... Is therefore a subjective OPINION or VIEW!

Christ on a fucking stick! How stupid can one person be?


It would be a subjective view if the truth of the subject was based upon feelins, emotions, prejudices

However in this case, regardless of personal emotions, feelings, prejudices, etc...if what I'm saying is true, its true, if what I'm saying is false, its false

For instance the view that the "Earth revolves around the Sun" was not a subjective view before it was proven true or shown true, it was an objective fact

And the view that the "Sun revolves around the Earth" was not a subjective view before it was shown false and falsified, but it was objectively false

You seem confused and angry
No, but since its subjective there's no right or wrong answer, since its just a subjective opinion.
You sound like youre suffering from a chronic lack of life experience.

If you were kidnapped and tortured by a gang of thugs, all that 'evil is merely a subjective concept' jive would very quickly vaporize...amid all the screaming.
You sound like youre suffering from a chronic lack of life experience.

If you were kidnapped and tortured by a gang of thugs, all that 'evil is merely a subjective concept' jive would very quickly vaporize...amid all the screaming.


It IS subjective, you sound deluded just like all the other atheists

The concept that what happened was "evil" would be a subjective opinion

What would be objective is the fact that I experienced painful, unpleasant feelings resulting from the experience
1 Of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality.
2 Not influenced by the emotions or prejudices.
3 Based on observed facts.

now for subjective
# Formed, as in opinions, based upon subjective feelings or intuition, not upon observation or reasoning, which can be influenced by preconception; coming more from within the observer rather than from observations of the external environment.
# Resulting from or pertaining to personal mindsets or experience, arising from perceptive mental conditions within the brain and not necessarily from external stimuli.
# Lacking in reality or substance.
# As used by Carl Jung the innate worldview orientation of the introverted personality types.
Uhm...I'm not sure I would or would not have...I'm not really interested in Saturn so I probably wouldn't have made any claims regarding the truth of the subject

I already answered this a million times....

I insist God exists based upon personal observations, experiences, meditation (as in high sustained concentration)

Since the existence of God is an untestable hypothesis, objective evidence cannot be gathered

ok lets say there is a cat in a airtight box. i have no way of knowing if it is alive or dead. I claim it is alive. Is my claim objective? no. In the same way you claim is not objective. Secondly you believe in god therefore you aregoing to see things in a way to prove that belief.
In other words you've lost the argument and cannot refute anything that I said...hahaha

You should look up the words subjective and objective

again you come up with some illogical crap and when people get fed up with your idiocy you claim victory. Thank god most people here are smarter and more mature than that.
ok lets say there is a cat in a airtight box. i have no way of knowing if it is alive or dead. I claim it is alive. Is my claim objective? no. In the same way you claim is not objective. Secondly you believe in god therefore you aregoing to see things in a way to prove that belief.

Yes the truth of your claim would be objective since its based upon actual reality and the truth of the subject has nothing to do with personal emotions, feelings, prejudices

It could not be described as a subjective opinion since the truth of your claim has nothing to do with feelings, emotions, prejudices, etc...
The concept that what happened was "evil" would be a subjective opinion.
Therefore you have no reason to complain when it happens to you. Such complaints would merely be unsubstantiated beliefs.

You believe that the existence of something called God is an objective truth...are the good or evil qualities of God subjective opinions as well?
Therefore you have no reason to complain when it happens to you. Such complaints would merely be unsubstantiated beliefs.
What? The right to complain is entirely unrelated from this

I could complain about my objective pain

Carcano said:
You believe that the existence of something called God is an objective truth...are the good or evil qualities of God subjective opinions as well?
God is above the concepts of good and bad, which come from material nature

From material nature comes material intellect which causes people to falsely see things in duality, as in this is good and this is bad
What? The right to complain is entirely unrelated from this

I could complain about my objective pain

God is above the concepts of good and bad, which come from material nature

From material nature comes material intellect which causes people to falsely see things in duality, as in this is good and this is bad

so by that your making a claim that god has not a material existence which makes your claim that god exists not objective.