Was God Wrong...?

Was God wrong to create highly cynical and totally skeptical humans who would ask whether God was wrong to create humans who become sexually mature at young age?
No. Ages ago, most humans probably didn't live very long. 30 would have been old! If you look at most animals, the first time they get pregnant, they are not quite completely fully grown.

So it is actually fitting biologically that humans should start reproducing at a pretty young age. But remember too, that most humans now go through puberty at a younger age than they used to.
No. Ages ago, most humans probably didn't live very long. 30 would have been old!
This only calculates if you factor in the infant mortality rate.

The literature of the ancient world is full of old people....as are many modern day primitive societies.

Which brings up another question.

Was God wrong to create humans who usually die before their first birthday...without medical intervention???
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Reproduction is good. Childbirth is good. Humans are good. Let no square inch of the planet remain unpopulated.
Young age? As compared to which species that reproduces at an advanced age?
Yes, god was wrong. Children should be born as adults (this raises certain mechanical difficulties) and ready to screw. All of this "age of consent" nonsense would never have been an issue.
We can ask the same question of God for there being wars, sickness, and death.
One could make arguments for God on the subject of wars, sickness and death.

Wars are necessary to destroy the evil-doers. Those who worship false Gods, and resist the will of the true Hebrew God.

Sickness is God's way of testing faith, as parabled in the story of Job.

And death? Well how else are you going to get to heaven...or the other place?

There is birth...a life testing of one's faith and virtue...and then reward or punishment in the afterlife.
Right and Wrong are subjective opinions, so this thread is useless

you might as well make a thread "is blue the best color?" and argue over it (a subjective opinion)

Where's my balloon!?!

And...is it your view that I will go to hell if I am not Hebrew?